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Thread: 36 hour fast diet
11-12-2010, 07:40 AM #1Banned
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36 hour fast diet
OK im going to try it see how it works out for me but i will be doing it with a low fat low carb when im not fasting....i will be fasting once a week for the first two weeks and see if i need to add an extra day after that,,,,, wish me luck...
this is the plan
The Universal Problem
You could be your own worst enemy when it comes to losing fat and gaining muscle, but not for the reason you might be thinking...
Because if you're like most lifters, you've looked at fat loss and muscle gain as two separate and very different strategies. As a result, you've mistakenly programmed your body to function as a very efficient fat-storage machine that's resistant to building muscle.
Your metabolism is sluggish, fat cells are constipated and hold on to their gooey globs of lipids, and muscle-cell receptors are resistant to pulling in nutrients for growing.
Hey, this is a universal problem that happens at every level of weightlifting. If we're brutally honest with ourselves, most of us would have to admit that we're oscillating, like a giant, slow-moving pendulum, between "chubby-strong" and "skinny-fat."
It's absolutely true.
Guys who are on a "bulking phase" typically are adding a lot of the mass as lard. Most of the strength gains are from neurological adaptations, and the size comes mostly in the form of edema and fat.
You end up not more muscular, but a little stronger and a lot softer and puffier.
Well... Admit it. Stop doing that. And fix it.
That's exactly what the MAG-10 Pulse-Fast Strategy does fixes your body-building problems and keeps them fixed.
Muscle-building magic is not in a pill, it's in your body.
You just need to know how to turn it on.
The MAG-10 Pulse Fast
It's really exciting... we're seeing potent thermogenic effects combined with enhanced anabolic activity in muscle all from a single strategy.
According to Christian Thibaudeau, "it might be the only TRUE breakthrough in the world of high-performance nutrition in the past 20 years."
Christian's referring to a certain powerful metabolic effect that occurs from pulse-dosing MAG-10 over an extended period. Essentially, extended MAG-10 pulsing is the nutritional strategy we've been using to hold onto muscle mass while shredding-up competitive bodybuilders.
Thing is, we got a lot more than we expected not only did we produce a profound anabolic response, we also produced a powerful thermogenic effect, as well.
Even more impressive shocking actually is that we witnessed greater rates of muscle gain and fat loss than when either fat loss or muscle building are done separately.
Dr. Tim Ziegenfuss believes we're resetting the fat cell's hormone-release pattern to induce an anabolic metabolism that's fueled by the body's own fat stores, which is where we get the term thermo-anabolic.
Fasting over a 36-hour period, while pulsing with doses of MAG-10, enhances insulin sensitivity in both muscle and fat cells. Due to the fasting state, the loaded MAG-10 formula hits the bloodstream super fast and sends what amounts to an anabolic shockwave right into the muscle. At the same time, fat cells are signaled to release their contents for fuel.
As the body responds to this pulse-fast strategy, muscle cells become increasingly sensitive to the anabolic formula of MAG-10, fat cells shrink, and the systemic urge to eat is reduced.
In essence, we're reprogramming the body to function as an easy gainer the physique begins to automatically morph into that muscular-lean look of a bodybuilder.
Even though it's technically complex, a MAG-10 Pulse Fast is pretty simple and painless to do. It only takes 36 hours, 16 of which you'll be sleeping, and you'll be on your way to being an easy-gainer.
1) First Step Stop eating by 9:00 pm the night prior to the MAG-10 Pulse Fast, and consume nothing but water until the next morning when you drink your first pulse.
2) The Pulse Fast Period From 7:00 am until 9:00 pm (14 hours), consume only MAG-10 pulses, water between pulses, and Alpha-GPC. After 9:00 pm, consume nothing but water until awaking the next morning when you'll resume eating your usual diet.
Hopefully, you'll be following a good dietary strategy. If not, find one that best fits your goals, and begin moving that direction.
3) Number of Pulse Fasts Per Week One or two pulse fasts per week is all that's required. If you choose to do two, make sure there's at least one day in-between. We've found the two best days of the week are Mondays and Thursdays.
Don't get hung up on precise timing. Just follow these simple rules and you'll get the maximum benefits from a MAG-10ฎ Pulse Fast:
1) Timing Make sure there is at least one hour and no more than three hours between pulses. The only exception to this rule is peri-workout timing (see below).
2) Workout Period When working out, you want to take full advantage of the enhanced physiologic state induced from training. This is when your body is sucking nutrients right into muscle and it's why we recommend pulsing three times around the workout:
immediately prior to training
mid workout
immediately after training
If you want to really enhance effects and take ANACONDA, simply add two scoops to the mixture when preparing Bottle 2.
