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Thread: My Diet Plan.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Planet of the Drums

    My Diet Plan.

    Meal 1.) 1 cup of plain oatmeal, 1 scoop chocolate monster mass powder, 1 cup of skim milk, peanut butter toast, 4 egg whites.

    Meal 2.) 6oz. chicken breast, 8oz. sweet potato, 1/2 cup veggies


    Meal 3.) PWO 2 scoops mass gainer (monster mass) with 10oz. skim milk, 1 glass of orange juice, 3 low fat biscuits.

    Meal 4.) 5oz. lean steak, 1 cup of brown rice, 1/2 cup of carrots, 3 tsp. steak sauce.

    Meal 5.) 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup of fruit (pineapple)

    Meal 6.) 1 bagel, 4 slices or roast beef or turkey breast, 3 slices of low fat cheese, 1 tsp low fat mayo.

    Meal 7.) 2 scoops of mass gainer, 1/2 cup almonds

    Totals = 3,968 cal. 321g protein, 476g carbs, 75g fat

    Please let me know what you think about this plan. I found it online, and felt it was something that would fit best for me.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    there are people here that will help you. read thru the stickies posted in the diet section. you need to post your stats and especially your goals. looks to me like a lot of calories and lots of carbs. also looks like you have too many shakes, may want to substitute some lean protein here. you are eating the right foods, just need to get them in the right order. cottage cheese should be at the end of the day, not in middle. GB should chime in soon, he will be the most help. once you get your stats and goals up, they will help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    i checked your stats and they are very impressive for only two years of training! for your weight and BF% i think your cal intake are fine, but i am not an expert so I'll let the experts chime in. i do agree with nk92mi, don't waste your money on shakes, they're not bad, but real protein will do you much better, you only need to take shakes PWO. good luck!

  4. #4
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    Appreciate it fellas. After I posted this I actually read the "how to bulk" thread and started putting something else together based on that sample plan.
    I do have my cycle on hand, but have decided to wait since I really don't have much experience. I really want to get a couple years of training & research in before I make my move with AAS.
    My goal is to reach 250lbs. (long term goal) at least 220lbs. & solid before AAS.
    I have also been reading a lot about powerlifting and would love to compete at some point. My current gym really isn't set up for that type of lifting. I have found a powerlifting gym and plan to move there once I am ready.

    Stat update
    5' 10"
    18%bf (way off from past assumption haha)

    Again I appreciate your help.

  5. #5
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    This is based on the "how to bulk" thread sample. I switched some meals around to best fit my schedule. Here goes....

    Meal 1: Pro/Carb
    8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Whey Protein mixed with 1 cup oatmeal & milk
    50g protein / 54g carbs / 5g fat


    Meal 2: PWO Nutrition
    2 Scoops Whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose
    40g protein / 80g carbs / 0g fat

    Meal 3: PPWO
    Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice
    55g protein / 64g carbs / 3g Fat

    Meal 4: Pro/Fat
    2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies
    60g protein / 2g carbs / 13g Fat

    Meal 5: Pro/Fat
    Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies
    55g protein / 2g carbs / 20g fat

    Meal 6: Pro / Carb
    Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice
    50g protein / 70g carbs / 3g fat

    Meal 7: Pro/Fat
    Lean steak, 1 cup cottage cheese
    50g protein / 5g carbs / 18g fat

    Meal 8: Before Bed
    3 Scoops of Whey Protein, peanut butter toast
    60g protein / 3g carbs / 21g Fat

    420 grams protein, 250 grams Carbs, and 83 grams of fat. This is roughly 3500 calories

    I know there is still a bit of powder in there... any suggestions welcome.

    Thanks again!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The diet you posted isn't awful but before I critique it can I try to convince you to change your course of action? I think it's great that you've chosen to wait on your cycle. Now, that said - why are you looking to bulk at 18% body fat? I highly reccomend cutting down to 12% or so (you'll still be able to get stronger and add some mass). The reason I say this is, it's rather difficult to bulk effectively without adding some fat and really, what's the point of having bigger muscles if you don't look all that good. The average guy who doesn't even lift weights will look 100% better lean than someone with a big chest and 20% body fat. Take 3 months, get your body fat low (this will also help reveal lacking areas) and then spend another 3 putting on quality mass with carbs in almost every meal. Worst case scenario, you hit 15% body fat.

