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Thread: Newer lady member needing diet & workout guidance

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    Post Newer lady member needing diet & workout guidance

    I recently joined this site and have noticed how helpful the diet forum is in personalizing menus for individuals. And some newer members have inspired me to reach out for exercise guidance too!

    My goal is to hit 130 lbs +/- 5

    My stats:
    Young 47 (post menopausal with an even slower metabolism)
    BF% ~ 26
    160 lbs in a size 8/10 (but i once topped the scales at 180)
    Lean body mass 109
    Ideal body weight 121 - 140
    I am muscular and firm but have a layer of fat all over so as a visual, think stocky cheer leader. I carry the majority of my excess weight in the stomach – apple shape…no hips, but my gluts/quads/hamstrings are developed - please don’t ask for pictures…I am shy about that…perhaps when I reach my goal

    I workout faithfully, even when I travel for business and pleasure. I spin 3 times per week plus 1 step bench aerobics. I also do a 1 hour weight resistance training of all major muscles and do machine weights 3 x per week for 45 minutes working back, arms and stomach. Every other week, I add a yoga class and an extra 30 – 45 minutes on the weight machines. I have a pilates machine at home and use it if I can’t get to the gym and have an elliptical (no handle bars so it is collecting dust). I lasted 8 days on the P90x program (so have free weights and chin up bar) but in that short period of time my body was responding. I am an easy gainer so I need to watch the weights …I have trapz without work em.

    I love to workout...especially spinning class! Last year to prepare for a “life event”, I hit it 9 -11 hours a week with spin/step/running/weights/pilates/yoga and the best I could do was down to 146 pounds. I looked great even with my pooch. So about 2 months ago, I started a 6-9 month cycle of hgh @ 4iu 5/2 but am toying with the idea of 3 ius 7/0. Then 2 weeks ago, I added clen @ 80mg which I am running for 3 weeks on/3 off. I expect a lot of noise about this….don’t be too hard on me, please.

    I also love to eat…protein and sweets are my favs. I recently found out that I have high sugar and my doctor put me on oral medicine. Although diabetes runs in my blood lines, I would love to toss that prescription in the trash!

    So here is where I initially wish for some help. I have been trying to follow this plan, but find that I am starving by 5pm and end up over eating, like tonight. I am trying to initially severely limit by net carb intake to 30g/daily, and eventually rise to a higher level, not more than 55 net carbs. My body neatly packages excess carbs on my tummy. I can do protein shakes during the day as snacks but find that most of them are high in sugars. Maybe you can suggest a low sugar alternative. My macro is in grams of p/c/f.

    1st meal at 630 Total calories 30 @ 6/1/0
    Egg whites

    2nd meal around 900 Total calories 145 at 17/8/5
    2 oz chic/10 baby carrots

    3rd Meal 11:30 Total Calories 485 at 55/6/21
    4oz chic/salad/Detour bar (lower sugar protein bar)

    4th Meal @ 2:30 Total calories 178 at 14/7/11
    Hard boiled egg/low fat string cheese/blueberries.

    5th Meal @ 5:00 on non workout nights I am so hungry and eat dumb Total calories 520 @ 36/47/19
    Ham Sandwich with bread and lean ham or something
    5th meal @ 700 on workout nights (twice per week) Total calories 265@ 36/18/7
    Isalean shake with cottage cheese

    6th Meal (none on workout nights)total calories 203 31/8/4
    Low fat 2% Cottage cheese

    Total Counts on my non workout days 1,365 calories@ 128/70/56
    Total Counts on my workout days 1,160 calories @ 135/45/45

    I get up at 445 and go to bed at 9:00 during the week. I currently eat 4 meals and enjoy two glasses of wine on Friday and/or Saturday nite.

    Ok…looking for diet and fitness advice…so bring it on! Thanks so much!

  2. #2
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    I appreciate the effort you put into posting your diet but it's simply awful and I won't bother critiquing it as it's 100% in need of complete overhaul. You need to be educated first.

