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Thread: Old guy making a comeback...

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    tbody66's Avatar
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    Old guy making a comeback...

    I had a minor pec tear a little over a year ago and did not lift for a year, I have been back for five full weeks of lifting, four days a week. I used the BMI scales at my gym, when I began my first day back it showed my bodyfat to be 31.8% and I weighed 184#, last night it showed my bodyfat at 22.2% and I weighed 189#, after only five weeks back and not taking any AAS.

    I am 5' 6", 189#, 44 years old. I am posting pics for a few reasons. #1 - personal accountability and motivation to bust my butt in the gym, #2 - Hawaii vacation scheduled for March 1st and #3 - I comment on others pics in this forum and don't believe I should do so if I am not willing to post my own.

    Any and all comments/critiques/encouragements are welcome. This is a great site with great members and forums.

    Just so you know, my personal short-term goals are to lose 7% more bodyfat and weigh 205#, odds of this happening by March 1st (exactly five months from now)???
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Old guy making a comeback...-10022010muscle2.jpg   Old guy making a comeback...-10022010muscle3.jpg   Old guy making a comeback...-10022010muscle6.jpg   Old guy making a comeback...-10022010muscle13.jpg  

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Hey man, congrats on getting back on and your progress thus far. IMO, forget about trying to get to 205 right now and just concentrate on dropping the bodyfat. You clearly have a good solid base under there, and I think you'll look really good when you lower the bodyfat. I don't think you're more than 20%. At 13% I believe you'll be really happy, and you can most definitely achieve that by March - you can probably get even lower if you really bust your ass.

    You need to focus on one or the other, gaining or losing. Chances of dropping 7% bodyfat AND going from 189lbs to 205 by March are... well... impossible as far as i'm concerned. Focus on cutting and and you'll be gtg, add the mass later.

  3. #3
    tbody66's Avatar
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    I am sure that if I just keep on doing like I'm doing I'll be pleased. I never trust any BMI scale for accuracy, but if you use the same one consistenlty the difference should be accurate. With that thought process in five weeks I lost 15.5 lbs of fat and gained 21.5 lbs of muscle. I do appreciate your honest opinion, if I can lose another 10 lbs of fat and gain 15 lbs of muscle in five months, I think I'll be happy with that. I believe that is possible. 195 lbs with 15% bodyfat will make my wife proud to be seen with me on the beach.
    Last edited by tbody66; 10-03-2010 at 12:16 PM. Reason: Poor Math

  4. #4
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good job !
    Keep the forties crowd strong .

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I am sure that if I just keep on doing like I'm doing I'll be pleased. I never trust any BMI scale for accuracy, but if you use the same one consistenlty the difference should be accurate. With that thought process in five weeks I lost 15.5 lbs of fat and gained 11.5 lbs of muscle. I do appreciate your honest opinion, if I can lose another 10 lbs of fat and gain 15 lbs of muscle in five months, I think I'll be happy with that. I believe that is possible. 195 lbs with 15% bodyfat will make my wife proud to be seen with me on the beach.
    I absolutely agree with you about consistently using an inaccurate scale/measuring device - the difference should still be accurate. People never seem to understand this when I explain it, so thank you for letting me know i'm not insane!

    If you've been able to gain that much muscle while reducing 15+ lbs. of fat, God bless you, I wish you all the success and i'd love to see your workout regimen and diet!

  6. #6
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    okay, this ain't pretty, but it's true on all lifting days. I own a delivery route and drive my truck 150 miles a day delivering product to a dozen different stores.
    16 0z water when I wake up followed by a dozen supplements my chiropractor has me on for my body chemistry.
    meal 1: omelette, 2 eggs(yolks in) onions, ham, mushrooms and one jalepeno, 12 oz glass of skim milk, 8 oz cup of coffee with cream and sugar
    20 oz water
    meal 2: granola bar and generic ensure
    20 oz water
    meal 3: protein shot, 3 beef sticks
    20 oz water
    meal 4: granola bar and generic ensure
    20 oz water
    pre work-out: 16 oz sugar free monster
    post work-out: protein shot
    meal 5: grilled white fish 2 fillets, sweet potato topped with white vinegar, one half avocado with lime juice salt and pepper, canned veggie of the night, 12 oz glass of skim milk
    20 oz water
    meal six: 12 oz skim milk with one scoop of soy protein and two tbls of cocoa powder
    nighty night: 16 oz water

