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Thread: Bulking diet

  1. #1
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Bulking diet

    Hey guys, since the winter time is almost here and I just started a nice HIT workout for about a month now, I need to get a good muscle mass diet.

    Please check this out and give me any advice!

    Stats: 6'3 at 234 with 15% bf

    Training Day
    7:00am – 10 egg whites, 65gr oats
    9:00am – 2 scoops whey, 1tbsp fish oil
    12:00pm – 6oz tuna/egg salad, whole grain bread with flax seeds
    3:00pm – 6oz steak, 170gr sweet potatoes
    5:00pm – 6oz steak, 170gr sweet potatoes
    6:30pm – workout
    7:00pm – PWO 2 scoops whey, 1scoop dextrose
    9:00pm – 10egg whites, 1tbsp fish oil
    11:00pm – Before bed 6oz tuna/egg salad

    Approx: 320g protein, 195g carbs, 40g fat = 2420 Calories

    Non Training days will be the same except for sweet potatoes in the 3pm meal and no dextorose in PWO. So about total of 120g carbs.

    Thanks a lot!
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 09-28-2010 at 10:02 PM.

  2. #2
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    What are your stats, for one.

    I'm assuming you are on the lighter side?

    Carbs just seem really low for a decent bulk.

    2g per LB?

    Calories are also very low, but again need stats.

    Finally, I'd drop the whey. Whole foods are always superior to shakes and especially whey.

    9am meal is out of place.

    16-20 Cals per LB I'm betting you are fairly low.

  3. #3
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Oh. And 30 minutes of training? Can you even warn up in time?

  4. #4
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    What are your stats, for one.

    I'm assuming you are on the lighter side?

    Carbs just seem really low for a decent bulk.

    2g per LB?

    Calories are also very low, but again need stats.

    Finally, I'd drop the whey. Whole foods are always superior to shakes and especially whey.

    9am meal is out of place.

    16-20 Cals per LB I'm betting you are fairly low.
    I am 6'3 at 234 with 15% right now.

    30 minutes is plenty. I walk in, lift as heavy as possible with 20 seconds in between sets and leave.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 09-28-2010 at 10:03 PM.

  5. #5
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    My guess woukd have been 5'6 And 155lbs. Serious

    You're trying to add size....20 second rest is not the recipe. You can't be training heavy. Not only would squats, deads, bench and rows be impossible, you can't add two plates in 20 seconds dude,

    Nor is 10 calories per LB.

    That diet you posted is truly light for someone half your size.

    Seems to me like you're set in your ways, but the entire plan needs reconstructed.
    Last edited by LBSOMEIRON; 09-28-2010 at 10:55 PM.

  6. #6
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    My guess woukd have been 5'6 And 155lbs. Serious

    You're trying to add size....20 second rest is not the recipe. You can't be training heavy. Not only would squats, deads, bench and rows be impossible, you can't add two plates in 20 seconds dude,

    Nor is 10 calories per LB.

    That diet you posted is truly light for someone half your size.

    Seems to me like you're set in your ways, but the entire plan needs reconstructed.
    Well, let me hear your suggestions for the diet! The training is going great so far. Fine maybe I exaggarated with the 20 second rest. I basically built my workout around the HIT principles and it works great. It really does take me less then 30 minutes though. I just know my diet is weak.

    I am never set in my ways since I don't know everything!
    Help me out man!


  7. #7
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    For your diet, you have some good carbs in there but my suggestion would be to add fiberous veggies to the two meals with sweet pototoes. The carbs have no real GI impact. Also on your PWO shake i don't know how many carbs are in 1 scoup of dextrose but I'd make sure i was getting at least 50 carbs post work out. Possibly make your shake with half simple and half complex carbs. 1 scoup dextrose and 1/2 cup oats. Id also add 2 whole eggs to each of your egg meals LB is right you're never going to be able to break down muscle tissue and stimulate protien synthesis with 20 seconds rest between sets. I rest for 30 seconds even when i'm cutting and trying to keep my heart rate up while i work out. IMO you need to rest longer so you can lift harder.
    Last edited by scotty51312; 09-29-2010 at 07:25 AM.