    For being hungry, just eat endless amounts of fibrous veggies such as brocolli, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, etc. They are calorie neutral and 10g of net carbs worth is likely more than you can fit in your belly. Now that said, I see no reason you have to limit net carbs. In fact, I'd eat as many as 150g daily via low GI, natural foods such as sweet potatoes, oats, beans, and lentils. This way, you're not depriving your body and mind of the glucose it needs to function optimally. If you're dead set on very low carb - the diet needs to be ketogenic meaning fats become your primary energy source. You'll actually see rapid weight loss and increased energy levels with such a diet as opposed to protein only. As such, it's the only severely low carb diet accepted in BB circles. Watch these videos and read the link below them. If you're going to limit net carbs - you cannot also limit fats to this extent without actually slowing down weight loss, damaging your longterm health and performance in the gym.

    Also, read this for general knowledge - in fact, READ IT FIRST:
    Last edited by Damienm05; 11-29-2010 at 06:01 PM.

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    Thank you for the input. I will take alook at all the information you provided.

    I am not so dead set on limiting carbs, although my doctor had suggested it to keep sugar I was trying to be respectful. I previoulsy ate more carbs then recently suggested and lost 25 pounds. My blood results are really what I am interested in. Thanks again!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Thank you for the input. I will take alook at all the information you provided.

    I am not so dead set on limiting carbs, although my doctor had suggested it to keep sugar I was trying to be respectful. I previoulsy ate more carbs then recently suggested and lost 25 pounds. My blood results are really what I am interested in. Thanks again!
    You have to understand that there's low GI complex carbs and then there's carbs (various sugar types among them) that spike insulin and wreak havoc on blood glucose levels. The final link will show you carbs that you should be eating.

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    Welcome! I agree with Damien in that the diet needs alot of work, or better yet needs to be scrapped and completely reworked. It sounds like you're already doing a TON of cardio and working out, so chances are the diet is where you're going all wrong.

    Your total calories are pretty low. I'm willing to bet that with a good diet, we could get you eating MORE and you'd still lose the bodyfat - while effectively satisfying hunger. You may actually be eating too little, and causing your body to not only stubbornly hold on to the fat it already has, but actually making NEW bodyfat via dietary fat. Based on your description, I believe this is your problem. Severe calorie restriction isn't the answer, especially when you have lots of active tissue (muscular legs you described for instance) which needs to be fueled. (relatively) HIGHER calories and the cardio you're already doing is key. See the small article I wrote on this for an explanation - titled 'calories in calories out, but not quite'.

    Good luck, looking forward to seeing what kind of diet you can come back with!

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    Okay. I know something is wrong....I am so dang hungry which causes me to make bad choices later in the day. I will retool the diet but it will take me a few days and will get something out to you guys later this week.

    In the meantime, I am steaming some brocilli, making some rolled oats with stevia and grabing a fist full of almonds and some hummus for tomorrow, I pre-make my meals since I don't have time during the week so will have to start next week with a new diet. Really appreciate it!!

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    Another good tip since you mentioned hummus is going to the health food store and picking out zero-fat organic hummus and/or lentil dips. They are like 15 cals, 1g net carbs per serving, 8 servings per container and really, really good. Basically just pureed onions, garlic, lentils, chickpeas, spices. Great nutrients and fiber. Eat 2 chicken breasts with a ton of spinach and a container of this stuff and 350 calories later, you'll think you just had thanksgiving dinner and be loosening your belt guilt-free.

  8. #8
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    3 meal plans?

    Am I on track by needing 3 plans based on AM PM and non workout days.

    AM workout days. On empty stomach to accelerate fat loss or 1/2 banana enough? Protein loload after wo?

    PM wo days. More carbs in meals 2 and 4 snacks. Protein load afterwards? Note I go to sleep within 2 hours of this meal.

    Off days.
    More carb in AM and limit at night?

    I ate egg whites and oatmeal 4 hours ago and I am still full. This is a new feeling!