    mon: Chest/Shoulders/Tris

    Bench: 3 sets 8-12 reps last set to failure, this is after a gradual warm up to a one rep max attempt and back down to workout weight
    Decline Dumbell Bench: 3 sets progressive weight 8-12 reps with a final burnout set to failure with the starting weight for this exercise
    Flat Bench Flye: 3 sets 20 reps, full stretch slow and controlled
    Military press: 5 sets 8-12 reps last set to failure
    Lateral Raises: 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Upright rows: 3 sets 8-12 reps last set drop set to failure, superset these with my next exercise
    Dips: 3 sets to failure with bodyweight
    Triceps pushdowns: 3 sets 8-12 reps, last set to failure
    (I do calf raises between chest exercises this day for legs, my calfs suck)

    Tue: Back/Biceps

    Lateral Pulldowns: 3 sets 8-12 reps, dropset to failure (wide grip palms facing away pulldown in front)
    Bentover Rows: 3 sets 8-12 reps, last set to failure
    One Arm Dumbell Row: 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Hammer Curls: 3 sets 8-12 reps, last set to failure
    Concentration curls: 3 sets 8-12 reps, dropset to failure

    Thu: Legs

    Squat: 3 sets 15-20 reps
    Stiff legged deadlifts: 3 sets 135# 11 reps, full stretch slow and controlled down and up.
    I superset the next three exercises in a circuit five sets, progressive weight with a dropset on the final set
    leg extensions
    lying leg curls
    calf raises

    Fri: Chest/Back/Triceps/Biceps

    Incline Bench: 3 sets 8-12 reps, last set to failure
    SuperSet with Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets 20 reps twisting pinkies together at the top
    SuperSet with Seated Row Wide Grip: 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Reverse Grip Flat Bench: 3 sets 8-12 reps
    SuperSet with Reverse Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Tricep Pushdowns: 5 sets progressive weight to failure with a final dropset to failure
    SuperSet with Standing Rope Curls: 5 sets progressive weight to failure with a final dropset to failure
    Skull Crushers: 3 sets progressive weight to failure with a final dropset to failure
    SuperSet with Standing Barbell Curls: 3 sets to failure witha final dropset to failure

  7. #7
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    The odds of you hitting your goal of dropping 7% Bf is far from impossible when you are in the 20% range.

    The odds of you hitting that goal with your current diet is absolutely zero.

    I'm in the airport but will comment later.

    For now, take your ham, skim milk, granola bars and ensure (WTF? Are you 85 and in a nursing home) and grab a hefty garbage bag. Empty said foods into the bag and take it to the curb for the garbage men.

    Eggs, lean meat, fish should make up 90% of your diet

    How bad did you say you wanted this?.

  8. #8
    flatscat's Avatar
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    great job - and your not an "old guy" bro. Clean up ur diet, keep doing what your doing and no matter what your numbers are, you will be ready for march. Good luck!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    The odds of you hitting your goal of dropping 7% Bf is far from impossible when you are in the 20% range.

    The odds of you hitting that goal with your current diet is absolutely zero.

    I'm in the airport but will comment later.

    For now, take your ham, skim milk, granola bars and ensure (WTF? Are you 85 and in a nursing home) and grab a hefty garbage bag. Empty said foods into the bag and take it to the curb for the garbage men.

    Eggs, lean meat, fish should make up 90% of your diet

    How bad did you say you wanted this?.
    His goal was 2 part - dropping 7% more bodyfat AND adding 15lbs within 6 months. I suppose if he cut really hard first to drop the 7%, then worked 100% at trying to add 15lbs of lean mass, it's doable. Very ambitious IMO though.

    LOL at the bold!

  10. #10
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    I'm not arguing any of the above points, but I will point out that this is what I have been doing for five weeks and lost 9.6% bodyfat doing so, and I probably shouldn't even tell you that each of my non lift days are cheat days for my diet. The unknown is...How much does muscle memory play into my results, since I maintain 15% bodyfat at around 185# almost anytime I am lifting steady. Also realize that I am taking no supplements or AAS other than protein.

    BTW, nice new pic gbrice75, do you have a thread here with your pics?

