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Whats up guys, I wanted to put my diet and training in here for a review before I start my next cycle.
age - 22
weight - 200lbs (6'0)
bf - 12%
I've been competing for a few years now, doing 3 shows so far. My problem has always been building muscle without putting on fat. Seems like for every pound of muscle I gain, half a pound of fat comes with it.
So first things first, here's my diet. Now, I've always been high on carbs with fats around 100g and protein relatively high. But after reading up around here, I decided to see what people would recommend. My GOAL is to gain 15-25 pounds of lean mass.
Meal One
50 grams of whey protein, 1 cup of oatmeal and 1 tbsp. PB
(2 fish oil caps, 2 amino acid caps)
Cals 616 Carbs 59g/ Fats: 13g / Protein 62g
Good meal, but no need for the PB here. Can you do some eggs instead of all whey here? I'd rather see 25g whey, and the other 25g of protein from eggs/whites
Meal Two
2 cups of brown rice, 6 whole eggs, veggies
874 / 92g /34g /48g
Of course you're putting on fat. You're eating way too much fat, particularly in one sitting. Make it 2 whole eggs, 4 whites. Probably don't need that much rice either - 92g is ALOT. 1cup would be plenty, 1.5 at the most IMO
Meal Three
2 cups of brown rice, 8 oz. steak (or salmon), and vegetables
673 / 90g / 10g / 54g
Nice meal, but same as above regarding the rice. Also, rice would be my last choice as a carb. How about some sweet potato? Lentils, beans, quinoa, etc
Meal Four
2 cups of brown rice, 8 oz. chicken (or fish), and vegetables
883 / 90g / 24g / 78g
Ok, starting to see the pattern here. Again with the rice!
Meal Five (Post Workout)
50 grams of whey protein and 100 grams of simple carbohydrates
560 101g / 0g / 45g
That 2:1 carbs to protein ratio is old school BS. Not necessary. 50g carbs would be plenty, 75g at the MOST. Also, i'd go with 1/2 simple, 1/2 complex - assuming you want to stick with simple. You don't need to spike your insulin like that. More harm then good IMO
Meal Six
50 grams of casein protein and 1 tbsp. PB
(2 fish oil caps, 2 amino acid caps)
280 / 4g / 8g / 49g
Hmmm... I don't like this only because it's your last meal of the day, and you haven't had any real food since your workout. You're going to have to either fit a PPWO meal in like 30-45 mins after your PWO shake, OR make this meal a good one - lean steak and veggies, some olive oil. Something like that
Totals: 4000 calories, 450 carbs / 90 fats / 350 protein
Monday - Upper body (power)
Tuesday - Lower body (power)
Wed - off
Thurs - Pull hypertrophy (back, traps, bis)
Friday - Push hypertrophy (Chest, delts, tris)
Saturday - Legs hypertrophy
Sunday - off
I usually do abs every other day, and cardio 2x per week.