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Thread: Bulk diet oppinion

  1. #1

    Bulk diet oppinion

    Hi, this is mi diet. I would like to see your suggestions and criticism.
    Wake up at 5:30
    0. 30-40 grams dextrose + 4 whole eggs
    1. 200 oats + 1liter milk (Only the half with the oats, the rest during the day) + 1 whole eggs
    2. 200-300 grams chicken or fish. with some rice or potatoes
    3. rice or potatoes + 3-4 eggs. workout shake: 70 grams dextrose, 10g creatine monohydrate, 2 scoop ON whey gold (50g proteins in two scoops).
    5. 200-300 grams chicken or fish, with some rice or potatoes
    I drink the shake for half an hour before i go to sleep, in front of the computer.
    6. 400 grams cottage cheese + 400grams + 1-2 whole eggs (sometimes) - shake.

    Notes: I am eating 10 eggs every day, switching from time to time on fish or chicken because 10 eggs every day for long time is not very healthy. I eat around 400 grams white rice, or the equivelent of carbs in potatoes. I am on low budget and sometimes, i eat around 1kg of cottage cheese instead meat, because of the budget. And i am trying to not eat anything sweet, because otherwise i cant all my food. If i dont eat sweet i am hungry, drinking later a lot, but at least half and hour before meal i dont drink any. I am using olive oil and fish for my omegas.
    This is the average nutrition content of all the food without the whey and dextrose.
    It might be some less, because i dont eat meat every day, cottage cheese instead. Because of budget...
    Last edited by ZobiZobev; 09-19-2010 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Please, comment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Paradise By The Dashboard
    Here's my comment. I got to meal #1 and couldn't get any further.

    You are spiking your insulin by drinking st8 dextrose and then you want about 20g of fat flowing through your bloodstream.

    Please explain this theory.

    Maybe I'm just out of the loop.

    I'm also out of the loop on why you would eat 50g of fat from eggs everyday. Are you on the Rocky diet?

  4. #4
    Now my 0 meal is whey + dextrose. I use dextrose as soon as i wake up because, it is fast carbs and proteins, that i need after the catabolic state from the sleep. I think it is the fastets way to load my body with food, until i get the carbs from the oats. If i eat the eggs in meal 0 instead whey i don't really care, about the fats, because in the morning my metabolism is fast enough. And mainly i eat the whole eggs, because i prefer eating some more fats than wasting protein.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Paradise By The Dashboard

    You seem to exactly what you are doing.

    Don't need my help.


    Ps. Personally, I think you are out of your mind and have read something you shouldn't.

    Good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    you're diet is crap. Read some of the better examples of bulking diets then rewrite and we'll try to help you out. Do some research

  7. #7
    LBSOMEIRON, i've didnot said i dont need help. I am trying to explain what i think, and if it is bad other tells me what is my mistake. This is forum for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Dextrose is an inferior source of carbs plus you don't wanna spike your insulin levels that early in the am. Save the simple carbs for post work out and the rest of your cabs should be low glycemic index carbs, Ditch the potatoes and white rice replace them with sweet potatoes and brown rice for starters. 4 whole eggs is a lot of fat to start your day. Drop it to 2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites. Try oats for carbs in the am. Ok theres all the tips i'm gonna give you till you DO SOME RESEARCH AND REWRITE YOUR DIET!

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