  11. #11
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I'm not arguing any of the above points, but I will point out that this is what I have been doing for five weeks and lost 9.6% bodyfat doing so, and I probably shouldn't even tell you that each of my non lift days are cheat days for my diet. The unknown is...How much does muscle memory play into my results, since I maintain 15% bodyfat at around 185# almost anytime I am lifting steady. Also realize that I am taking no supplements or AAS other than protein.

    BTW, nice new pic gbrice75, do you have a thread here with your pics?
    DO what you asked for help, we offered suggestions. I'll bet you a dime to a dollar you bf stops dropping on the above diet. Dropping 10% is easy (easier props btw) when you are teetering on 30%. Getting from 20 to 10 is a bitch. Getting from 10-9 is even harder.

    Ask GB - who is trying to show me up with hisw avatar I'll have to pull some new ones out of the closet

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    DO what you asked for help, we offered suggestions. I'll bet you a dime to a dollar you bf stops dropping on the above diet. Dropping 10% is easy (easier props btw) when you are teetering on 30%. Getting from 20 to 10 is a bitch. Getting from 10-9 is even harder.

    Ask GB - who is trying to show me up with hisw avatar I'll have to pull some new ones out of the closet
    I defer to the more learned on the diet (both you and gbrice) Spell it out for me, plain and simple and I'll do it. You need to know this though, I have always been a little guy and it is way too hard for me to gain the mass, I will freak out when I start losing strength and muscle, so please make a diet plan that will keep as much of what I have as possible. I currently do zero cardio so you have that to play with and keep in mind I have almost five full months so I don't need drastic yet.

    Sincere thanks ahead of time and can't wait to eat right!

  13. #13
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I'm not arguing any of the above points, but I will point out that this is what I have been doing for five weeks and lost 9.6% bodyfat doing so, and I probably shouldn't even tell you that each of my non lift days are cheat days for my diet. The unknown is...How much does muscle memory play into my results, since I maintain 15% bodyfat at around 185# almost anytime I am lifting steady. Also realize that I am taking no supplements or AAS other than protein.

    BTW, nice new pic gbrice75, do you have a thread here with your pics?
    Thanks bro, yea - you can check out and/or follow my progress log at

    I uploaded some new pics yesterday, and there is a link early in the thread of some from a few months ago, which I think look the same but LB says are different - I'm going with his opinion over mine lol!

    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    DO what you asked for help, we offered suggestions. I'll bet you a dime to a dollar you bf stops dropping on the above diet. Dropping 10% is easy (easier props btw) when you are teetering on 30%. Getting from 20 to 10 is a bitch. Getting from 10-9 is even harder.

    Ask GB - who is trying to show me up with hisw avatar I'll have to pull some new ones out of the closet
    Agree 100% on the 30 to 20, even 30 to 15 wasn't a big deal. I'm around 15% now, and the goal is 10% - and yes, it's a bitch! Things I was able to get away with when dropping from 30 to 15 (multiple cheat days? tisk tisk) are no longer an option. It really is taking this to the next level. Single digits... well I don't even want to think about that now. 10% is the next stop, i'm focused on that for now.

    LOL yea LB, i'm no doubt showing you up! Just look at my huge wide lats... I mean... you should be so ashamed, i think your avy should come down immediately! Or maybe it's my popping delts... be scared, GRRR!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I defer to the more learned on the diet (both you and gbrice) Spell it out for me, plain and simple and I'll do it. You need to know this though, I have always been a little guy and it is way too hard for me to gain the mass, I will freak out when I start losing strength and muscle, so please make a diet plan that will keep as much of what I have as possible. I currently do zero cardio so you have that to play with and keep in mind I have almost five full months so I don't need drastic yet.

    Sincere thanks ahead of time and can't wait to eat right!
    Considering your goals, I think your best bet right now would be a maintenance diet, and you need to start doing the cardio to create a small deficit. Just to reiterate what LB said before - I also continued the same diet that got me down from 255lbs to 185lbs - and guess what? I stayed the same for over 6 months. After a while, adjustments are needed. Your body composition changes and therefore your caloric and nutritional needs do as well. I believe we can make you a killer diet, then it's up to you to stick with it and make it work for you.

