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Thread: Diet is everything beleive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Wink Diet is everything beleive

    Diet is everything and if you are missing on vitamines, protein, good carbs, fiber and good fats you will end up paying for it in the long run.

    What can i say, i got diagnost with severe case of anemia, what can you expect from a guy that sort of dieted for 15 years, quit eating meat almost 20 years ago. And neglected my calcium intake and other foods intake.

    After suffering from back pain for 8 years and finally changing sport doctor, lets just say he got very worried because i got 2 years of prolotherapy done on me by another incompetent sport doctor and i am still not 100% healed. Prolo is a therapy that you inject dextrose in the ligament and tendons to make them grow stronger, mostly laxed ligaments will respond very well to that technique.

    My new sport doctor sent me for some blood test and voila, anemia.

    I have since changed my diet, stop taking supplements and multu vitamines to put food back in the front row. I even got rid of the whey protein.

    After 2 months of changing my diet, and eating real good foods i am glad to say that my red bloodcell count is back to above normal, i have been eating horse, bison, red meat, black strap mollasses, goat milk, soy milk unsweaten, eggs, mix of lentils in soupe, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

    I also cut back on cafeine and green tea.

    I got some vertebrae that lost calcium in the upper neck so i got some x rays, but from what i hear some of the damage can be reversed with good nutrition and neck decompression, i got the posture pump recommended by one good member on ar, and MRI that show people who rehydrated interverbebral disc in the neck.

    Diet is everything, eating junk will never cut it, now i got to get my calories under control.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Sorry to hear about the diagnosis bro. Diet is HUGE, but not everything. There are definitely a bunch of moving parts in this game, and they need to be in sync to be optimal. Diet is definitely not one that should be put at the bottom of the priority list however.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Sorry to hear about the diagnosis bro. Diet is HUGE, but not everything. There are definitely a bunch of moving parts in this game, and they need to be in sync to be optimal. Diet is definitely not one that should be put at the bottom of the priority list however.
    Yes sir but at my age 38 my sport doctor told me that to stay in the game LOL i really need to eat almost all the time 100% clean.

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