  8. #8
    tembe's Avatar
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    calories are way too low...crazy low

    im currently bulking and im only 196 poounds at 5 ft 8 and im eating 3300 calories which i consider a lean bulk haha...

    you should be eating over 4000 calories from a quick look at ur out ur bmr....tdee and add 500 calories onto that and tell me how much it is.

  9. #9
    tembe's Avatar
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    if it was personally up to me i probably wouldnt even bulk atm..

    u are already at 15%..maybe drop it a bit then think bout lean bulking? cos soon ur gunna hit 18,19,20% and u will lose a fair amount of muscle when u try and cut down to low teens...


  10. #10
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Yeah that too^^^ i'm 6' 215 and I eat 2400 calories on a cutting diet.

  11. #11
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Put an end to this calorie debate and work out your TDEE. This will give you a rough figure to work around.

    I agree with the others though, for somebody looking to add mass, calories are most likely WAY low.

  12. #12
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Personally, I think you need a thousand calories (EXTRA), just to start. I do it in the form of 300 calories from fat and 700 from carbs. Protein is high enough. SO, add 33 grams of fat over the course of the day (4 tb of pb) and 175g of carbs (3 cups of oats dry).

    I think that will put you exactly where you should be.

    Having said that, I'm really scared to recommend any calorie increase given your training. In order to get big you have to lift big. It is literally impossible, I do not care what anyone says, to lift effin heavy with 20 seconds rest - even 30, even 40. deadlift. 135x10 - rest 20 seconds, fine. 225x8, rest 30 seconds fine. 315x8 rest 3...umm no. maybe 90 seconds. 405x6 - rest two minutes ...475 rest 2-3 minutes.

    Bench - 135x8, rest 30 sec. fine. 225x8 rest 40 seconds. 1-2 minutes. 315x8 - rest 2 minutes 3 minutes.

    AND SQUAT?? Forget's 3 minutes minimum. So, in just 30 minutes is 3,500 calories going to make you fat? I'm not sure.

  13. #13
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Ps. If your bulking diet is 2,400 calories, what is your diet now?

    It may be why your bf% is high. Your body thinks it's starving and is hoarding everything you put in your mouth as fat.

    Just a thought.

  14. #14
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Hmmm... interesting.

    Well, damn... so BMR is calculated based on the LBM and NOT the total mass right?

    If so, my BMR should be around 2100 calories and TDEE at about 3400 calories.

    I am gonna be such a fat ass.

    Thanks for some very good points guys. I mean, it's like ALL vs ME in this thread and looking at your avatars, you sure know way the hell more about dieting than myself.

    I am going for it then.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 09-29-2010 at 09:49 AM.

  15. #15
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    your TDEE should be your target intake for maintenance.. you should be adding 500 cal on top of your TDEE to build muscle... sp you should be taking in 400 cal a day.. so do your diet the same but do 1.5 as much every meal and you should be fine.

  16. #16
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    i disagree about the amount of carbs you need... i do a 50/35/15 split. (in grams not calories).. but most people recomend 40/40/20

    i was your stats a year ago 5'10" 225lbs and went up to 245lbs in a year naturally.. i ate roughly 450g of protien, 300g of carbs and 100 g of fat a day.. gained 20lbs naturally, pretty much all muscle too..

    you can have a higher protien diet as long as you incorporate leafy greens in with your carbs or some other high fiber carbs to help move the protien through your system

    standard rul is 1.5-2g of protien per pound of LBM.. so at your stats you should be doing about the same as i did

  17. #17
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i disagree about the amount of carbs you need... i do a 50/35/15 split. (in grams not calories).. but most people recomend 40/40/20

    i was your stats a year ago 5'10" 225lbs and went up to 245lbs in a year naturally.. i ate roughly 450g of protien, 300g of carbs and 100 g of fat a day..
    450g protein a day, what the sh!t...

  18. #18
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Ok, here we go... Even though some of you guys might think this is not enough and you may be right, this still will be a dramatic change to what I have been eating therefore the results should be dramatic as well.