    Now, if you're not focussed on the aesthetic aspect yet and simply want to focus on gaining size, let me know and we can fix things up a bit but I really think lean should come first.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    I agree with Damien 100% on this ^^^^

    I started bulking at 15% and was unhappy with the end result. I couldn't imagine starting at 18%. Get down to at least 12%, 10% would be ideal, and then start a good clean bulk from there. It's a longer process, sure. But in the end I think you will be much much happier. The straight and narrow path brotha...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks fellas!
    I will def start planning out my cut. Pretty happy with my workout routine, but I'm obviously no expert. (routine posted in workout section if you wanna take a look) I'm not worried about how long it takes, I just want to make all the right moves when it comes to my training. I don't want to waste my time.
    As far as a cut plan... should I focus more on cardio while continuing my regular workout routine & incorporate a good diet?
    And is cardio better PWO or Pre? I've heard mixed reviews...


  9. #9
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tony stacks View Post
    thanks fellas!
    I will def start planning out my cut. Pretty happy with my workout routine, but i'm obviously no expert. (routine posted in workout section if you wanna take a look) i'm not worried about how long it takes, i just want to make all the right moves when it comes to my training. I don't want to waste my time. i'm lazy but the guys over there will sort you out - post a cut diet for us to critique when you're ready!
    as far as a cut plan... Should i focus more on cardio while continuing my regular workout routine & incorporate a good diet? yeah, your workout shouldn't change - your caloric deficit, carb intake, and cardio will dictate your cutting results. No need to do lighter weights, higher reps, or any of that nonsense - lowering body fat = "cutting"
    and is cardio better pwo or pre? I've heard mixed reviews...either pwo or on an empty stomach in the am - your body's glycogen stores are most depleted at these times and as such, fat will be targeted. Pre-workout cardio will serve only to drain your energy before lifting while burning less fat - "and that's bad, m'kay?"


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks! I'll post cut diet here when I get something together. Probably post progress here as well if that's ok....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Please do! Progress pics are especially great. Nobody judges and it's truly the best way to track progress.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    LoL, unfortunately for me I do my cardio fasted first thing in the morning - which also happens to be pre-workout. I chose the lesser of 2 evils as fat loss is the main focus right now. Let's not even talk about how I struggled with 225 on the bench today. =(

    So as Damien said - either PWO, or 1st thing in the am, fasted. Ideally do cardio in the morning, the workout later in the day when energy levels are higher and you have food/energy in your system.

  13. #13
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    I used to do the same thing when I was forced into a "crack of dawn" workout time due to school and work right after. It didn't bother me because I'd end up in the gym about 2 hours after waking up and my natural energy levels at that time were probably at their peak (also the endorphin release from the cardio).

  14. #14
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    I hit the gym first thing in the morning. I wake up around 630 - 7am ED. Eat breakfast, hang for a bit, and head right out. I'm thinking I'll do cardio immediately following workout. 45min - 1hr of resistance training
    Should I be taking my PWO shake before or after cardio??

    I'll get some pictures up tomorrow, and post all my progress in this thread.

    Thanks again for all your help!!

  15. #15
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    Take your PWO shake as soon as you finish cardio, not before - that would defeat the purpose to an extent.

  16. #16
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    Rough cut plan

    Meal 1:
    8 Egg Whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal


    Meal 2:
    PWO shake

    Meal 3:
    1/2 cup brown rice, Lean Steak

    Meal 4:
    Chicken Breast, Veggies

    Meal 5:
    Egg Whites, PB Toast

    Meal 6:
    Veggies, Chicken Breast, 1/2 cup rice

    Meal 7:
    Shake and Low Fat Cottage Cheese

  17. #17
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Stacks View Post
    Rough cut plan

    Meal 1:
    8 Egg Whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal Good meal, add a whole egg or 2


    Meal 2:
    PWO shake If this is whey only - make sure that meal 3 comes only 15-30 minutes after - If the lapse is longer, add 1/2 cup of of oats

    Meal 3:
    1/2 cup brown rice, Lean Steak Ideally, this meal is eaten directly after the PWO shake.

    Meal 4:
    Chicken Breast, Veggies Add another 1/2 cup of oats, brown rice, 1/2 cup mashed sweet potato (1 small).

    Meal 5:
    Egg Whites, PB Toast Replace the PB/toast with veggies and a natural carb source like any of the above or beans, lentils, quinoa, etc. Bread is a bad carb source, even whole wheat as it's highly processed.

