View Poll Results: For PWO

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  • Protein with carbs

    6 85.71%
  • Protein with fat

    1 14.29%
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Thread: fat or carb PWO

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    fat or carb PWO

    I used to think for a few years that you should only have whey protein with carbs after weight lifting and read that in all forums and articles but some guy wrote here that it can be better to eat a pro and fat meal after the work out and that it can be counter productive to have carbs with protein after lifting weights.
    So what do you guys think is best. Carbs with protein or fat and protein for PWO?

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    I am interested in this to, as far as I know fats are to be avoided post workout as they slow digestion. Although kind of contradictory to this I have read that whey (if using as pwo) is not absorbed quick enough to spike our blood amino acid levels anyway?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Carbs for sure. Fat will slow absorption of other nutrients (in this case protein) which is obviously exactly what we DON'T want PWO.

  6. #6
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    is this "carb"answer for bulking... gains..mass.. ?
    or for getting leaner and losing BF? curious

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    is this "carb"answer for bulking... gains..mass.. ?
    or for getting leaner and losing BF? curious
    For bulking I would say carbs 100%. For cutting, I think it's subjective to the individual but alot less important. However, eating fats PWO will STILL slow protein absorption, and that's undesireable regardless of bulking or cutting, so I still think carbs are the better choice. I would most definitely stick with complex carbs on a cut though.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    is this "carb"answer for bulking... gains..mass.. ?
    or for getting leaner and losing BF? curious
    I just wondered what's best for building muscles but some say that you can have carbs fór PWO even if you do a low carb diet like without getting fat. I'm not carb sensitive at all. I can eat a lot of carbs and not become fat but I try to eat as healthy as possible and I only drinmk water with my meals. I eat 5 - 7 meals a day but right now I don't count calories because I often eat different things every day or maybe the same two days in a row. I eat moderate carb and mostly oatmeal, a couple of fruits and potatoes but if I take a high carb and high calorie day I fell like my muscles are bigger and my stomach is smaller than on the days when I eat low or like moderate carb. Btw question can be for both gaining weight and muscles or losing weight but trying to keep muscles.
    Last edited by mrdude; 09-17-2010 at 09:58 AM. Reason: added more text

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrdude View Post
    I just wondered what's best for building muscles but some say that you can have carbs fór PWO even if you do a low carb diet like without getting fat. I'm not carb sensitive at all. I can eat a lot of carbs and not become fat but I try to eat as healthy as possible and I only drinmk water with my meals. I eat 5 - 7 meals a day but right now I don't count calories because I often eat different things every day or maybe the same two days in a row. I eat moderate carb and mostly oatmeal, a couple of fruits and potatoes but if I take a high carb and high calorie day I fell like my muscles are bigger and my stomach is smaller than on the days when I eat low or like moderate carb. Btw question can be for both gaining weight and muscles or losing weight but trying to keep muscles.
    Based on the comment above I would say you are not eating enough. Here are my reasons why, correct me if I am wrong:
    1. You don't get fat from carbs, very rare which leads me to...
    2. you TRY to eat as healthy as possible, which means you don't eat very well
    3 You are not carb sensitive, but you only eat moderate carbs per day
    4. You only eat moderate carbs and when you eat higher carbs (either higher in count or higher in gi) that makes you feel fuller which leads me to believe that on moderate carb days you do not compensate for the lack of carbs with an increase in fat, leading to a low calorie count

    I bet you need to eat more. Overweight under report what they eat, underweight over report what they eat.

  10. #10
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    USA and many other places
    ^^^^might be a good detective!!! glad not meant for me! whew! but I bet true more often than not!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Based on the comment above I would say you are not eating enough. Here are my reasons why, correct me if I am wrong:
    1. You don't get fat from carbs, very rare which leads me to...
    2. you TRY to eat as healthy as possible, which means you don't eat very well
    3 You are not carb sensitive, but you only eat moderate carbs per day
    4. You only eat moderate carbs and when you eat higher carbs (either higher in count or higher in gi) that makes you feel fuller which leads me to believe that on moderate carb days you do not compensate for the lack of carbs with an increase in fat, leading to a low calorie count

    I bet you need to eat more. Overweight under report what they eat, underweight over report what they eat.
    LOL yeah that's probably true. I started lifting weights because I was very skinny and almost didn't have any bodyfat at all. I have to eat a lot to gain weight and if I get get I get skinny fat. You know not so big body but some bodyfat. I should probably take at least two days of rest a week. I both train Jiu jitsu, karate, boxing and do weight lifting.

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