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Thread: Diet stion

  1. #1

    Diet stion

    I am 38 years old and want to lose some more weight and tone up. I am 240 lbs and 6'0 tall. I have lost 20 lbs in the last 6 months training and dieting properly. I got my hands on winny and plan to use it for the next 6 weeks. I am wondering if I should change my diet to add more calories or maintain my current diet.

    Diet consists of:
    Breakfast - protein shake, 4 slices of whole wheat toast and a banana
    Snack - Granola bar or dried raisins
    Lunch - Tomatoes and cucummbers with a granola bar
    Snack - Granola bar or dried raisins
    Supper - meat and a salad

    I was also taking a CLA supplement.

    Any suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Welcome to the board. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way... dude... your diet is horrendous. I see protein in 2 meals, and one is by way of a shake.

    Please PLEASE do not use the Winny - you have no idea how to diet and the winny isn't going to do jack for you, I promise. You should have a lean protien source in every meal for starters. No more snacks - each meal is a meal. Doesn't mean it has to be huge, in fact it shouldn't be - but it's a meal. A granola bar or raisins doesn't even come close to constituting a meal.

    I will post up some useful info when I get home later which will educate you on diet and nutrition. Damienm05 put it together. Perhaps if he reads your thread, he'll post it up.

    PS - how can we advise you on calories when we have no idea how many you're eating? You need to figure out macro nutrient info for everything you eat and post it up next time in the form of protein/carbs/fat/total calories.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply - this is exactly why I am here.

    As for calories- from what I had calculated it is about 1800 cal per day. I have been trying to eat healthy and limit calories while taking multi-vitamins. No idea on form of protein/carbs and etc..
    Any diet suggestion will be appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    One thing you need to do that will help us figure out how much you should be eating is find your bodyfat percentage. Any gym should be able to do a caliper reading and get it pretty accurate.

    Once you have that done, we can revisit the diet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    R.I.P T
    What baldy said ^^

    The more info we have from you the more help we can give
    Last edited by MaNiCC; 10-14-2010 at 01:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    What bold said ^^

    The more info we have from you the more help we can give
    Bold, or bald? LoL!

    btw, lookin might T fine in your avy these days Manicc, did you do something with your hair? =P

  7. #7
    Thanks gbrice - I am willing to start a new diet - found this one which looks interesting and can be done from one of your previous posts.

    Any comments or changes you would suggest after following it.

    7:30am (PWO)
    2 scoop myofusion – 50g protein, 10g carbs, 6g fat – 320 calories
    1 cup oats – 10g protein, 48g carbs, 5g fat – 280 calories

    60g protein, 58g carbs, 11g fat – 600 calories

    4oz chicken burger – 25g protein, 1g fat – 120 calories
    3oz sweet potato – 1g protein, 24g carbs, 5g fat – 140 calories
    6oz plain greek fat free yogurt – 18g protein, 7g carbs – 100 calories

    44g protein, 31g carbs, 6g fat – 360 calories

    1 can tuna in water – 20g protein, 2g fat – 100 calories
    6oz plain greek fat free yogurt – 18g protein, 7g carbs – 100 calories
    2 slices Ezekiel Bread – 6g protein, 33g carbs – 160 calories

    38g protein, 40g carbs, 2g fat – 360 calories

    4oz chicken burger – 25g protein, 1g fat – 120 calories
    3oz sweet potato – 1g protein, 24g carbs, 5g fat – 140 calories
    ½ cup oats – 5g protein, 24g carbs, 2.5g fat – 140 calories

    31g protein, 48g carbs, 8.5g fat – 400 calories

    4oz chicken breast, lean beef, or fish – 24g protein, 3g fat – 130 calories
    2 cups green veggies

    24g protein, minimal carbs from veggies, 3g fat – 150 calories

    1 scoop ON Casein – 24g protein, 3g carbs, 1g fat – 120 calories

    24g protein, 3g carbs, 1g fat - 120 calories

    DAILY TOTAL: 221g protein, 177g carbs, 34.5g fat – 1990 calories

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Well, I certainly don't want you following any of MY diets simply because I customized them for myself, and our caloric requirements could be very different. Having said that, I think it's a decent template for you to work off of to design your own. I've since changed that diet up a bit, but not by too much. Take note of the protein in every meal, the meal timing, etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Bold, or bald? LoL!

    btw, lookin might T fine in your avy these days Manicc, did you do something with your hair? =P
    I ment to put baldy, you can tell im half asleep.

    I had my hair permed, you like?

    sorry for hijacking leroy

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    I ment to put baldy, you can tell im half asleep.

    I had my hair permed, you like?

    sorry for hijacking leroy
    LoL omg, how could you tell I was bald?? You are extremely observant! =P

    Personally, I like your other look better then this current one you just switched to. Full wood from the latter...

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