    Meal 6:
    Veggies, Chicken Breast, 1/2 cup rice Replace the rice with 15-20g healthy fat via a serving of nuts, natural peanut butter, or a healthy oil on the veggies such as extra virgin olive (not to cook with, just drizzled over.)

    Meal 7:
    Shake and Low Fat Cottage Cheese Remove the whey, it's a fast digesting shake and will do nothing for you before bed. Rather, use 2 servings of whole milk cottage cheese, a scoop of casein protein with 15-20g healthy fat, or a lean steak and veggies. All of the above have a very slow digestion rate and will nourish throughout the night as you're going many hours sans-meal.
    Bold. Macros based on TDEE and cardio schedule would be good. As for the pic - you have no idea how good of a decision a cut was. You're not fat by any means but I can tell you have a decent base covered up by excess fat - you're going to look better than your wildest dream when you get down to 12% in as few as 8 weeks.

  19. #19
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    Thanks so much for your help. I'll re-work the diet plan and re post later today.

    Did full leg routine this morning followed by cardio (bike) and abs.
    I hate cardio but it feels good when I'm done.

    First cut challenge after workout. The gf is sitting here with a big plate of Chinese food. While I'm getting ready to eat my Chicken & Rice. It will all pay off in the end though

  20. #20
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    Thanks so much for your help. I'll re-work the diet plan and re post later today.

    Did full leg routine this morning followed by cardio (bike) and abs.
    I hate cardio but it feels good when I'm done.

    First cut challenge after workout. The gf is sitting here with a big plate of Chinese food. While I'm getting ready to eat my Chicken & Rice. It will all pay off in the end though

  21. #21
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    Meal 1:
    8 Egg Whites, 2 Whole Eggs, ½ cup oatmeal


    Meal 2:
    PWO 2 Scoop Whey Protein Shake

    Meal 3:
    ½ cup brown rice, 2 Cans of Tuna, ½ cup of oats

    Meal 4:
    Chicken Breast, Veggies, 1 Small Sweet Potato

    Meal 5:
    Egg Whites, Beans, Veggies

    Meal 6:
    Lean Steak, Veggies with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Meal 7:
    Casein Shake With Whole Milk & PB, 1 cup Cottage Cheese

    -What is your opinion on cheat meals?

    -What kind of Beans do you suggest?

    -Brown Sugar on Plain Oats?

    -Sodium intake ie; Poultry Seasoning & Soy Sauce?

    -Also, I like to cut up my Chicken Breast & Fry in a little splash of Olive Oil. Is this ok?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    pwo chuck the orange juice its not gonna spike enough, get some dext or maltodextrin, have a spoon of oil instead of the milk and pb b4 bed, also check my post on casein

  23. #23
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    I'll take a look. Thanks

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Stacks View Post
    Meal 1:
    8 Egg Whites, 2 Whole Eggs, ½ cup oatmeal Whole cup here


    Meal 2:
    PWO 2 Scoop Whey Protein Shake

    Meal 3:
    ½ cup brown rice, 2 Cans of Tuna, ½ cup of oats

    Meal 4:
    Chicken Breast, Veggies, 1 Small Sweet Potato

    Meal 5:
    Egg Whites, Beans, Veggies

    Meal 6:
    Lean Steak, Veggies with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Meal 7:
    Casein Shake With Whole Milk & PB, 1 cup Cottage Cheese

    -What is your opinion on cheat meals? Don't schedule one. I don't subscribe to the whole "cheating speeds up your metabolism" thing. Obviously, an unplanned cheat meal will happen sooner or later on a date or something and when it does, every few weeks, you won't have to feel guilty about it.

    -What kind of Beans do you suggest? Just raw pinto, black, or any variety of lentils are best. No canned stuff, haha. Just simmer them in some low sodium chicken stock in bulk.

    -Brown Sugar on Plain Oats? No. use a zero calorie sweetener. No sugar.

    -Sodium intake ie; Poultry Seasoning & Soy Sauce? Mainly aeshtetic. If you want to look and feel better, watch the sodium. If you don't really care and would rather eat for taste, it won't really slow down fat loss but may distort your perception of it.

    -Also, I like to cut up my Chicken Breast & Fry in a little splash of Olive Oil. Is this ok? Just grease the pan lightly or use 0 cal cooking spray - when u cook with healthy complex oils such as olive, they have a very low smoke point and the nutritional value is negated in the process, kinda evaporated right out of it.
    Bold. Sorry, went MIA for a day.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your help bro. I'll be in touch!

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