    Training Day
    7:00am – 2 scoops whey, 1tbsp fish oil
    7:15am – low intensity cardio – 30 minutes
    8:30am – 10egg whites, 2whole eggs, 65g oats
    12:00pm – 6oz tuna/egg salad, whole grain bread with flax seeds
    3:00pm – 6oz steak, 170gr sweet potatoes, 1cup green beans
    5:00pm – 6oz steak, 170gr sweet potatoes, 1cup green beans
    6:30pm – workout
    7:00pm – PWO 2 scoops Syntha-6, 15g dextrose, 1/2cup oats
    9:00pm – 10egg whites, 1tbsp fish oil, whole grain bread with flax seeds
    11:00pm – Before bed 6oz steak, 1tbsp fish oil, 1cup green beans

    Approx: 355g protein, 255g carbs, 55g fat = 2935 Calories

  19. #19
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Having said that, I'm really scared to recommend any calorie increase given your training. In order to get big you have to lift big. It is literally impossible, I do not care what anyone says, to lift effin heavy with 20 seconds rest - even 30, even 40. deadlift. 135x10 - rest 20 seconds, fine. 225x8, rest 30 seconds fine. 315x8 rest 3...umm no. maybe 90 seconds. 405x6 - rest two minutes ...475 rest 2-3 minutes.

    Bench - 135x8, rest 30 sec. fine. 225x8 rest 40 seconds. 1-2 minutes. 315x8 - rest 2 minutes 3 minutes.

    AND SQUAT?? Forget's 3 minutes minimum. So, in just 30 minutes is 3,500 calories going to make you fat? I'm not sure.
    Agreed a thousand percent.

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Hmmm... interesting.

    Well, damn... so BMR is calculated based on the LBM and NOT the total mass right?

    If so, my BMR should be around 2100 calories and TDEE at about 3400 calories.

    I am gonna be such a fat ass.

    Thanks for some very good points guys. I mean, it's like ALL vs ME in this thread and looking at your avatars, you sure know way the hell more about dieting than myself.

    I am going for it then.
    It's not all vs. you bro, you came here for advice and we're trying to steer you in the right direction.

    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i disagree about the amount of carbs you need... i do a 50/35/15 split. (in grams not calories).. but most people recomend 40/40/20

    i was your stats a year ago 5'10" 225lbs and went up to 245lbs in a year naturally.. i ate roughly 450g of protien, 300g of carbs and 100 g of fat a day.. gained 20lbs naturally, pretty much all muscle too..

    you can have a higher protien diet as long as you incorporate leafy greens in with your carbs or some other high fiber carbs to help move the protien through your system

    standard rul is 1.5-2g of protien per pound of LBM.. so at your stats you should be doing about the same as i did
    50% of your diet coming from protein? That's overkill, and a waste. And 450g of protein? Sorry man, there's no way you need that. How bout them kidney's?

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Ok, here we go... Even though some of you guys might think this is not enough and you may be right, this still will be a dramatic change to what I have been eating therefore the results should be dramatic as well.

    Training Day
    7:00am – 2 scoops whey, 1tbsp fish oil

    Might want to drop this and do your cardio on an empty stomach. Take BCAA's instead, before and after cardio

    7:15am – low intensity cardio – 30 minutes

    8:30am – 10egg whites, 2whole eggs, 65g oats

    Good! You can do the whey shake here too if you want for a bit more (and fast) protein

    12:00pm – 6oz tuna/egg salad, whole grain bread with flax seeds

    tuna is fine, tuna salad is not. flax sucks for BBing also. Try for a more natural carb source - sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, lentils, beans, etc

    3:00pm – 6oz steak, 170gr sweet potatoes, 1cup green beans

    Great meal

    5:00pm – 6oz steak, 170gr sweet potatoes, 1cup green beans

    6:30pm – workout

    7:00pm – PWO 2 scoops Syntha-6, 15g dextrose, 1/2cup oats

    9:00pm – 10egg whites, 1tbsp fish oil, whole grain bread with flax seeds

    I guess this is ok, but personally i'd go for a better protein AND carb source. Also add some veggies

    11:00pm – Before bed 6oz steak, 1tbsp fish oil, 1cup green beans


    Approx: 355g protein, 255g carbs, 55g fat = 2935 Calories
    Diet comments above in bold OP

  20. #20
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    I agree with GB -

    Normally I say 'drop the cardio', but you're a big guy. Keep it and you gains should be pretty good.