3) Pulses Per Day As a general rule, pulse a minimum of 8 times on non-workout days and 10 times on workout days.
Think Carryover Effect
MAG-10ฎ Pulse Fasts are designed not to simply dump fat off the body, but to do something much more powerful to jumpstart your body into easy-gainer mode, and to eventually keep it there.
So don't fixate so much on what happens the day of the pulse fast, but instead, notice what occurs over a three-day period. In other words, as long as you stay active, and follow a good dietary strategy, there's a powerful carryover effect that lasts for several days.
As soon as the effects taper, or shortly thereafter, hit another pulse fast. Typically, this means you'll be on a pulse fast once or twice per week.
The Day of the Pulse Fast
The day you pulse fast, you will lose 2 or 3 pounds of weight (and as much as 4 or 5 pounds), coming mostly from fat and water. But the real benefit from thermo-anabolic metabolism occurs in the two days after the pulse fast, when your body is extra sensitive to building muscle and burning fat.
The Few Days After
Coming off a pulse fast the body is primed to suck nutrients into muscle and to not store body fat. So take full advantage of this enhanced physiology by following effective dietary and training strategies, and really load up on the peri-workout nutrients.
This is especially true for the first day after the pulse fast, where you'll get a profound rebound effect. To really take advantage of the effect, you'll want to increase training volume, and if you can do it, train twice that day. You'll also want to use extra ANACONDA, MAG-10, and Workout Fuel each time you train.
Again, the overall goal is to get your body as muscular and lean as possible, and keep it there! All you have to do is get your body's physiology to cooperate.
The MAG-10 Pulse Fast produces the thermo-anabolic physiology that begins to morph the body into the muscular-lean look of a bodybuilder.
All you have to do is, allow it to happen.
11-12-2010, 07:56 AM #2Banned
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i will also give you my measurements later today and maybe a pic with wight...
11-12-2010, 08:00 AM #3
I am subscribed
Different then the way I fast, so curious to see how it works for you.
11-12-2010, 08:16 AM #4
Me too
11-12-2010, 09:16 AM #5Banned
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Thank you guys seriously I'm going to need a lot of sopport...Today is the first time i missed breakfast in over ten years ....
11-12-2010, 02:10 PM #6Banned
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ok at 300pm and im hungry but not starving but hungry and i shit twice( not sure if i needed to add that or not)
11-12-2010, 02:46 PM #7
11-15-2010, 08:06 AM #8Banned
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Friday was my first fast and i did well i eat real clean over the weekend
grilled chicken
and a little red meat
Sunday night i did have a little sauce on the grilled chicken ( needed something)
and today 11/15/11 Monday ill be fasting again till Tuesday morning..
Nothing but peptopro every two hours... i will also be training today and do 30 min of cardio
weight 243(as of today)
thighs flexed 29 inch
thighs relaxed 29.5 inch
waist 42.75 inch
belly (above waist) 44 inch
chest flexed 46.5 inch
chest relaxed 46 inch
bic flexed 18.75 inch
bic relaxed 18 inch
11-15-2010, 08:09 AM #9
your waist is a 44? wasnt expecting it to be that big
well keep it up bro!
11-15-2010, 09:12 AM #10Banned
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thanks bro
well the pants i wear are a 38 so idk about the hole measuring thing
and the 44 was around the belly... i have wide shoulders so i dont look fat..( in close at least)42 around the waist
but the 38 pants fit i donk know why or if i measured wrong im going to measure it again
11-15-2010, 09:31 AM #11Banned
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ok its 42 inches
11-15-2010, 01:03 PM #12Banned
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Ok so its 200pm and im a little hungry... but i have energy and im feeling good cant wait to work out at the gym today... i should be starting ostarine in a few days...
11-16-2010, 10:26 AM #13Banned
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I love how no one is following this /////
OK yesterdays fast went great and my chest work out was off the wall, i felt really strong for fasting all day even did 30 min of cardio
and did 30 min of cardio this morning..
todays meals are grilled chicken nuts and salad...
weight in at 241 pounds today... thats a 2 pound lose
11-17-2010, 09:56 AM #14Banned
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Grilled chicken and sliced turkey all day
salad for dinner with chicken
Thursday( tomorrow ) is my next fast wight is coming off and i feel great....
11-17-2010, 11:21 AM #15Banned
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I'm going to be training back and bic today and on Friday ill be doing my measurements over to compaire...
11-17-2010, 11:29 AM #16
I'm still watching bro, just not much to say because I have no experience with fasting.
