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Thread: BigC's Maintain Log
10-04-2010, 08:58 AM #1
BigC's Maintain Log
181lbs today
Here is my history when i was 16 i was 236lbs, I played football and lifted, but i got sick of being fat so i started to diet and I used weight watchers to help me out. I got down to about 180 and i felt i was still chubby so i started only eating chicken and broccoli and chicken salads and i would just have oatmeal for breakfast. then i dropped to 150 and still felt chubby cause my 6 pack wasnt showing really good so i started starving my self pretty much only eating salads and thats it for the most part in small portions i still had 5 meals a day spread out but i was starving myself and deffinitly cutting my muscle and the little fat i barley had left. but also while i was doing this i wasnt doing cardio i was lifting 3 days a week with dbs and a cable machine.after this i got down to about 140lbs, so it was bad. then i got sick of being little and also because i was starving myslef i would wake up in the night and eat junk food so i figured i needed help and needed to stop and start lifting like football again ang get bigger. so i started eating chicken and broccoli again and slowly upping my calories and tried bulking and then tried to maintain because i felt i was adding fat to fast, then i wanted to run a keto diet to cut to 10% and then slow bulk in the winter, but that plan failed. Keto just isnt working for me so i am going with a conventional vutting diet of 40/40/20 or a 45/35/20. Just not sure yet. my tdee is 2700 so i am going to start at 2500(which is what i am eating my keto at right now). Today is my last day of keto. I am going to post the 2500call diet up tonight with some pics so you can let me know if the bodyfat is more or less because i am just going by what i have seen on here and some other peoples pics.
For training i am doing a 5x5
cardio 5x/week on the treeadmil mostly because i have on in my basement, i will be doing am sessions from 45-60min lit
please give me some comments, follow my progress, and help me on anything i am doing wrong.
10-04-2010, 04:08 PM #2
Meal 1 6:00 am
1 scoop whey
Meal 2 6:30 am
4 serving egg whites
1 whole egg
1/2 cup berries
3/4 cups dry oats
Meal 3 9:00 am
2 slices ezekiel bread
5oz. Can tuna
Meal 4 11:30 am
5 oz. 92/8% beef
2 cups broccoli
Meal 5 2:00 pm
5 oz. Chicken breast
1 cup brown rice(cooked)
1 cup broccoli
Meal 6 4:00 pm
2 scoops whey
Cytocarb ( only until I run out then ill switch to oats)
Meal 7 5:00pm
Same as meal 5
Meal 8 7:30
Same as meal 4
Meal 9 10:00
1 scoop casein
1/2 tbsp almond oil
Daily total-2523/273.78/249.62/50.81
Recommend total-2500/250/250/5
Trying to post pics currently but I can't figure out how to off my phone.
10-04-2010, 04:35 PM #3
10-04-2010, 05:11 PM #4
I'd say bodyfat is close to 20%. You're what's considered 'skinny fat'. You look like a thin guy with clothes on, but when they come off you have relatively high bodyfat and not much LBM.
10-04-2010, 05:32 PM #5
All my pictures are relaxed tho too but yeah I lost most when I was in starvation Id say. Do you think my new diet is good or lower my calories or what?
10-04-2010, 05:47 PM #6
I redid my tdee and bmr with 20%
10-04-2010, 06:33 PM #7
Any comments on diet? Also should I just jump right out of keto tom morning and start the new diet or eas into carbs
10-05-2010, 07:38 AM #8
Okay started today good. Did 60 min of cardio at 3.0-4.0 mph on a incline of 10. Then I had a shake for a quick protein shot. Half hour later I ate the breakfast as planned and as of now I just finished my second meal.
Leave some comments or some criticism on my diet please. Let me know if there is anything that needs changed on the routine. Also I am going to start the madcow 5x5 instead of the one I started yesterday
10-05-2010, 07:44 AM #9
10-05-2010, 08:28 AM #10
Your macro's seem a little off to me i'd recheck your math. The diet looks good but personally i dont' like the 9 meals a day, Possibly go down to 8 and up your portion sizes.