    Here's the 64 thousand dolar question. Where are your calories right now? You want to increase your calories in increments of 500. Cranking the calories off the bat isn't a good idea.

    It's a lot of red meat, but I too am a fan of red meat.

    I don't know (and am too lazy) to do the conversion.

    Oats should be 1 cup - dry

    Rice should be 1 cup - cooked

    Yams, pots, etc should be 6-8 ounces....I have a feeling you are on the lighter side.


  21. #21
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i disagree about the amount of carbs you need... i do a 50/35/15 split. (in grams not calories).. but most people recomend 40/40/20

    i was your stats a year ago 5'10" 225lbs and went up to 245lbs in a year naturally.. i ate roughly 450g of protien, 300g of carbs and 100 g of fat a day.. gained 20lbs naturally, pretty much all muscle too..

    you can have a higher protien diet as long as you incorporate leafy greens in with your carbs or some other high fiber carbs to help move the protien through your system

    standard rul is 1.5-2g of protien per pound of LBM.. so at your stats you should be doing about the same as i did
    Actually, I 'somewhat' agree.

    I feel that my gains and a direct result of my protein consumption. I've tried 1g/lb, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and as much as 3.....I feel the best right around the 2g/lb mark. High in the eyes of many, but realistic for me.

    So although 450g seems high Uber, you gotta remeber bro you are a big dude. It's the cats eating 450g at a buck fifty that shpuld be rethinking their plan.

  22. #22
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=LBSOMEIRON;5374401]I agree with GB -

    Normally I say 'drop the cardio', but you're a big guy. Keep it and you gains should be pretty good.

    Here's the 64 thousand dolar question. Where are your calories right now? You want to increase your calories in increments of 500. Cranking the calories off the bat isn't a good idea.


    Yes, this is a great question and yeah you are right, my calories have been only at about 1850-2100 a day for a good while now. I just wonder, if I was so low on calories, where the hell did my body get it's nutrients to make me grow at the rate that I do.

    Also, should I lower my calorie intake for non-training days?

    What are some great BCAA's ?

    Thanks a lot for your time guys!

  23. #23
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=UberSteroids;5374416][QUOTE=LBSOMEIRON;5374401]I agree with GB -

    Normally I say 'drop the cardio', but you're a big guy. Keep it and you gains should be pretty good.

    Here's the 64 thousand dolar question. Where are your calories right now? You want to increase your calories in increments of 500. Cranking the calories off the bat isn't a good idea.

    Yes, this is a great question and yeah you are right, my calories have been only at about 1850-2100 a day for a good while now. I just wonder, if I was so low on calories, where the hell did my body get it's nutrients to make me grow at the rate that I do.

    Also, should I lower my calorie intake for non-training days?

    What are some great BCAA's ?

    Thanks a lot for your time guys!
    I use ON's (Optimum Nutrition) - they're a good deal and I've always liked the brand.

  24. #24
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    [QUOTE=UberSteroids;5374416][QUOTE=LBSOMEIRON;5374401]I agree with GB -

    Normally I say 'drop the cardio', but you're a big guy. Keep it and you gains should be pretty good.

    Here's the 64 thousand dolar question. Where are your calories right now? You want to increase your calories in increments of 500. Cranking the calories off the bat isn't a good idea.

    Yes, this is a great question and yeah you are right, my calories have been only at about 1850-2100 a day for a good while now. I just wonder, if I was so low on calories, where the hell did my body get it's nutrients to make me grow at the rate that I do.

    Also, should I lower my calorie intake for non-training days?

    What are some great BCAA's ?

    Thanks a lot for your time guys!
    Christ bro - You are starving yourself - As completely constructive as I can be.....So, we need to start around 2,600 and increase 250-500 per week. Your goal is 1-2 lbs a week.

    SO, make the revisions GB mentioned and get in the additional cals via carbs. Add in one cup of oats s/b about 150 extra calories to your orginal diet. Also, let's remove the shakes completely (except post workout) - sub in the same calories with a good pro/carb meal (beef,chick,fish) - (1 cup of oats dry or 6-8 oz Yam, or 1 cup rice cooked)

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