Originally Posted by
MEAL 1 8AM - 4 egg whites, half cup of Oatmeal, blueberries, water.4 more egg whites and 1 whole egg - you need more than 12g of protein to start the day!
MEAL 2 11AM- 1 cup of Celery sticks, 1 Apple, 1 Can salmon or tuna. I'd remove the apple in favor of a complex carb such as another 1/2 cup oats, small sweet potato, 1/2 cup brown rice, etc. Apples are a healthy food but not a correct choice for your goal - as a sugary carb will only hinder the fat burning process.
MEAL 3 2PM - Spinach salad w/extra virgin olive oil, green peppers, red onion, red peppers, 1 can of tuna or 1 Chicken breast Good meal but get a food scale and weigh your protein sources - 6 oz. is good. As for the oil, I hope you're measuring carefully as 1 tablespoon is 120 calories and the most you should be eating at any one time. Bell peppers and red onions have some sugar, so use them lightly
MEAL 4 5PM - 1 half of a green pepper, almonds (30 almonds), Whey Protein in water ( 30g) A shake every now and then to replace a meal on-the-go is fine but try to use 6 oz. of chicken or fish instead.
MEAL 5 730PM - Half cup of brown rice or 1 sweet potato, 1 Chicken breast, green beans or broccoli. great pre-workout meal. Space things out in a way where this is eaten 60 minutes before the gym however, not 2.5 hours.See below for how to proceed PWO as your workout time changes things.
POST WORKOUT MEAL 6 - Whey Protein in water ( 30g ) OK, this is a huge problem. You're about to go to bed in a completely anabolic state and fast for 8 hours during sleep with only 30g of whey in your stomach. It'll be digested by the time you're home from the gym. It's a PWO recovery supp, not a meal, remember that. Here's what you do: Cut 250 calories during the day to create leeway if you must but 30 minutes after your shake (as soon as you get home) - eat a lean beef meal with veggies. Preferably 6 oz. of flank steak or 95% lean ground with broccoli. Red meat has a very slow digestion rate and should get you through most of the night with a steady source of amino acids. I'm not exaggerating in saying, going to bed without a real meal PWO is almost a waste of your training session. Beyond the first few weeks of training, you'd literally risk burning up muscle tissue and not capitalizing on the window wherein you should be building it.
My cardio is done in the morning on an empty stomach about 3 times per week, and post work out on the rest of the days. I usually do the stair master at fat burner level 8 for 20 minutes and then hit an elipticle uphill for another 20 minutes keeping my heart rate between 140 and 155. My work schedule varies so when i cant make it in there in the morning i do it post workout. My schedule enables me to get into the gym at around 10pm on most days. i hope this is helpful for now and again i will post macro info as soon as i get a chance. please let me know what you think and i thank you very much for all of the help! i cant wait to get on track and start a better lifestyle. Thanks to everyone who has posted so far the encouragement is great modivation. You get what you put in - shoot for longer cardio sessions every day. I also see your training your core/abs many times weekly. Do it only once or twice and on the other days, put that extra time on the treadmill or stairmaster (Elliptical is for MILFs).