  14. #14
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    I'm ready, you and LB come up with the diet and I'll head to the grocery store, keep in mind I'm in a tiny town in kansas so keep it simple so I don't have to internet order my food, the good news is I have a direct source for home grown 100% organic beef and buffalo, so throw that in if it fits. I've been reading up on Bison meat, Branch Warren is a fan, and loving what I'm reading.

  15. #15
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    I think I can speak on LB's behalf here... neither of us are going to come up with your diet for you. I will post some very useful info below as a guideline for you to follow. Based on this info, you should be able to come up with a very nice diet which we will help you tweak and sort out from there. Also, you can check out the many other diet's we've critiqued (diet section) to get an idea of what we're talking about. When you post up your new improved diet, be sure to include time of day for each meal, where your workout fits in, and all macro info in the form of P/C/F/total calories. This will give us everything we need to work on it with you. Here's the info, thanks to Damienm05 for compiling:

    BMR/TDEE formula:

    Let’s start with BMR. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. AKA – how many calories you burn each day by just sitting on your ass. In order to figure out your BMR, you need to know what your lean body mass is. In turn, you need to know what your body fat percentage is.

    If you don’t know your body fat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please don’t use electronic scales to get your bf % checked, they're horrible). If you don’t have a gym that offers this service; ask me and I’ll give you a pretty good estimate.

    With your bf % in hand, here’s the formula:

    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    Total weight x bf % in decimal form = total bf weight

    Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

    For example:

    I am 6'1 210 lbs at 10% body fat... so I would multiply 210 by .10 (converted from percent to decimal) = 21 lbs
    210 – 21 = 189 lbs lean body weight

    189 / 2.2 = 86.0 lean mass in kg

    370 + (21.6 x 86) = 2227.6 BMR (this is high for the average person)

    Now that we have a BMR figure, we can move on to TDEE. Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is how many calories we actually use during the day via our BMR and activities such as work, exercise and various tasks. We can figure this number out with simple math but be honest because this figure is to be the cornerstone of your diet and healthy lifestyle. We need to determine your activity level. We’ll choose from a few levels:

    § If you are sedentary (little or no exercise): Calorie - Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    § If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    § If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    § If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    § If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    For example:

    I train with weights 5 days for 90 minutes per week. I play hockey three times per week
    for 90 minutes. I do 60 minutes of cardio training 5 times per week as well. I also practice my sport 3 times per week for 90 minutes. Either via skating or puck/shooting drills. All are high-intensity. I am between very and extra active. Let’s say BMR x 1.8. My TDEE is 4010.

    In terms of food choices, here goes:

    I love analogies. Let’s use a good one. Think of your perfect body as a house that you must build. You’ve figured out your BMR and TDEE, so you know the exact specs of the property you have to work with. You know how exercise affects weight loss and how much of a caloric deficit/surplus we must create to lose/gain said weight; so you know how to build - you understand architecture. You also know the pace you intend on losing/gaining weight at based on these other factors, so you know it will be harder to get your house built in weeks as opposed to months. The only thing left is the tools/building material you must use and because you don’t know how to eat, you still can’t build anything. At least, not well. Sure, you can starve yourself for a few months but you’ll just gain all the weight back in a couple weeks of binge drinking and shitty eating on a vacation – you’re house will fall down!

    So, let’s talk tools baby. Let’s talk food. First off, there are only 3 types of foods/macronutrients. Protein. Carbohydrates. Fat. That’s it.

    Protein – 4 calories per gram - Building material. Bricks. You can’t gain energy from protein, you can only use it to build muscle/skin/hair/nails. It’s basically just amino acids and it’s what our bodies are made of. As such, we need lots of it. 1g of protein per body lb is a good number to shoot for . Go as high as 2g per body lb if you’re lifting weights and trying to build muscle. For example, I am 207 lbs and I eat between 300-400 grams per day. Our body can only break down so much at one time however, so we want to eat 20-40 grams of protein in every meal, several times per day. Protein, being building material only and not energy/labor – the body can rarely find a reason for it to be stored as fat. If you must over-eat – make it lean meat/fish.

