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Thread: "Natural" peanut buttter vs regular peanut butter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    "Natural" peanut buttter vs regular peanut butter

    What is the difference?? I just went out and bought "natural" for the first time and looking at the label there is not a damn bit of difference other than lower sodium which I specifically bought.

    Same calories, protein carbs, fat and everything else.

    I was expecting an ultra clean PB with much better numbers what is the deal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    i think it is the sugar content on most of it.. but some might have more sugar then others... its always gonna be high in fats, because it comes from nuts... but it is unsaturated fat so its not gonna clog your arteries.. i just eat a shit ton of peanuts and almonds and cashews every day.. about 100g a day usually as a snack.. not a good idea unless you just wanna put on size and are not too concerned with a bit of fat gain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i think it is the sugar content on most of it.. but some might have more sugar then others... its always gonna be high in fats, because it comes from nuts... but it is unsaturated fat so its not gonna clog your arteries.. i just eat a shit ton of peanuts and almonds and cashews every day.. about 100g a day usually as a snack.. not a good idea unless you just wanna put on size and are not too concerned with a bit of fat gain.
    Same amount of saturated fat and sugar in both, no difference. The labels are literally identical down to the vitamin amounts and everything. Only difference I see is the natural says "peanut butter spread contains 90% peanuts" on the front. My diet is actually a little fat deficient so I am trying to incorporate good fats in there somehow and most here say "natural" PB is better. I just am not seeing how looking at the labels, but there has to be some reason the natural is better.
    Last edited by bigslick7878; 10-12-2010 at 03:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    What brand is the regular peanut butter, and what brand is the supposed 'natural'? List the identical ingredients in both if you can. I'm willing to bet you have a crappy PB calling itself 'natural' when it's really not.

    Natural peanut butter should contain peanuts and salt/sea salt. That's it, nothing else. Skippy has a 'natural' variety (damn it's good too!), but read the label and it says peanuts, sugar, palm oil, salt. That's not natural PB in my eyes, and I really don't know how they can call it that.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    What brand is the regular peanut butter, and what brand is the supposed 'natural'? List the identical ingredients in both if you can. I'm willing to bet you have a crappy PB calling itself 'natural' when it's really not.

    Natural peanut butter should contain peanuts and salt/sea salt. That's it, nothing else. Skippy has a 'natural' variety (damn it's good too!), but read the label and it says peanuts, sugar, palm oil, salt. That's not natural PB in my eyes, and I really don't know how they can call it that.
    Jif Natural crunchy peanut butter.

    Ingredients - Made from peanuts,sugar,palm oil.

    Regular Jif crunchy - Made from roasted peanuts and sugar.

    I found this on google....

    Peanut butter is amazingly tasty, a rock-solid partner in weight management, and can be used many ways. Natural peanut butter is peanut butter in its purest form without added sugar and free of unidentifiable ingredients that keep it shelf-stable for an eternity.

    When comparing natural vs. regular peanut butters, the nutrition labels are not that different from each other. You can get the same health benefits from natural or regular peanut butter; however, you will get added oils, sugars, and other preservatives from the regular stuff. Hence, this is why natural peanut butter is called “natural”. The only ingredients should be peanuts and salt, unless it is unsalted. Because there are no preservatives, it must be refrigerated.

    Understanding Peanut Butter

    Peanut butter has been an inexpensive favorite through the life cycle, but recently confusion has arisen concerning the types of peanut butter that we eat – what is the difference between commercial and “natural” peanut butter? And are both types healthy?

    To be called peanut butter, both commercial and “natural” types must contain a minimum of 90% peanuts, with no artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives. This includes the chunky version. Commercial peanut butters are blended or homogenized for convenience and for creaminess, whereas “natural” peanut butters require stirring and are not as smooth in texture.

    To stabilize commercial peanut butter blends and eliminate separation, manufacturers may add a small amount (less than 1-2%) of partially hydrogenated, or fully hydrogenated oil. For added flavor, some commercial brands may also add small amounts of sugar or salt. Even with these additions, changes in macronutrient content per serving compared to “natural” peanut butter are minimal.
    The "natural" stuff I got does say "contains 90% peanuts" on the front like I noted before while the regular does not.

    Either way it looks like the difference is pretty insignificant. I will still buy the natural from now on though, I am making little snacks on whole grain wheat thins with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Jif. LOL... Do you have to stir it before you use it?
    The place I get mine has a dispenser of peanuts, almonds and cashews and crushes them to paste right before your eyes. You buy by the oz. It is runnier because no sugar is added (like Jif) but damn good!

  7. #7
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MOTOPHILE View Post
    Jif. LOL... Do you have to stir it before you use it?
    The place I get mine has a dispenser of peanuts, almonds and cashews and crushes them to paste right before your eyes. You buy by the oz. It is runnier because no sugar is added (like Jif) but damn good!
    Unfortunately we do not have a place in the supermarket that will custom make peanut butter right before your eyes. Jif or any other brand of "natural", I looked at every label in the store and they were all the same. I read Smucker's makes some good natural PB but they did not have it, I will have to keep my eyes open for it.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2009
    Just look for the jar with about a half inch of oil separated at the top. Only way to make that not happen is by adding sugar. Every grocery should have it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i cant eat regular peanut butter anymore yuk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Heres one i use..Its good too. All your ingredients should say is "PEANUTS" or "PEANUTS,SALT" if you get salted.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Elk Grove, CA
    Look for Adams, Laura Sudder's or I 'think' Smart Beat may be good. Depending on where you live of course. Jif is a processed peanut butter spread. Adams and other real natural peanut butters have 1 ingredient...peanuts. They also have 1g sugar.

  12. #12
    I picked up the smuckers natural last night and WOW what a difference in taste!! I don't think I'll ever eat "normal" peanut butter again.. You do have to mix it yourself. I dumped 3/4 of the oil out that was sitting at the top though.

  13. #13
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by MOTOPHILE View Post
    Jif. LOL... Do you have to stir it before you use it?
    The place I get mine has a dispenser of peanuts, almonds and cashews and crushes them to paste right before your eyes. You buy by the oz. It is runnier because no sugar is added (like Jif) but damn good!
    This is the very best and most natural option.

    Quote Originally Posted by MOTOPHILE View Post
    Just look for the jar with about a half inch of oil separated at the top. Only way to make that not happen is by adding sugar. Every grocery should have it.
    I don't think it's the sugar that binds it, it's the oils and/or homogonizing that stops it all from separating. Sugar is added to sweeten it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jpeyatt View Post
    I picked up the smuckers natural last night and WOW what a difference in taste!! I don't think I'll ever eat "normal" peanut butter again.. You do have to mix it yourself. I dumped 3/4 of the oil out that was sitting at the top though.
    I had a jar of Smuckers natural and funny you mentioned it - I just opened it yesterday. MY GOD, is it full of nuts! Nothing like skippy that's basically a cream with random nut pieces here and there. I still like the Skippy taste better though, probably because I grew up on it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    my family chooses smuckers....well thats what they get cuz thats wut i buy

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I wouldn't pour any oil out, that changes macros. As well as thats the fats, which is what your probably after.

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