Hi, this is mi diet. I would like to see your suggestions and criticism.
Wake up at 5:30
0. 30-40 grams dextrose + 4 whole eggs
1. 200 oats + 1liter milk (Only the half with the oats, the rest during the day) + 1 whole eggs
2. 200-300 grams chicken or fish. with some rice or potatoes
3. rice or potatoes + 3-4 eggs.
4.post workout shake: 70 grams dextrose, 10g creatine monohydrate, 2 scoop ON whey gold (50g proteins in two scoops).
5. 200-300 grams chicken or fish, with some rice or potatoes
I drink the shake for half an hour before i go to sleep, in front of the computer.
6. 400 grams cottage cheese + 400grams + 1-2 whole eggs (sometimes) - shake.
Notes: I am eating 10 eggs every day, switching from time to time on fish or chicken because 10 eggs every day for long time is not very healthy. I eat around 400 grams white rice, or the equivelent of carbs in potatoes. I am on low budget and sometimes, i eat around 1kg of cottage cheese instead meat, because of the budget. And i am trying to not eat anything sweet, because otherwise i cant all my food. If i dont eat sweet i am hungry, drinking later a lot, but at least half and hour before meal i dont drink any. I am using olive oil and fish for my omegas.
This is the average nutrition content of all the food without the whey and dextrose.
It might be some less, because i dont eat meat every day, cottage cheese instead. Because of budget...