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  1. #1
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    Diet review, Gurus please help

    I've started this eating routine and am not gaining weight. The obvious answer is eat more. My question is what and when, as far as more fat here or more carbs there. I've never used AAS. I do a five day split. I'm naturally a really small guy frame wise. So, 165lbs has been a decent achievement but would really appreciate all the advise I can get on furthering my goals. thank you

    Meal 1. 8 egg whites
    1 cup oats
    1 cup milk
    1 banana
    1 half avocado
    1 tablespoon olive oil

    PWO 1/3 cup dextrose
    50 grams whey isolate
    1 cup pureed oats
    5 grams creatine
    5 grams leucine

    Meal 2: 6oz chicken breast
    2 cups cooked brown rice
    2 cups milk

    Meal 3: 6oz chicken breast
    2 cups cooked brown rice
    2 cups milk

    Meal 4: 6oz chicken breast
    1 cup broccoli
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    2 cups milk

    Meal 5: 8 egg whites
    1 cup broccoli
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 half avocado

    middle of the night: serving of BCAAs

  2. #2
    bigcwithane's Avatar
    bigcwithane is offline Member
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    Honestly your diet look good. ido was you I would add a 6th meal with one scoop of casein with a tbsp of natty pb or full fat cottage cheese. Hopefully someone else can give you advice and what else to eat because your meals are solid

  3. #3
    bigcwithane's Avatar
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    Also post all your stats bmr, tdee , bf, and give macros for meals and the total for all the meals put together

  4. #4
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    Not sure exactly what my BMR is, but other than working out, I'm sedentary. I sit and study for the remainder of the day with maybe a dog walk. My calculation for the calories in my diet I described equals 4196 calories.

    Stats: 10% bf
    43 in chest
    29 in waist
    23 in quads
    17 in arms

    squat: 250 x 5
    bench 250 x 5
    deadlift 315 x 5

    I realize that my lifts are disproportionate. I'm bringing up my legs as best I can.

  5. #5
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    Not sure exactly what my BMR is, but other than working out, I'm sedentary. I sit and study for the remainder of the day with maybe a dog walk. My calculation for the calories in my diet I described equals 4196 calories.

    Stats: 10% bf
    43 in chest
    29 in waist
    23 in quads
    17 in arms

    squat: 250 x 5
    bench 250 x 5
    deadlift 315 x 5

    I realize that my lifts are disproportionate. I'm bringing up my legs as best I can.
    If you are not gaining weight with your activity level (which is pretty low) on 4200 calories a day you have to be overtraining......period. You are eating probably 1500 calories over maintenance, you should have no problem putting weight with that amount of food. I would suggest more whey and less milk in your diet, only thing I can see that I might change.

  6. #6
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    I use 12 sets for chest. 14 for back. 16 for hams and quads. 9 each for tri's and bi's. I used to do more and I scaled back because I figured it was diminishing my gains. Also, a week ago, I stopped performing any drop sets, rest pause, etc for fear that it might also be shocking my CNS and causing overtraining. Hopefully that was the cause and I will start making gains. I'll also switch out milk for more whey. Thanks for the good advice.

  7. #7
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    and 12 for shoulders

  8. #8
    kelevra is offline Member
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    I’m no guru on diets, but be careful on the milk intake. @ 11 grams of sugar per cup it might be a bit much. I’m not exactly a hard gainer anymore at 270+. My diet looked pretty similar at around 4400 cals, but I was staying bloated and gaining to much weight to fast. (To fast to be clean). I took out all but one cup for breakfast and one cup PWO and substituted PRO powder mixed with water. OH HOW I MISS THE MILK THOUGH.
    Good luck mate.

    Age: 35
    Height: 6,3
    Weight: 275
    BF%: 99
    Cycle Exp: rookie
    PCT Knowledge: lots of reading
    Training Exp: 15 years
    Diet: ?

  9. #9
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    You make a good point Kelevra. I should stop being cheap and just use the protein powder instead. To be honest, I read that milk sugar has a low GI, and as you know, eating this much is a workout in it's own right. So, it just seemed easy to add calories with milk. I worry about eating too much fat, and keeping things in proportion. I'm actually hoping it's overtraining that's inhibiting my gains and I can rectify the situation by really cutting back on my workouts.