    Carbs – 4 calories per gram - Think of these as human labor for your house. Think of sugar as dudes you pick up out front of home depot and oatmeal as a skilled carpenter. Both are carbs, both serve very different purposes. Carbs help transport essential nutrients to the muscles, create glycogen stores, and as such, increase protein synthesis but do not build muscle; they are simply an energy source. As such, they should only be eaten/used when we need energy. Any carbs we ingest before bed or before watching a movie, or something sedentary are not used as energy, and as such, are more likely to be stored in the body as glycogen (glucose/water in our muscles that we will use when doing high-intensity exercise). Once our glycogen reserves are full, they will spill over and be stored as fat. Yes, they will make you fat. Carbs can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

    Fats – 9 calories per gram - Like carbs, fats are an energy source, not a building material like protein. They provide nowhere near as much energy as carbs however. Ask anyone who's on a ketogenic diet. With regard to our house, think of fats as the glue/cement. They provide much needed essential fatty acids, which are great for joint/organ health and increase our protein synthesis. Going back to our analogy, cement/glue increases the effectiveness of bricks! If we give our bodies the right fats, it will be able to burn stored body fat quickly as it won’t see any use in keeping it. Remember, like carbs – not all fat is good and ALL fat is high in calories so watch out. A tablespoon of peanut butter can be a good addition to a meal. Snacking on 5-6 tablespoons, however, means you’ve just eaten over your TDEE for the day.

    Acceptable proteins for your healthy lifestyle diet:

    The goal is to eat lean protein. Meats/other sources low in fat/carbs.

    § Ground beef (93% lean or better)
    § Lean steak (Flank, flat iron, or top sirloin)
    § Bison sirloin (the highest quality red meat)
    § Chicken breast
    § Turkey breast
    § Tuna (canned or sushi grade)
    § Salmon
    § Tilapia (mostly all white fish)
    § All shellfish
    § Venison
    § Whey protein (post-workout recovery purposes only)
    § Casein/Cottage cheese (before bed only)

    Black-List Protein sources. Do not eat these because they are high in fat. And not the
    good kind we find in nuts and olive oil – I’m talking about cholesterol raising saturated

    § Bacon
    § Sausage
    § Expensive fat-marbled Steaks (Ribeye, Strip, Filet)
    § Pork and beef ribs
    § Pork/Lamb chops
    § Restaurant ground beef (80/20 fat – most burgers)
    § Duck
    § Chicken legs/thighs
    § Chicken skin
    § Cheese

    Acceptable Carbs for your healthy lifestlyle:

    Complex carbs are now your creed. These are slower-digesting, natural, low on the glycemic index carbohydrates that digest slowly and provide us with sustained energy. They do not drastically affect our blood sugar and do not cause insulin spikes. Thus our body sees no reason to store them as fat, it would rather burn them for energy. Simple carbs such as enriched white breads/pastas/rice/potatoes/sugars (including most fruit) cause insulin spikes and are high GI foods. They should not be eaten when on a strict diet. Fruit can be consumed early in the day or pre/post-workout because of it’s high nutritional value but should usually be avoided due to being a form of simple sugar. Remember, healthy, low-calorie foods aren’t always the correct foods and such is the case with fruit.

    § Oats/Oatmeal
    § Grits/Cornmeal
    § Unsalted/non-buttered popcorn (great, low-cal snack)
    § Sweet potato (the best choice)
    § Butternut squash
    § Whole wheat pasta (not enriched)
    § Organic whole wheat bread (not enriched wonder bread crap)
    § Brown rice
    § Ezekiel bread
    § Swedish grain bread
    § Gluten free bread
    § Wheat couscous
    § Corn
    § Quinoa
    § Lentils
    § Beans
    § Many more, look up the GI (glycemic index) for healthy choices

    Black List:

    § White pasta
    § White bread
    § Baguette
    § Bagels
    § Cookies, cake, muffins, cupcakes, all sweets basically.
    § White couscous
    § White rice
    § You get the idea…

    Don’t get discouraged upon reading this list. I still make desserts all the time with whole
    grain flour and splenda. I buy bagels and baguettes at the health food store that use
    complex carbs as a base. If you’re dedicated, you don’t have to miss out 100%

    Acceptable fats for your healthy lifestyle:

    We look for fat sources that are high in omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Also, many are high in protein. We do not want saturated fats such as butter, cream, meat fat. We don’t want test tube fats like trans (the worst). We want mono/polyunsaturated fats that our body can use for something other than calories. Remember, even good fats are high in calories.