  9. #9
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    You're over-thinking it. 5-8 small protein based meals throughout the day and low GI carbs as needed for energy.

    Below is a sample diet I made for a client with your same goal. She wasn't a bodybuilder, so we can go more hardcore for you but she did drop 30 lbs in 12-weeks while adding muscle as a beginner.

    " *****,

    I ran your numbers based visual estimates since we’re yet to do a body fat test using calipers. I have gotten quite accurate. Based on that and what you’ve told me about your lifestyle, I’ve established a TDEE of right around 2100 for you. Rather than starve the lbs. off of you, I’d rather set a daily caloric intake of 1600. That deficit alone won’t result in the rapid weight loss you seek but if you plan on doing cardio 3-5 times per week outside of our sessions, you can still be losing as much as 2 lbs. of fat per week. You'll also notice a fairly drastic drop in water weight right away. As you become more active and build more muscle – your TDEE will go up and give you some more leeway. In just a few short months of dieting you’ll be good to go but no cheating minus the controlled day once per week! We’ll keep training hard in the gym but this is where the hard work really counts – it’s all in the diet.

    As for your cheat day we discussed – just make sure you don’t eat a ton of calories or fat and cut off carb consumption 3 hours prior to bed. Within those parameters, eat all the Chinese food you want (Easier said than done, right?). A cheat day is beneficial because your body will realize it’s not starving and become more willing to let go of stored body fat. Just don’t consume too many calories or you’ll create new fat. Also remember what we touched on earlier regarding business happy hours: there’s no need to give up drinking 100% on this regiment. Just mix with diet and account for the calories in your drinks and either skip a meal (not recommended) or do an extra cardio session the next day (recommended). Remember, alcohol, even without added sugar, is 7 calories per gram!

    This diet may look strict but I promise, you’ll have so much natural energy and you’ll feel so thin after the first week, you’ll get addicted to eating this way.

    I’ve assumed you wake up at 6:30 AM and go to bed at 10:30 PM. Adjust the times based on any variation from that assumption, it doesn’t matter.

    Supplements/additions: Female specific multivitamin, calcium/bone-health supplement, One gallon of water daily, caffeine or energy supplements as needed (this increases your heart rate and causes you to expend more energy and sweat more, increasing weight loss) but remember nothing beats proper nutrition.

    Note that each meal is accompanied by specific macronutrient statistics -
    (grams of protein / grams of carbs / grams of fat / calories)

    Meal 1 / Breakfast - 7:00 AM: 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites, ½ cup oatmeal. Add splenda to your oats instead of sugar. Early morning, you need an energy source (complex carbs – oatmeal) and a Lean protein source to maintain/build lean tissue throughout the day (eggs/whites).
    20 / 28 / 7 / 261

    Meal 2 / Snack - 10:00 AM: 1 oz. Almonds (about 18-22 kernels), ½ cup greek yogurt with ½ cup sliced strawberries. Add splenda to your yogurt instead of sugar. This is a second meal to be taken at work. You’re sedentary at work sitting at a desk, so there’s no real need for complex carbs or a lot of protein since there’s no muscle strain. We’ll use fats instead (almonds) which as you should know, have a lower propensity to be stored as body fat when not “burned” – The yogurt will provide some calcium and protein for bone health and the berries will yield antioxidant health without the sugar content.
    12 / 14 / 18 / 250

    Meal 3 / Lunch - 1:00 PM: 4 oz. chicken breast sliced, 1 cup green veggies (whatever your favorite is, I like Asparagus), 1 cup brown rice. You workout on your lunch break with me for 60 minutes just after this meal. It’s important that we have plenty of complex carbs for sustained energy during the workout (brown rice). Also, we want a full serving of protein and veggies as this is a major meal.
    39 / 44 / 6 / 398