11-17-2010, 07:17 PM #17Banned
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great work out and i figured i do some mesuring now for the hell of it... tomarrow i will be fasting again
weight 243////241
thighs flexed 29 inch////27.5 inch
thighs relaxed 29.5 inch////28 inch
waist 42.75 inch////42 inch
belly (above waist) 44 inch////44 inch
chest flexed 46.5 inch////45.5 inch
chest relaxed 46 inch////45 inch
bic flexed 18.75 inch////18.5 inch
bic relaxed 18 inch ////17 inch
11-18-2010, 08:02 AM #18Banned
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today i weighed in at 239, my friend is a personal trainer and he said he thinks I'm losing muscle
11-18-2010, 08:18 AM #19Banned
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guys i need imput im not sure if im losing muscle or not
11-18-2010, 12:10 PM #20
Probably not bro - chances are you losing fat in areas other then your mid section, which is typical in the beginning.
Use strength as your measurement right now - how are your lifts? Energy levels through the workout?
11-18-2010, 01:33 PM #21
What's Mag-10?
Either way, I dont think fasting can work without losing LBM.
11-18-2010, 01:51 PM #22
Bodybuilder's dont fast for a reason. Your metabolism also wont change or go into 'starvation mode' by fasting a few times or skipping a few meals here and there.
If you havent read any of Lyle McDonald's thoughts on this, here is it:
11-18-2010, 02:20 PM #23Banned
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11-18-2010, 02:40 PM #24Banned
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I didnt see any thing on fasting with hydrolyzed caseinate tho
all in all good read...
11-18-2010, 04:47 PM #25
I'd throw the 'hydrolyzed' out, it doesnt mean it digested/absorbed any better than plain old casein. Infact, its inferior.
11-18-2010, 06:42 PM #26Banned
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11-19-2010, 05:41 AM #27
Of course I can, just like everything I post. All backed up.
11-19-2010, 05:56 AM #28
I missed your height and age, and did you post a pic and take it down?
11-19-2010, 06:14 AM #29Banned
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forgot the pic hight is 5.9 and I'm 31
weight in this morning at 235
I ate a bug breakfast of protein and a little carbs
today I'm training legs...
Swifto ill have to read that link later when i have time thank you guys for the support and help..
11-22-2010, 01:23 PM #30Banned
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GOOD READ thank you swifty.... but the friend who put me on this diet is a personal trainer and he has done some shows in the past also... I had him read your article also and he said its simple you need take this protein for the pulses...
So im going to stick with the log for now
11-22-2010, 01:25 PM #31Banned
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Fasted again on sunday and im down to 234... feeling great and i got a great deal on ostarine and started that on saturday....
11-22-2010, 02:46 PM #32
I'll be watching your log.
Being a PT or having done some show in the past doesnt mean they know what their talking about, believe me. Some of the biggest guys in my gym havent a clue what their doing most of the time, but something works for them. I've heard the most outrageous claims from them, such as, Tren only, GH for weeks, never mixing water/oil, winstrol giving gyno, etc...
I encourage you to read articles by some very bright people in the nutritional industry, and I'd say Lyle is certainly one of them. He's also one of the few that hasnt sold out to a supplement or nutrition company.
11-23-2010, 09:05 AM #33Banned
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Thank you swifto... but all in all I'm still strong and i made a new record on my bench just yesterday for a 225 bench press with 16 clean reps...something is working and this ostarine I'm on is strong as hell
11-25-2010, 06:22 AM #34Banned
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Ok last fast was on 11/24/2010 all went well but i do plan on eating for thanks giving dinner and i will have to stock up on more pertopro because im out... my next fast will be in a week.... as of now looks like something is working....
weight 243////241////238
thighs flexed 29 inch////27.5 inch////25 inch
thighs relaxed 29.5 inch////28 inch////27 inch
waist 42.75 inch////42 inch////41.5inch
belly (above waist) 44 inch////44 inch////42 inch
chest flexed 46.5 inch////45.5 inch////45 inch
chest relaxed 46 inch////45 inch////45 inch
bic flexed 18.75 inch////18.5 inch////18.5 inch
bic relaxed 18 inch ////17 inch ////17inch
11-25-2010, 07:00 AM #35
Glad you are heading in the right direction, keep strong and have a happy thanksgiving!
11-26-2010, 07:39 AM #36Banned
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Oh god did i eat i think im back where i started?
11-26-2010, 08:09 AM #37
11-29-2010, 01:13 PM #38Banned
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thanks but today will be an all out chest and tri day....cant wait to see how strong i am on the bench press since i started the ostarine
11-29-2010, 01:28 PM #39
12-01-2010, 03:16 AM #40Banned
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wow i hit a new record for myself with 225 for 18 reps no spot....
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