  10. #10
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    btw, I only use skim milk,, I know that doesn't make a huge difference.

  11. #11
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    I used to go through a gallon every other day, mixed my protein with 100% milk. Every meal. Every day. Milk has a TON of processed sugar in it skim or not. I grew up drinking the stuff every day with every meal, I had to wean myself off gradually but did it. I will still grab the jug and chug it just for old times sake but very rarely.

    Now I can't go through a gallon before it goes bad. Mix a tiny bit with water and my whey powder and that is it. Probably no more than 10-12 ounces a day.

    Also what I said about the overtraining I said under the assumption you were working out 5 days a week. Is that the case?

  12. #12
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    yeah.. mon-chest

  13. #13
    bigcwithane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    yeah.. mon-chest
    Change it to this.
    I used to do this split but then I switched to a 5x5

  14. #14
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    I've started this eating routine and am not gaining weight. The obvious answer is eat more. My question is what and when, as far as more fat here or more carbs there. I've never used AAS. I do a five day split. I'm naturally a really small guy frame wise. So, 165lbs has been a decent achievement but would really appreciate all the advise I can get on furthering my goals. thank you

    Meal 1. 8 egg whites
    1 cup oats
    1 cup milk
    1 banana
    1 half avocado
    1 tablespoon olive oil

    I'd drop the avacado and EVOO here. Add 2 whole eggs, drop whites to 6. I won't give you a hard time about the milk since you're looking to add weight. No point in purposely taking in fat in this meal though, we want quick protein absorption and fats will slow it. Yes I know whole eggs have fat, but I think egg meals should always have a couple whole in there for full spectrum amino acid profile - not to mention the yolk is FULL of nutrients

    PWO 1/3 cup dextrose
    50 grams whey isolate
    1 cup pureed oats
    5 grams creatine
    5 grams leucine

    I'd drop the dextrose. I've always thought the dextrose/maltodextrin idea was horrible, even PWO. The oats are great. If you're looking for something really fast, look into Vitagro

    Meal 2: 6oz chicken breast
    2 cups cooked brown rice
    2 cups milk

    I don't love the milk, that's alot of sugar. Knock it back to 1 cup? Add some green veggies here

    Meal 3: 6oz chicken breast
    2 cups cooked brown rice
    2 cups milk

    Rice would be my last choice as a carb source. How about something better here, like sweet potato/yam, lentils, beans, quinoa, etc? Again with the milk... lol i know I said I wasn't going to give you a hard time but that's ALOT of milk.

    Meal 4: 6oz chicken breast
    1 cup broccoli
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    2 cups milk

    You're looking to add mass, so I wouldn't drop carbs here. Add 25-40g complex carbs. Milk...

    Meal 5: 8 egg whites
    1 cup broccoli
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 half avocado

    Ok, here the fats are good since you're going to be fasting all night. However, egg whites are very fast to digest. You can stick with this meal but definitely do a casein shake, or cottage cheese, or a bit of lean steak before hitting the pillow. You need a slower protein source right before bed, even with the fats you're including

    middle of the night: serving of BCAAs
    Not that bad, but I think it can be made more solid. Overkill with the milk. If you want to add more calories, eat more food. Even if you're eating 'enough' food... add in an extra shake or something... better then just a glass of milk. Suggestions above in bold. Would like to see time of day for each meal next time, as well as full macro info for each

  15. #15
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    Thank you so much for going through there and giving that in depth critique. I should've included the macros since they're written on a piece of paper right here. I'll make those changes to the diet today. As far as not being able to gain weight on the original amount of calories, is it most likely overtraining? And if so, can I beat that by doing a light weight week or do I need to just take a week off? Thanks again for all the input.

  16. #16
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    Thank you so much for going through there and giving that in depth critique. I should've included the macros since they're written on a piece of paper right here. I'll make those changes to the diet today. As far as not being able to gain weight on the original amount of calories, is it most likely overtraining? And if so, can I beat that by doing a light weight week or do I need to just take a week off? Thanks again for all the input.
    NP bro. To answer your question, I need more info. Do you know your current bodyfat percentage? We need to figure out how many calories you're consuming vs. how many you SHOULD be consuming to gain weight. I can give you a rough estimate based on your LBM, but I need to know your BF% to determine that.