    Meal 4 / Snack - 4:00 PM: Kashi brand granola bar, 1 scoop whey shake – very healthy, low-sugar, sweet snack to kill sugar cravings and give you something convenient for your commute home. Take the whey shake (fast protein) directly after our session for fast PWO muscle recovery and do the granola bar on the way home to maintain healthy blood glucose levels and prevent muscle catabolism.
    27 / 19 / 5 / 140

    Meal 5 / Dinner – 7:00 PM: 6 oz. Salmon filet, 1 cup green veggies, 1 teaspoon olive oil Notice no carbs here due to the late time of day and lack of physical activity, just healthy fat, veggies and protein baby.
    38 / 5 / 15 / 397

    136 grams of protein
    108 grams of carbohydrates
    52 grams of fat
    1546 calories

    Grocery List for one week:
    32 oz. Boneless, skinless chicken breast – approximately 4 large breasts.
    2 dozen large eggs
    7 Salmon Filets (Wegman’s sells a club pack of 7 frozen 6 oz. Chilean Salmon filets for $19.99)
    1 jar of roasted almonds
    1 quart no-sugar added Greek yogurt
    2 packages of fresh Driscoll’s strawberries
    1 large cylinder of raw rolled oats
    1 bag brown rice
    2 boxes of Kashi Granola bars (6 in each I believe)
    At least 50 oz. of brocolli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, spinach etc. You can never have too many because when hungry, you should snack on these. Buy more depending on how much you like veggies. I eat 8 cups daily. I also pay for convenience and buy them in ready-to-microwave steam bags.
    Low calorie cooking spray for lubricating pots/pans pans. A little extra virgin olive oil now and then is fine of course. "

  10. #10
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    Damienm05 awesome info. thanks for sharing. very useful.

    one follow-up on the video. free day or free meal?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Damienm05 awesome info. thanks for sharing. very useful.

    one follow-up on the video. free day or free meal?
    Sorry, was in DC yesterday. Free day but I have to emphasize that this was for a first-time attempt at a healthy lifestlye not someone who'd already proven their dedication. As not to deter her and to continue getting my paycheck - I had to make the diet somewhat appealing so I allowed her a free day. No binge eating and obviously the cals should stay moderate but if she wanted a burger for lunch and general tso's chicken for dinner 1 day a week - fine!

    Ideally, you should not cheat. An unplanned cheat meal will happen sooner or later anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Ideally, you should not cheat. An unplanned cheat meal will happen sooner or later anyway.
    Understand. This month will be challenging - 3 parties, 2 luncheons and a cookie exchange plus an all inclusive. My plan is to give away the cookies to the folks at work - security personnel, maintenance workers, leave in coffee area. I will make the best choices possible at luncheons and eat before I go to evening parties. I kicked up the cardio by adding an extra spinning class, although I know that this will not compensate for bad food choices. The all inclusive will be difficult...more wine...more hidden bad fats. I will do my best. I will stay away from the dessert table except for one meal. I will wind sail everyday (love that...great overall body activity) and there is a running trail nearby.

    I incorporated diet revision starting Tuesday, and was having a hard time getting up the calories and proteins, lacking the proper staples. I used your helpful grocery list and the nice folks behind me couldn't help but comment on all the healthy good food in my cart. Little did they know, it looked different to me too!

    Hopefully 2mrw, I will post options to your sample diet which has been a BLESSING...I would never have come up with that myself and would still be eating poorly.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for the support!

  13. #13
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    On other question....I am completing my 3 week clen cycle and am on schedule to start back up the first week in January. What would you suggest? Stop until I get some real loss come February? March? Or just put them away for now?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Understand. This month will be challenging - 3 parties, 2 luncheons and a cookie exchange plus an all inclusive. My plan is to give away the cookies to the folks at work - security personnel, maintenance workers, leave in coffee area. I will make the best choices possible at luncheons and eat before I go to evening parties. I kicked up the cardio by adding an extra spinning class, although I know that this will not compensate for bad food choices. The all inclusive will be difficult...more wine...more hidden bad fats. I will do my best. I will stay away from the dessert table except for one meal. I will wind sail everyday (love that...great overall body activity) and there is a running trail nearby.