    § Natural peanut butter (no sugar added, just roasted peanuts)
    § Natural almond butter
    § Cashews
    § Almonds
    § Peanuts
    § Flax seeds
    § Flax seed oil
    § Salmon and Trout (great fatty proteins)
    § Fish oil
    § Extra virgin olive oil (should be used on all veggies/salads)
    § Chia seeds
    § Grapeseed oil
    § Macadamia nut oil

    Acceptable miscellaneous foods:

    These foods don’t provide much as far as macronutrients but are great for adding vitamins/minerals and taste. Notice some of these other foods are dairy. Dairy is another animal’s milk. We lack the enzymes to digest it as they do and it’s high in fat/sugar. It should only be eaten early in the day for nutrient purposes with the exception of whey and casein (cottage cheese).

    § Skim milk (Hood brand is only 45 calories and 3g of sugar per cup)
    § Greek yogurt (no sugar added)
    § Berries (all berries are much lower in sugar than other fruits and packed with fiber/nutrients – eat berries)
    § Green Vegetables. These are technically carbs but they are packed with fiber (a type of carb that isn’t used as energy or stored). In bodybuilding/nutrition – we refer to most vegetables as fibrous carbohydrates. While a serving of Broccoli may have 6g of carbs, 5 are from fiber. Meaning that it contains only 1g of storable carbohydrates. In addition, green vegetables are a calorie neutral/negative food (our body uses more calories to digest them than they contain – think celery). Veggies should be eaten with every meal. Every day. If you do this, you can become almost impervious to getting sick. Some vegetables are better than others for healthy diets.
    § Many non-green vegetables. Most are fine – just check labels, some have a good bit of sugar and should be eaten in moderation only (carrots)

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    Aren't avocado's a good source of good fats too? The local grocery has a good supply of them, ripe and not too expensive, and where does the bison meat fit in, if at all?

  17. #17
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Avacado's are a great source, bison meat is probably a top choice for me. Bison is on the list above, avacado's aren't - probably just an oversight.

  18. #18
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    Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, I'm off to eat clean and grow!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    hi-ho, hi-ho, i'm off to eat clean and grow!!!

  20. #20
    Ishallnocheatmyself's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, I'm off to eat clean and grow!!!
    yeah so i just got this tatted on my arm i liked it so much! , it will remind me how to become as big as hulk hogan! look at my tat and read the how to bulk slogan

  21. #21
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    It was a new day, didn't have time to go to the grocery store and prepare my meals properly, but no ensure, pure protein shots with one beef stick for my 6am, 9am, 3pm, 6pm meals, chili lime talapia with rice pilaf and steamed broccoli for lunch (applebees) with tea sweetened with sweet-n-low, workout at 6:30 - 7:30, back and biceps with calf raises between back sets, first time I did Deadlifts since I got back to training, only three sets of 6 reps with 225#, good form and really felt that in the back (I know, I'm a wuss!), did narrow seated rows and narrow grip pull-downs before dumbell sets for biceps of hammer curls and finished with one arm dumbbell preacher curls ending with dropset to failure, I still have a pump. For dinner afterward I had talapia, brown rice, a half of a sweet potatoe with rice vinegar and a half of an avocado with lime juice, oh and 16 ounces of skim milk. I promise I will get to the store by this weekend and be perfect afterwards, but please tell me this was better than the ensure and granola...please???...

  22. #22
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Forgetting the diet for a minute, deads, squats, bench and rows are what separates the men from the boys.

    The weight means nothing. So long as you keep pushing the envelope, those movements will send your metabolism and testosterone into high gear.

    Get to the store. Get some flavored tuna packs if you are on the road a lot. No draining, just tear the top off and slam it.

  23. #23
    bigboomer's Avatar
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    I would try putting half a day sunday or whatever day you can.Shop for the whole week ,and xook all you foods for the week..Thats what I do an db it make my life much easier..GL

  24. #24
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    That was the plan, buy and cook all in one day for the whole week, I'm thinking a tupperware for each meal and start reducing my protein shots for after workouts only. Thanks for the advice. Nice new back pic on the ava, LB

  25. #25
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Nice new back pic on the ava, LB
    Pfft. His back got nothing on mine! =P

  26. #26
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    I love mushrooms, did I miss them on the list? The label doesn't read bad for them, is there something they can replace?

  27. #27
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Raw? Eat all the veg you want.

