19 yrs 179lbs contest 198 currently bulking, i have been training for 3 years and competed in teen naturals 2009. i am making the change from natural bodybuilding and going to run a 12 week cycle of sust 250 1 ml twice a week and deca 300 split into .5ml twice a week with M drol kickstart running 3 weeks 20/20/30. i have clomid hCg and nolva on hand and have PCT sorted.
My question regards my diet on cycle i am a Endo / meso i put on fat and muscle relatively fast, but can still get down to contest condition body fat.
i currently am eating around 3000kcals a day 2 weeks into the cycle and have gained a few pounds but mostly looks like water and fat although my strength is increasing work out to workout.
my daily meals look like this
2 whole eggs, 2 whites
3/4 cup oats + 100g blueberries and a banana
30g pro complex by ON in 1/2 cup skim milk
200g kangaroo mince (very lean)
spinach + 1 TBS olive oil
6.5oz chicken breast
200g brown rice
330(pre workout)
30g pro complex
1/2 skim milk
1 bananas + PB on 2 slices of wholemeal bread
5( train) intra workout 35g WPI + 40g dextrose
7oz chicken breast
8oz sweet pot
1 small tub of no fat yogurt
2 whole eggs
150g cottage cheese
1oz almonds
30g pro complex
which is around 330 pro / 275 carbs / 60 fat
i work in construction and get so hungry around 830 at night could i include carbs in my last meal or will it hinder Gh release and be more prone to store fat ? also am i consuming enough / too much calories for this cycle ? my main goal is to put on quality muscle with minimal fat gain i know i will gain some fat but hopefully not look like the muffin man at the end haha
any help would be awsome thanks