    I incorporated diet revision starting Tuesday, and was having a hard time getting up the calories and proteins, lacking the proper staples. I used your helpful grocery list and the nice folks behind me couldn't help but comment on all the healthy good food in my cart. Little did they know, it looked different to me too!

    Hopefully 2mrw, I will post options to your sample diet which has been a BLESSING...I would never have come up with that myself and would still be eating poorly.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for the support!
    I'm glad you found the information helpful!

    Truth be told, I don't want you to get into a bad habit of doing so regularly but adding extra cardio can negate bad food choices. In fact, I know a lot of people who've lost a lot of weight simply by becoming very active. I also know many gym rats with great bodies who never really follow a clean diet; they simply implement a lot of exercise. So, within reason, don't sweat the upcoming cheats throughout the season. As long as you're clean days well outnumber your bad days, you'll be well ahead of the curve.

    Now, as for the stimulant fat burners - I see no problem with you beginning another clen cycle once your receptors have been refreshed come January, provided your diet and cardio is 100% dialed in by then. You seem to understand, unlike many, that clen is only a small boost and not an answer - that's what's important. Take pictures, measurements, keep logs - don't rely on the scale and don't second guess your progress.

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    Ready for NEW diet critique plus answers to a few questions

    Here is my revised plan which is very similar to that provided by Damienm05. I take in 96 oz of water daily, sometimes with a crystal light to curb my sweet tooth. I intend to mix the whey protein shake with homemade Kefir using 2% milk about 3 times per week. If sweetener is required, I use stevia.

    Is it imperative that I take in the 6 oz protein and cup of leafy veggies or can I replace with a protein shake or something else and a spoonful of supergreens? Since I go to bed within two hours on pm workout days, I think I can get by with a “meal replacement” shake and not be hungry and because it is easier on my digestive system.

    Any problems with a coke zero about 3ish? Need other suggestions to take the edge off my sugar cravings, so that I am not diving into the candy bowl for a handful of mini Reese’s peanut butter cup by 3.

    Can I move the almonds from Meal 2 into a different location? Trying to later sub them with peanut butter and find some low carb bread to a dry peanut butter sandwich before PM workout.

    What is the lowest total daily caloric intake for a day (given that I am balancing p/c/f around 40/35/25%)?

    Morning coffee with the sugar free ok

    Note: Italian Farro 1/4 cup is 7/35/1/170

    Meal 1 @ 630
    ½ cup egg whites and ½ cup rolled oats OR ¼ cup Italian farro/ 2 cups coffee with tbsp sugar free creamer

    Meal 2 @ 930
    ½ cup greek yogart with ½ cup berries (strawberries/blueberries/raspberries)

    Meal 3 @ 12:30
    4 oz of lean protein (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/shrimp/crab/chicken/turkey)

    2 cups spinach or spring mix salad with 4 cherry tomatoes/hearts of palm/radishes/a tiny bit of crumbled blue cheese/4 croutons. Typically no salad dressing, rarely white balsamic and only a drizzle.
    Or 1 cup steamed broccoli with hummus or lentil dip

    1/2 cup brown rice or ¼ cup Italian ferro or small sweet potato.

    Meal 4@ 4:30
    Kashi bar - on the way to the gym or on the way home
    Whey Protein on the way home after gym or after arriving home

    Meal 5 @ 630 non workout days / 700 or 815 on workout days
    6 oz salmon (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/chicken/turkey)

    Veggies (salad, broccoli, asparagus, steamed broccoli/ cauliflower/baby carrot/summer squash mix)

    Bed time @ 900 pm

    My schedule is very different on days off, so I did a little tweaking. I thought I should consume the larger protein meal post workout and limit carb intake pre workout to maximize fat loss.