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    I was talking portabello and heating them in a small amount of olive oil with salt and pepper. I eat tomatoes from the garden though, that's okay if they're raw right? What about salt? I've really never concerned myself with sodium intake because my bodyfat was never low enough for it to make a difference and I only leaned out once for after photo's of Bill Phillips Phyique Transformation Challange.

  29. #29
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Repost your diet

    What has the scale been doing?

  30. #30
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Ps. Consider buying Pam

    Oil is fine in moderation.

  31. #31
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    One week since last weigh in. When I weigh every morning, before any consumption and after going potty, I weigh between 187.2 and 188.8 everyday, usually closer to the 189. The scale at the gym showed me dropping another .8 % bodyfat.

    5:01 AM Wake Up - Potty, weigh, 16 oz water

    6:01 AM 3 whole eggs, scrambled in nonstick pan with no oil
    one package of brown sugar spice organic oatmeal with 4 oz skim milk and flax seed (oatmeal = 4/30/1.5/150 Protein/carbs/fat/cals, did I do that right?)
    16 oz skim milk
    8 oz coffee with 2tsps sugar and non-dairy creamer

    9:01 AM Protein shot - 26/1/0/110

    12:01 PM 6oz chicken breast from burger joint skinless/grilled with lettuce and tomato, no bun
    16 oz tea with sweet-n-low sweetner

    3:01 PM pre-workout - protein shot, lo-carb monster energy drink, creatine

    6:01 PM post-workout - protein shot

    7:01 PM 8 oz Grilled Tilapia, 1/2 cup brown rice, one half fresh/ripe avocado, 16 oz skim milk, 1/2 cup canned peas, 1/2 cup canned mushrooms, 2 whole garden fresh tomatoes

    10:01 PM 12 oz skim milk, one scoop soy protein, 2 tbls cocoa powder

    Note: I have not gone to the store to get grocery items for whatever I need to do starting next week. Now, be straight up and get me in shape!

  32. #32
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    Just figured my BMR = 1817.2 and TDEE = 2816.66, if that helps.

  33. #33
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    What is your work schedule?

    Office, car, access to refrig, m'wave etc

  34. #34
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    I own my own business, but basically I'm a delivery driver, I leave about 6:30 every morning, drive from store to store, ten stops average per day, but the stops are in towns that are 20 minutes apart or more, so basically I'm on the road til I get back home at 3:30 in the afternoon. I am out and about all day long and my stores would have no problem letting me use their microwaves. I can pre-pack anything that I need to eat for the whole day as well, ice chests and lunch bag stuff.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I own my own business, but basically I'm a delivery driver, I leave about 6:30 every morning, drive from store to store, ten stops average per day, but the stops are in towns that are 20 minutes apart or more, so basically I'm on the road til I get back home at 3:30 in the afternoon. I am out and about all day long and my stores would have no problem letting me use their microwaves. I can pre-pack anything that I need to eat for the whole day as well, ice chests and lunch bag stuff.
    I've always wanted this job! Don't ask me why...

  36. #36
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    I'm subscribed. Keep it up Tbody.

  37. #37
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Tb- tomorrow I want you to buy:

    Quaker old fashioned rolled oats
    3 lbs of any of the following
    Boneless skinless chx breast
    Lean ground beef (no more than 4g of fat pet 5oz)
    Lean ground turkey breast
    Fish - Cod tailapia roughy.
    5 cans or packs of tuna in water
    Pam cooking spray
    Green fiberous veggies

    No more brown sugar oats, milk, sugar, beef sticks

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Tb- tomorrow I want you to buy:

    Quaker old fashioned rolled oats
    3 lbs of any of the following
    Boneless skinless chx breast
    Lean ground beef (no more than 4g of fat pet 5oz)
    Lean ground turkey breast
    Fish - Cod tailapia roughy.
    5 cans or packs of tuna in water
    Pam cooking spray
    Green fiberous veggies

    No more brown sugar oats, milk, sugar, beef sticks
    Will do! Are you going to give me a daily meal plan including pre and post workout meals on workout days?

    I also have to publicly type that my wife already told me that the brown sugar and cinnamon oatmeal was not as good for me, she's a nurse and a nutrionist, so here goes...You were right, sweetheart!

  39. #39
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    assist, yes.

    3 dozen eggs too...they're cheap.

  40. #40
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    I bought a case of 5 dozen of those a couple days ago. Thanks!

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