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Thread: Quick meals

  1. #1
    Builder15's Avatar
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    Quick meals

    Anyone have any quick easy meals that don't take long to eat? Normally in the morning I slam a shake down between seeing patients and in the afternoon I can sometimes manage a tuna on whole wheat sandwich but am looking for some variety and something a little quicker. Needs to be healthy, and something that can be eaten fairly quickly. I am trying not to have more than 2 protein shakes a day and right now i have one mid morning and then pwo.

    I have tried protein bars in the past and the only ones I will eat are the detour oatmeal as they have some better ingredients and higher calories. I have also tried some homemade protein bars but I can't ever get the consistency right!

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    All meals can be quick and easy if you cook in bulk over the weekends and store everything already portioned out in tupperware. Do you have access to a microwave at work?

  3. #3
    Builder15's Avatar
    Builder15 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I have access to a microwave and I cook all my meals in bulk every sunday and wednesday. The problem isn't making the meals, its eating. I can slam a shake down in 30 seconds, but to eat my chicken, rice, and veggies in my 30 seconds between patients is not doable. Even eating a sandwich sometimes takes too long especially if I am running behind. Trying not to have to resort to protein bars that I can just take a couple bites between patients or adding another shake.

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Then you're not hungry enough! Granted, I can't get my meals down in 30 seconds literally, but about 3 mins is all I need to take care of 6oz chicken breast and some sweet potato.

    Props to you for wanting to eat real food vs. shakes/bars, I know the latter is the much easier route. Try your best to make it work, but keep in mind a shake/bar is better then not eating at all.

  5. #5
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Why not take a bite of food out of tupperware rather than taking a bite out of a protein bar?

  6. #6
    Builder15's Avatar
    Builder15 is offline Junior Member
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    Protein bar I can kind of hide, whereas tupperware looks a little unprofessional. I like the sweet potato idea, normally brown rice is my staple, but the sweet potato will certainly go down a lot quicker. Fastest I can eat my chicken and rice is about 5 minutes but sometimes I don't even have that long. I'll keep experimenting, the thread about the liquid egg whites got me thinking about going back to the days of chugging a carton of egg whites and snacking on some almonds so that is certainly an option lol.

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