    Meal 1 @ 8:00 (prior to AM workout)
    ½ banana (this is about the size of a mini/small banana)

    Meal 2 @ 11:00
    Whey protein on the way home
    ½ cup Greek yogurt with ½ cup berries (strawberries/blueberries/raspberries)

    Meal 3@ 12:30
    6 oz of lean protein (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/shrimp/crab/chicken/turkey)

    2 cups spinach or spring mix salad with 4 cherry tomatoes/hearts of palm/radishes/a tiny bit of crumbled blue cheese/4 croutons. Typically no salad dressing, rarely white balsamic and only a drizzle.
    Or 1 cup steamed broccoli with hummus or lentil dip

    Meal 4@ 3:00
    Kashi bar

    Meal 5 @ 6:00
    4 oz salmon (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/shrimp/chicken/turkey)

    Veggies (salad, broccoli, asparagus, steamed broccoli/ cauliflower/baby carrot/summer squash mix)

    Meal 6 @ 8:30
    Chocolate whey protein shake

    Bedtime before 11 on Saturday/9 on Sunday

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    hey girlgymrat! looking good! Don't you want to go pink? click below and let them know.....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Here is my revised plan which is very similar to that provided by Damienm05. I take in 96 oz of water daily, sometimes with a crystal light to curb my sweet tooth. I intend to mix the whey protein shake with homemade Kefir using 2% milk about 3 times per week. If sweetener is required, I use stevia.

    Is it imperative that I take in the 6 oz protein and cup of leafy veggies or can I replace with a protein shake or something else and a spoonful of supergreens? Since I go to bed within two hours on pm workout days, I think I can get by with a “meal replacement” shake and not be hungry and because it is easier on my digestive system. It's best that you eat a real meat/fish meal since a shake is very fast-digesting and won't be in your system to nourish you as you sleep. Have a 100 calorie shake RIGHT after you work out and then RIGHT BEFORE you go to bed, have a small portion of fish/meat/veggies. Remember, you want to lose fat but if you're nutrition isn't on point, you'll be neglecting lean muscle and that's the best fat burner.

    Any problems with a coke zero about 3ish? Need other suggestions to take the edge off my sugar cravings, so that I am not diving into the candy bowl for a handful of mini Reese’s peanut butter cup by 3. Nope, diet sodas are fine.

    Can I move the almonds from Meal 2 into a different location? Trying to later sub them with peanut butter and find some low carb bread to a dry peanut butter sandwich before PM workout. Yes, the almonds are an energy source for a sedentary period of the day. Whatever that is for you is fine. As for the bread - get a brand called Ezekiel by Foods for Life. Sprouted Grain, high protein, high fiber, flourless, all natural. But remember, there's no protein in a PB sandwich so you'll want to have a lean source.

    What is the lowest total daily caloric intake for a day (given that I am balancing p/c/f around 40/35/25%)? On workout days, I'd never go below 1600. It's dependent upon your individual stats though (TDEE).

    Morning coffee with the sugar free ok I dunno - I doubt cream of any sort is OK. There's fat-free 1/2 and 1/2 available at the store - you could use some splenda/stevia

    Note: Italian Farro 1/4 cup is 7/35/1/170

    Meal 1 @ 630
    ½ cup egg whites and ½ cup rolled oats OR ¼ cup Italian farro/ 2 cups coffee with tbsp sugar free creamer Works. Well, notes on creamer above.

    Meal 2 @ 930
    ½ cup greek yogart with ½ cup berries (strawberries/blueberries/raspberries) Just make sure you're getting the no-sugar added yogurt.

    Meal 3 @ 12:30
    4 oz of lean protein (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/shrimp/crab/chicken/turkey) Move the almonds here if you're going to move them.

    2 cups spinach or spring mix salad with 4 cherry tomatoes/hearts of palm/radishes/a tiny bit of crumbled blue cheese/4 croutons. Typically no salad dressing, rarely white balsamic and only a drizzle.
    Or 1 cup steamed broccoli with hummus or lentil dip I see no protein here. Every meal should have protein. Just add some chicken, tuna, or something to your salad. Cals are looking like they'll come out low anyway.

