my diet, i know people wont like it lol. the reason i have so many shakes with work and other stuff my lifes pretty flat out. find them easy to sneak in or add on top of a meal.
Go to walmart and spend 5 bucks on some cheap tupperwear and cook in bulk on your day off and portion your meals ahead of time
im pretty thin so eating fats dont scare me, 3 year ago i was in a car crash and didnt get out of bed for like 6 months. before that i was little bigger then i am now and ate way more. people would always comment on how much i ate and how thin i still am. iver been trying to get my intake up and im slowly eating more. ive been going to the gym for a few month and i can see a bit of size coming along. putt on about 3kg in the last 2-3 months.
Eating fats may not scare you but eating fats doesn't build muscle
141 pounds
5 10
age 22
training for little under 6 months, full on for about 3
bf would be as low as possible. only size i have is muscle. only bit on my bit i can pinch and find fat not just skin is on my lower back. tiny little bit hahah girlfriend thinks im worse then her hunting my fat out
Pic would help out you'd be amazed at how people underestimate thier bodyfat even at low weight
6am protein shake
This is a good time for a quick shake 25-30grams of whey
630am cup of oats with full cream milk
cream is about 40% fat and most of it saturated. Drop it and maybe add some berries or no sugar added preserves. This meal also need a slower digesting animal protien egg white, or even chicken breast would be good
9 15am 3 chicken strips in a roll with cheese and sause, 3 chicken wingding(little deep fryed chick wings or drumstick) a few dimsims
Throw this meal away completley. Even if its just one bad meal a day thats 7 bad meals a week. Deep fried food has no place in a bodybuilders diet maybe if you're wanna get into competitive sumo wrestling then it would help
1215am half a medium chicken, protein shake (tomorrow im trying 5 eggs protien power because it taste so strong and maybe ice cream or something and milk)
Half a chicken? i'm assuming your eating skin and all? Thats a lot of fat stick to chicken breast here and add complex carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, lentils) And no don't do protien shakes with ice cream
4pm shake with some fruit or if training fruit and shake after work out
If this is your pwo shake then you need to toss the fruit. Fructose is not a good post work out carb, old school bodybuilders use to use grape juice or apple juice with PWO creatine to spike insulin levels and increase protien synthesis, we've came a long way since then. Since you wanna bulk I like a mix of dextrose/malodextrin/oats. Dextrose will spike your insulin and the oats will continue to replenish glycogen stores after
6pm dinner changes, stake chicken pasta rice maybe takeaway :P
This is your first real meal after your workout, don't make it a crap meal. This meal needs to be balanced. Animal protien/complex carbs/fiberous carbs (veggies)
8 30pm protein shake
This needs to be cassien protien if its not already. add a tbsp or two of natural peanutbutter.
middle of the night i get up to go to the toilet thinking of adding shake.
all my shakes have been protein shakes but now i also have weight gainer/protein. its like 800cc and plenty of protein. when should i be using the weight gain instead of the straight protein
Weight gainers are crap, usually full of fat and sugars
i know my meal at 9 15 am is bad, all deep fried but i look forwood to it lol and need something like that at smoko
if you enjoy this meal that much then drop it to once a week as a cheat meal.
off topic
ive been training mon wed fri using all muscles doing 3 sets of 8 doing the heaviest weight i can. should i change to your plan or can you give me some pointers.
If you're doing all muscles 3 days a week you're not training right. Muscle groups need to be split up into a 3 or 4 day split for example
monday: chest, bicepts
teusday: legs
wed: off
thursday back tricepts
friday: off
saturday Delts traps
low reps and heavy weight are good mass builders once you have the foundation to build on. IMO you need to drop the weight and up the reps 4 sets of 12 (1st as a warmup) 3 excercises each muscle
also thinking about starting b12 injection anyone use them?
B12 injections can't hurt as long as you know how to pin properly I never noticed an increase in appetite from them but did have good endurance
when you stop do you find it hard to eat,
how long can you use for
B12 can be used for long periods of time if used properly.
thanks everyone