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Thread: macros

  1. #1
    nelly is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2010


    Is there a formula to figure macros? I'm 5-5 157 and I am trying to figure the breakdown on protein,carbs and fat. I want to bulk up if it makes any diff.

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    No direct formula because everyone is different. Try a 40/40/20 breakdown of p/c/f for starters. If you post a proposed diet, we can help you further.

  3. #3
    nelly is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2010
    meal1 1/2cup of oats, protein shake(50g). meal2 1/2cup of special k cereal. 6eggs(4 whites,2whole). meal3 1can of tuna,1cup of rice or pasta. meal4 2pb sandwiches,1 banana. meal5 pwo shake protein(50gms,1spoon of creatine,1 scoop of dextrose). meal6 8oz of chicken or meat 1/2cup of rice,1cup of veggies,1 apple. right before bed 30gms of casein with either 2spoons of pb or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.

  4. #4
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nelly View Post
    meal1 1/2cup of oats, protein shake(50g). It works but egg whites would be better than a shake. I also think you should double the oats
    meal2 1/2cup of special k cereal. 6eggs(4 whites,2whole). Despite how housewives swear by it, special K is a pretty wack carb source. Do more Oats or another non-processed carb 40-60g. Maybe a couple more egg whites too.
    meal3 1can of tuna,1cup of rice or pasta. Are you using mayo or other calorie dense dressing for the tuna? You shouldn't be. As for the rice or pasta, make sure it's a whole grain brown rice or pasta. brown rice is a good staple, and should be used over pasta any day. 1 cup is a good portion for bulking but not more at your size.
    meal4 2pb sandwiches,1 banana. [B]No, this meal is just sugar, bread, and fat. There's no lean protein, bread is a bad carb source, and a banana is nutritious but won't do much as a pre-workout carb as it's mainly fructose. A better meal would be 40g lean protein, 40-60g complex carbs via brown rice, beans, sweet potato, oats, etc - and as for the peanut butter, organic PB is fine here but i wouldn't use more than 1 tbspn.[B]
    meal5 pwo shake protein(50gms,1spoon of creatine,1 scoop of dextrose). That works. Personally, I'd just as soon use table sugar as dextrose. Fresh fruit/juice, vitargo, waxy maize starch are all better, imo.
    meal6 8oz of chicken or meat 1/2cup of rice,1cup of veggies,1 apple. Good but use brown rice. What about the veggies? They should be fibrous greens and not sugary veggies like carrots and peppers. Move the apple to your PWO.
    right before bed 30gms of casein with either 2spoons of pb or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. The casein/PB is the way to go. if you do the cheese, use 1 tbspn. PB.
    Macros and tdee are needed but I've restructured things.

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