    1/2 cup brown rice or ¼ cup Italian ferro or small sweet potato.

    Meal 4@ 4:30
    Kashi bar - on the way to the gym or on the way home You need something more substantial pre-workout in terms of protein - I suppose a shake right before with the bar would be a sufficient pre-workout meal. Just don't work out without protein.
    Whey Protein on the way home after gym or after arriving home

    Meal 5 @ 630 non workout days / 700 or 815 on workout days
    6 oz salmon (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/chicken/turkey) Good!

    Veggies (salad, broccoli, asparagus, steamed broccoli/ cauliflower/baby carrot/summer squash mix)

    Bed time @ 900 pm I know it goes against conventional wisdom but as I foreshadowed above, you should have a small portion of lean protein before bed.

    My schedule is very different on days off, so I did a little tweaking. I thought I should consume the larger protein meal post workout and limit carb intake pre workout to maximize fat loss. Other way around on the carbs - keep your energy up pre-worout

    Meal 1 @ 8:00 (prior to AM workout)
    ½ banana (this is about the size of a mini/small banana) Remove the banana - have 1/2 cup oats! Add protein - egg whites, eggs.

    Meal 2 @ 11:00
    Whey protein on the way home
    ½ cup Greek yogurt with ½ cup berries (strawberries/blueberries/raspberries) Good

    Meal 3@ 12:30
    6 oz of lean protein (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/shrimp/crab/chicken/turkey) Add 1/2 cup oats, brown rice, lentils, etc.

    2 cups spinach or spring mix salad with 4 cherry tomatoes/hearts of palm/radishes/a tiny bit of crumbled blue cheese/4 croutons. Typically no salad dressing, rarely white balsamic and only a drizzle.
    Or 1 cup steamed broccoli with hummus or lentil dip Add 4-6 oz. lean protein

    Meal 4@ 3:00
    Kashi bar add a protein shake

    Meal 5 @ 6:00
    4 oz salmon (wild salmon/steel head fish/tilapia/tuna in water/shrimp/chicken/turkey)

    Veggies (salad, broccoli, asparagus, steamed broccoli/ cauliflower/baby carrot/summer squash mix)

    Meal 6 @ 8:30
    Chocolate whey protein shake Replace with a small portion of lean protein - ideally red meat as it has the slowest digestion rate. Add 15g of healthy fat to slow digestion.

    Bedtime before 11 on Saturday/9 on Sunday
    The main change is just to have at least 4 oz. of lean protein in every single meal. Either a shake (1-2 daily) or real food (4-6). Also, fats seem low so I'd add almonds, PB, oil, etc to your pre-bed meal.

    THe 2nd draft with my changes is best.

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    Damien. Thank you again.
    I have never eaten protein with every meal.
    I have never eaten so many good carbs in my entire life.
    I have never eaten so much fiber.

    This is a new way to eat. I have a couple things mixed up, will adjustments and will post with macros. I will take pictures and measurements and start log tomorrow. BTW, my recently purchased Greek Yogart has 0 fat, but 9g sugar. I'll finish it and move to another brand.

    I weighed myself this morning and scale is up. I am not concerned, yet, but it is still psychologically disturbing. Good news is my 2 pac is back! (2 pac is what I fondly call my upper abs).

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    hey girlgymrat! looking good! Don't you want to go pink? click below and let them know.....
    Thanks for bringing to my attention. When I first joined, I thought I was getting access, just by introducing myself as a new female member by posting a new thread. Perhaps the ADMINs can make it more clear for the ladies since other gals have the same issue.

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    You are welcome. LOVE just LUV your new AVY!!! CUTE!

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    There's inherent sugar in all greek yogurt and as long as you keep it to one or two portions daily, early in the day - I actually think it's a beneficial addition to most diets.

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    Progress so far after one week of this revised menu and 2 xmas parties and the cookie exchange....tummy is flatter...lost puffiness in chin...more definition in arms. Weigh in and measure on Sunday! I don't expect the scale to have moved much...not quite the best time of year to be starting this new plan.