    As for overtraining, post up your workout routine and let's have a look at it. Need to see details - which exercises, how many sets, reps, etc.

  17. #17
    Cousinbutch's Avatar
    Cousinbutch is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with the over training. Besides not having any slow digesting protein before bed you should be gaining pretty well. Try taking a week off.

  18. #18
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    I got a hold of some calipers today and my BF% is 13%(thought it was less).

    this is the previous week's routine, straight out of my log book. I have cut back on sets and stopped doing any rest pause, which I used to abuse I think. No drop sets either anymore. When I wasn't gaining I thought maybe I was burning my CNS out. I have plateaued in the majority of my lifts, and don't know whether overtraining is the culprit or if I just need to set a new rep scheme and do better at periodization.

    Monday Chest
    incline smith press 8,8,8,6
    dumbbell press 4x10
    incline flyes 2x10
    hammer strength fly 2x12
    abs for 10 minutes

    Tuesday Back
    pullups 12,10,10,8
    bentover rows 4x8
    dumbbell rows 3x10
    seated rows 3x8
    hammer strength rear delt 3x10
    hyperextensions 2xfailure

    Wednesday: OFF

    Thursday Shoulders
    behind the neck press 8,8,7,5
    dumbbell press 3x10
    side laterals 3x12
    front raises(barbell) 3x12
    smith shrugs 3x12
    dumbbell shrugs 3x12

    Friday Bi's/Tri's
    palms up pushdowns 2x12
    rope pulldowns 2x12
    skull crushers(ez bar) 12,9,6
    weighted dips 4x8
    incline dumbbell curls 3x10
    preacher curls 3x8
    barbell curls 12,10,8
    hammer curls 3x8
    various forearm work

    Saturday Legs
    leg extensions 2x15
    squats 10,10,10,6
    hack squat 1x20
    seated leg curls 2x15
    stiff legged deads 3x10
    various calfs

    I perform most sets to failure. As I write that, I know that it's debatable whether that is good or not, and could be contributing to an overtrained state. I'm wide open to critique and suggestions. If switching to a 3 day is what everyone thinks I should do, I'll do it.

  19. #19
    wringle is offline New Member
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    I came across "the solution program" online.
    It is quite famous but i would like to read the best and unbiased review for this program.

    I did a google search for "the solution program review", but wasn't satisfied.

    If you know any good review of this product please do pass me the link, and let me know...
    thanks in advance

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    Last edited by wringle; 10-23-2010 at 02:41 PM.

  20. #20
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    I got a hold of some calipers today and my BF% is 13%(thought it was less).

    this is the previous week's routine, straight out of my log book. I have cut back on sets and stopped doing any rest pause, which I used to abuse I think. No drop sets either anymore. When I wasn't gaining I thought maybe I was burning my CNS out. I have plateaued in the majority of my lifts, and don't know whether overtraining is the culprit or if I just need to set a new rep scheme and do better at periodization.

    Monday Chest
    incline smith press 8,8,8,6
    dumbbell press 4x10
    incline flyes 2x10
    hammer strength fly 2x12
    abs for 10 minutes

    Personally, I think this is alot of chest work. Some will disagree as chest is a relatively big muscle group, but i'd stick with barbell movements for now (and not on the smith), do incline every time, and alternate flat and decline every workout. I don't think you need all the fly's. You could consolidate workouts and add bi's here which is a popular split, OR tri's but that might be alot of work on tri's in a single day. I'd recommend bi's if you want to add anything to this workout

    Tuesday Back
    pullups 12,10,10,8
    bentover rows 4x8
    dumbbell rows 3x10
    seated rows 3x8
    hammer strength rear delt 3x10
    hyperextensions 2xfailure

    I'd keep the pullups and barbell rows. I'd drop one of the other rowing exercises, maybe even both. Drop the hyperextensions and add deadlifts. You WILL grow. Drop rear delt and save it for shoulder day. Again, if you want to consolidate, you can add tri's here - BUT see how you feel after chest day and play it by ear. If tri's are sore, don't do them here

    Wednesday: OFF

    Thursday Shoulders
    behind the neck press 8,8,7,5
    dumbbell press 3x10
    side laterals 3x12
    front raises(barbell) 3x12
    smith shrugs 3x12
    dumbbell shrugs 3x12

    I'd drop the front raises. 2 pressing movements is enough. Careful with the behind the neck thing. Add back in your rear delts here.