With this diet list your training regiment and we'll better understand whats going on. Also be specific on what goals you have with this diet
10-05-2010, 08:36 AM #11
My goals are to maintain lbm even add a little while cutting body fat
I am doing cardio 5x a week
I am also doing a three day split with madcows 5x5 routine
I also noticed my macros were a bit off I for got to add in the morning whey shake. How do I shorten my meals or make less. I don't really count the shakes as meals just posted them on here as meals so without those as meals it is only 7.
Also I think the cytocarb is dextrose should I only do 2 scoops instead of 4 then do half a cup of oats?
10-05-2010, 08:53 AM #12
Ok my personal thoughts are, cardio 5x a week is ok but just make sure its not high impact cardio. If you add in the shake thats gonna put you at your TDEE so you're eating maintenance calories. 5X5's are great for adding mass. If you can try moving your cardio to the am right after your first protien shake you'll get better results cause you're body is still kinda fasted from sleep. This will also increase your metabolism for the whole day. Carb supps are usually a combo of malodextrin and dextrose. If i were you id definitley split my post workout carbs between that and oats. I prefer putting the oats in a blender and making them into powder before putting them in a shake. I'd personally like to follow you're progress because i was a "skinny fat" guy when i started and instead of eating maintenance i went straight to bulk and became a "muscle fat guy" Bodyfat percentage stayed the same waistline stayed the same i just packed on a lot of wieght in my chest shoulders and legs. Hopefully you can lean and gain at the same time instead of being like me and having to cut like i am now
10-05-2010, 09:17 AM #13
Well what I do is wake up and do lit cardio then have a shake than I wait a half hour and eat breakfast.I don't think I should have the shake then cardio because couldn't that defeat the purpose of burning fat while doing cardio because I would just be burning up the shake I just had and not my stored fat
10-05-2010, 10:08 AM #14
either way is fine. I prefer the protien first to stop the overnight catabolism, Others like LB prefer cardio totally fasted.
10-05-2010, 10:25 AM #15
Yeah so besides those things everything looks good you think. Also I was wondering if I should only do 1 scoop whey pwo to lower my cals a bit. And also I don't want natty pb because I end up stuffing my face with pb. It's my weakness
10-05-2010, 06:01 PM #16
Sorry i'm late to this, but i'm watching you brotha. I know Scotty got you already, but I figured i'd throw in my .02. You actually don't have 9 meals because meal 1 is just a quick shake to break the fast - I do the same. 8 meals is great, I say stick with it. Food choices are excellent, although i'd like to see 1 fish meal in there each day, maybe in meal 7. It would be an excellent place for a piece of salmon or trout or something like that. Provided your numbers are all close, I think you'll do very well on this diet!
10-05-2010, 06:04 PM #17
Thanks gb yeah protein sources very I have tuna extra lean ground turkey some lean steak and Atlantic salmon. Also I am switching to the pwo to 1/2 cup oats and 1/2 cytocarb. I also have sweet potatoes and tame for other sources
10-05-2010, 06:22 PM #18
Sound good bro! Keep us posted.
10-05-2010, 07:10 PM #19
Okay everything went plannwd for today my totals came out to 2243 cal , 55 g fat, 178g carb, and 253g protein
Total was lower today because today wasn't a training day but tom is my second day of the 5x5 routine. I will update after my lifting session at 3
10-05-2010, 07:57 PM #20
I think you might benefit more from a clean bulk. You should be able to put on some muscle pretty easily if your diet is good since you've gotten so small. Being chubby when you're big usually looks alot better than being chubby and small IMO. Also you'll raise your BMR by adding muscle, so when you diet off the extra fat it wont be on really low calories.
10-06-2010, 01:40 AM #21
I am not gonna weigh in too much because I won't be able to follow through and don't wanna leave anyone hanging... But I think you should cut and get rid of all that bf, not worry about lbm as there isn't much (no offense) and then bulk. You could also eat at like at low deficit and just do a ton of cardio but I would want to wipe my slate clean and start over as the muscle you have will be easy to gain back (if you lose much at all), and it will be much easier to keep the fat off.
