I was playing football(soccer) at a very high level 3 years ago. I was in great shape. I took a low dose of test E for about 10 weeks and loved the results I got. I didnt have to worry about nutrition back then as I was running upwards of 5 miles a day plus gym sessions. I tore ligaments in my ankle which forced me to be out of action for about a year. I that year I gained about 40lbs and since then I have gained another 20 as I was not able to return to playing due to being over weight. I am now trying to get back into playing shape and would like some advice on my diet. I used to be about 185 and 11% BF with great stamina. I am currently 240lbs and about 20-25% BF. I am 6 foot tall. I have started running 4-7km 5 times a week and also hitting the weights 3-4 days a week. I am 24 and currently in Veterinary school so It is quite hard for me to make food during the day. Can anyone give me some help into my diet and also if you can tell me what foods and how much to eat. thank you.