    Friday Bi's/Tri's
    palms up pushdowns 2x12
    rope pulldowns 2x12
    skull crushers(ez bar) 12,9,6
    weighted dips 4x8
    incline dumbbell curls 3x10
    preacher curls 3x8
    barbell curls 12,10,8
    hammer curls 3x8
    various forearm work

    I would make this leg day if you make the other changes above. I am trying to get you to a 4 day split, that extra rest day will work wonders for you. Skull crushers are good, but you're def. overworking tri's - tiny group. Drop all the pressdown movements and stick with 2 good compound movements - I like close grip bench press and dips, alternate dips each workout with skull crushers, something like that. I'm fine with your bicep routine although I wouldn't spend extra time on forearms - they get his sufficiently enough with bi workout, especially hammers.

    Saturday Legs
    leg extensions 2x15
    squats 10,10,10,6
    hack squat 1x20
    seated leg curls 2x15
    stiff legged deads 3x10
    various calfs

    Ok, I wouldn't do squats AND hacks - alternate them if anything. Ok, you're doing deads on leg day which I didn't see before - SO - in your back routine, instead of doing deadlifts that day, do rack pulls instead. takes the hams outta the equation.

    Having said all of that, i think a good split for you would be something like:

    Monday - Chest, Bi's
    Tuesday - Legs
    Wed - OFF
    Thurs - Back, Tri's
    Fri - Shoulders
    Sat - OFF
    Sun - OFF

    This way, tri's are getting 2 full rest day's after the chest workout before being hit directly. Bi's are getting 2 full rest days before being hit on back day, and then you could even throw in CHIN ups - hit those bi's again just a bit. By Friday, shoulders will be well recovered from chest day and should be gtg. As a bonus, you have Wed off - right after leg day, arguably the most grueling workout that requires the most recovery time.

    This is the split i'm currently running and I love it. You will love the extra rest day, give you CNS a break. Use it as a cardio only day, or do various work like abs, or forearms if you're bent on doing it.

    I perform most sets to failure. As I write that, I know that it's debatable whether that is good or not, and could be contributing to an overtrained state. I'm wide open to critique and suggestions. If switching to a 3 day is what everyone thinks I should do, I'll do it.

    Failure is fine, but you can't do 5 exercises for the same little muscle group to failure and expect recovery in time. The muscle needs to be sufficiently stimulated for growth - any further damage will only lengthen recovery time and will NOT promote further growth. You do not have to DESTROY every muscle to make it grow. My .02
    Based on your stats, i'd start you off at a 2500 calorie diet and see how that goes for a few (at least 3) weeks. If you're not gaining, bump calories up by 200. Continue this until you find your sweet spot. Workout comments above in bold
    Last edited by gbrice75; 10-23-2010 at 04:57 PM.

  21. #21
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    I definitely start that split on Monday. As for the diet, do you suggest dropping calories back from 4000 to 2500? This is where I get concerned that I'm in an overtrained state, since by all logic, I should be putting on weight with that many calories.

  22. #22
    bigcwithane's Avatar
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    Gb that is a drastic drop in calories. Do you think he should do that if he is not gaining on 4k plus

  23. #23
    Cousinbutch's Avatar
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    You could always go with a push/pull split, 3 days a week. I've been doing legs/pull/push for a few months and I've had amazing gains from it. If you like doing your sets to failure, you should try out some version of HIT.

  24. #24
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    I definitely start that split on Monday. As for the diet, do you suggest dropping calories back from 4000 to 2500? This is where I get concerned that I'm in an overtrained state, since by all logic, I should be putting on weight with that many calories.
    Quote Originally Posted by bigcwithane View Post
    Gb that is a drastic drop in calories. Do you think he should do that if he is not gaining on 4k plus
    I must've missed somewhere that you're currently eating 4k calories. Having said that, there are not many people who can't gain on 4k calories, and given your stats I think it's less about the calories and more about the quality of your choices.

    I know the cals in vs. cals out thing is big, but it's not the whole picture. I have seen people eat BELOW maintenance and actually gain bodyfat. At 165lbs you should not need to eat 4k calories. If you want to take a slower approach, implement the diet changes but knock calories back to 3500 for now and monitor.

