hey guys i wana start a cutting diet but im horrible at it i do cardio and workout everyday but i don;t seen any body fat loss so can you guys help me with diet
hey guys i wana start a cutting diet but im horrible at it i do cardio and workout everyday but i don;t seen any body fat loss so can you guys help me with diet
Post us somthing to work with
What are you planing on eating
What are ur stats
im 5'7
171 lbs
and the eating part is what i need help with
Post your Bodyfat, if u dont know post a pic up
No one is going to write u out a diet, we dont get payd on this board, people will help u but not spoon feed u
You need to read what other people are eating and make a plan, we can then critique
Look at Gbrice's cutting log, follow somthing like his diet
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