10-06-2010, 06:11 AM #22
Hey thanks for the support in my thread. Hope to see you around.
Listen. I think your diet looks fine with the minor adjustments you were given. However I may not be very clear on your goal. You have gotten some dif advise so lets be clear. What is your Main Goal right now? Are you wanting to cut (goal%?) and not worrying about the muscle loss (if any) for now?
If so - I am thinking your calories are high. Scotty / GB??
I am happy to see that it looks like you have done some reading and research before putting something together for yourself this time. Last time you kinda went at it blindly didn't you? I've been there. It doesn't work. lol Hey Keep up the good work and post updates regularly. Your in the right place for all the help you need.
10-06-2010, 06:54 AM #23
10-06-2010, 06:57 AM #24
Thanks for chiming in twist. The only thing is I dont want to just get skinny again like I was. Right now I'm eating at a slight deficit like you said and I am also doing 5 days cardio 45 min to 60 mins. Does this look good
10-06-2010, 07:00 AM #25
No problem first I'm interested in seeing you progress as well as me brotha. My goal is to lower body fat but stay or gain lbm. That is the reason my calories are only a slight deficit. Thanks for telling me I did good planning this one. Keto was just to confusing to me lol
10-06-2010, 07:51 AM #26
Gotcha. If that is yor goal then your calories are prob fine. Your on the right track. Just keep in mind. The path you are taking is a really tough one! It is a slow process to lose the fat and retain the muscle. You'll have to hang in for the long haul. You can do it though with determination and dedication. Here's to you Bro! Go get em.
10-06-2010, 08:29 AM #27
10-06-2010, 09:07 AM #28
Quick question. For anyone who has done a ckd keto diet did you notice once you switched to a normal diet you s*** four thousand times a day! Just wondering if this only is happening to me or if it happend to some others too
10-06-2010, 03:35 PM #29
Quick update for everyone just finished my second day of the 5x5 today was a lower power day. Things when good. Diet has been 100%,I haven't felt hungry or needing to eat anymore I feel satisfied until my next meal but when it is time for the next meal I'm hungry and ready to eat, also no am cardio today because it was legs day, but tom I will do 45 mins in the am on a empty stomach.
10-06-2010, 04:34 PM #30
10-06-2010, 04:42 PM #31
Hahaha oh I know about those 5 foot sh!ts Haha
I have a question do you guys think I could run a prohormone. I've been doing sone research on which ones are effective.what's your guys thought? Yes,no,maybe so?
10-06-2010, 08:17 PM #32
Okay rest of the day went good. Finished with 2558cal,49g fat,244g carbs,278gprotein
10-06-2010, 10:07 PM #33
Those cals are high. IMO you do not have 2500 calories worth of lbm. You better up your cardio lol. Keep in mind the ONLY time I have ever cut I upped my calories 200 above tdee and ate 65% of my cals in green veggies and did cardio 2x per day. Held onto every little pound of lbm and got lean as hell.
10-06-2010, 10:17 PM #34
Don't have any advice, you are completely covered with great guru's in that dept, but wanted to encourage and support you for being accountable and committed.
10-07-2010, 04:15 AM #35
10-07-2010, 04:15 AM #36
10-07-2010, 12:45 PM #37
Started off today with 45 min of cardio at 3.0-4.0mph at a 10incline on a empty stomach and just finished meal 4.
Any comments on the prohormons
10-07-2010, 12:55 PM #38
IDK anything about ph
10-07-2010, 01:58 PM #39
U want to use ph to help with the cut? Or to bulk later? Personally I'm not a fan of ph in general way too liver toxic. To me no different than running a dbol only cycle. Just stick to injectables.
10-07-2010, 05:13 PM #40
I would like too run dbol but I feel people will say I'm too young on here for a cycle so I figured maybe ph weren't to bad.
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