  25. #25
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    As of this morning, I've gained a little weight. My choices for food are all clean. You'll notice in the food log I provided that I was using brown rice as a carb as opposed to white, just because I want to keep insulin down etc. I've included sweet potatoes and dropped the milk, added cottage cheese before bed, and plan on changing my split come Monday. Maybe my body was starved for calories compared to how hard I was taxing it in the gym, that these previous two weeks of 3800-4200 calories were just getting me back to a balance. I'm hoping that over the next week I'll see some weight go on. I know that 2lbs a week is all I want to gain to minimize fat.
    I can't thank everyone enough. Brice, I'm sure you're a busy dude and to meticulously go through someone's issues and make notes in your free time is super kind. Thanks guys

  26. #26
    bigcwithane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I must've missed somewhere that you're currently eating 4k calories. Having said that, there are not many people who can't gain on 4k calories, and given your stats I think it's less about the calories and more about the quality of your choices.

    I know the cals in vs. cals out thing is big, but it's not the whole picture. I have seen people eat BELOW maintenance and actually gain bodyfat. At 165lbs you should not need to eat 4k calories. If you want to take a slower approach, implement the diet changes but knock calories back to 3500 for now and monitor.
    Yeah id start and 3500 and adjust from there if your gaining to fast lower it by 200 and if your not gaining up it by 200. But 4k seems like way to much

  27. #27
    bigcwithane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I must've missed somewhere that you're currently eating 4k calories. Having said that, there are not many people who can't gain on 4k calories, and given your stats I think it's less about the calories and more about the quality of your choices.

    I know the cals in vs. cals out thing is big, but it's not the whole picture. I have seen people eat BELOW maintenance and actually gain bodyfat. At 165lbs you should not need to eat 4k calories. If you want to take a slower approach, implement the diet changes but knock calories back to 3500 for now and monitor.
    Yeah id start and 3500 and adjust from there if your gaining to fast lower it by 200 and if your not gaining up it by 200. But 4k seems like way to much

  28. #28
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    If you are trying to put on weight I am a proponent of having a full day of rest after large muscles, or a leg day behind them

    Maybe something like...

    Day 1 - Chest/tri
    Day 2 - OFF
    Day 3 - Shoulders
    Day 4 - Legs
    Day 5 - OFF
    Day 6 - Back/Biceps
    Day 7 - OFF
    Day 8 - Chest/tri.....and so on.

    I did this split for a bulk and it worked pretty well.

    Less is more if you are trying to put on mass. You can work out 5 days a week but it is going to be hard to pack on weight like that natural. Although with how much you are eating I can't see how you are not gaining even with the 5 day a week schedule.

  29. #29
    DinoV is offline New Member
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    Thanks BigSlick. I'm starting to see a little weight gain just in the last two days. I'm hoping that the combination of me adjusting my training and the 4k cals just took a week and half to actually start accumulating some weight on me. Maybe I was overtrained and my system just needed to realize it was allowed to grow. I'm still going to cut the 5 day back to a 4. I was ready to try doggcrapp if I didn't see some changes.
    Being natural is hard to balance with loving to hit the weights. It does create an environment where you try to destroy a muscle to get it to grow and you're doing more harm than good. I think that's part of where I've gone wrong coupled with not enough calories.

  30. #30
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Excellent advice gbrice.

  31. #31
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinoV View Post
    As of this morning, I've gained a little weight. My choices for food are all clean. You'll notice in the food log I provided that I was using brown rice as a carb as opposed to white, just because I want to keep insulin down etc. I've included sweet potatoes and dropped the milk, added cottage cheese before bed, and plan on changing my split come Monday. Maybe my body was starved for calories compared to how hard I was taxing it in the gym, that these previous two weeks of 3800-4200 calories were just getting me back to a balance. I'm hoping that over the next week I'll see some weight go on. I know that 2lbs a week is all I want to gain to minimize fat.
    I can't thank everyone enough. Brice, I'm sure you're a busy dude and to meticulously go through someone's issues and make notes in your free time is super kind. Thanks guys
    No problem bro, my pleasure! Keep us posted with your progress!

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Excellent advice gbrice.
    Thank you brotha!

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