    Before this week, I consumed alot of bad calories in the evening and old habits die hard. On the new plan, I am still hungry, especially after my workouts. I eat the fish and it doesn't make a dent. Eat more fish?

    I am eating about 1600 calories M-F and 1400 on S/S, with that last meal at 7ish. Craving sweets especailly...will this go away, soon? I picked up some healthy choice fudge bars...that sounds bad...fugde bars. 100 cal/4g protein/16g carbs(5 fiber/5 sugars/5 sugar alcohols) / 1.5g fat. I figured these were better then those christmas cookies....dumb idea? I also picked up some Chocolate Whey 140 calories/ 27g p/3g c/2g fat. I tried drinking extra water with crystal light, but this disturbed my sleep. Need ideas!! Just go to bed hungry???

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Progress so far after one week of this revised menu and 2 xmas parties and the cookie exchange....tummy is flatter...lost puffiness in chin...more definition in arms. Weigh in and measure on Sunday! I don't expect the scale to have moved much...not quite the best time of year to be starting this new plan.

    Before this week, I consumed alot of bad calories in the evening and old habits die hard. On the new plan, I am still hungry, especially after my workouts. I eat the fish and it doesn't make a dent. Eat more fish?

    I am eating about 1600 calories M-F and 1400 on S/S, with that last meal at 7ish. Craving sweets especailly...will this go away, soon? I picked up some healthy choice fudge bars...that sounds bad...fugde bars. 100 cal/4g protein/16g carbs(5 fiber/5 sugars/5 sugar alcohols) / 1.5g fat. I figured these were better then those christmas cookies....dumb idea? I also picked up some Chocolate Whey 140 calories/ 27g p/3g c/2g fat. I tried drinking extra water with crystal light, but this disturbed my sleep. Need ideas!! Just go to bed hungry???
    Well, congrats on the progress so far! In order for me to comment on most of what you've written above however, I need to know your level of dedication. Basically, how strong is your motivation? If you want a perfect body that you won't even recognize in the mirror come this time next year, then I'd say this: "Don't eat more fish, embrace the hunger, deal with it - drink more water. Stick to your cals for the day no matter what. Yes the fudge bars were dumb, you should be eating meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and complex carbs only. Maybe a whey shake if you're in a bind. Oats with splenda is now your version of cookies. Sounds harsh yeah? It's how myself and many others on here have lived almost every day for a long while now. Why? Because let's face it, we all came to this board in the first place looking to do steroids - that's pretty serious motivation!"

    Now, if you're simply looking to lean out, tone up, be healthy, be fit, be happy, and be normal and you're OK with achieving your goals at a fairly average rate, I'd say this: "If you're hungry just eat more protein and green vegetables - sure it's a few more cals but it's better than cheating; no need to embrace hunger pains. Yes, whenever you're in a situation around bad tempting food it's a great idea to have a granola or protein bar or something provided you've read the macros and know it's a better alternative. Hell, even if you do end up having a cookie or two just recognize it and exercise more to burn it off."

    Of course, somewhere in the middle is fine too. Regardless, you're doing great and it does my heart good to see you being so consciencous and making progress.

    Now, as for ideas for when you're hungry or just need something to get you through - I say make yourself protein bars. There's plenty of recipes, some are very low cal containing just chocolate whey, rolled oats, artificial sweetener, an egg, and some whites. Others are more calorie dense as they have peanut butter and such but it's still better than anything you'll find in the store. Also, try making oatmeal cookies with blueberries instead of raisins, splenda, skim milk, vanilla extract, and eggs. They will be dry due to not having any butter or shortening but after 2-weeks of cheat-free dieting, they'll be heaven eaten with a whey shake. Still, if you're really looking to transform - I'd just eat more fibrous veggies and find something constructive to do until it's time to eat a lean protein-based meal again!

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    Damien. After all the xmas parties and cookie exchange, I would have been up by 5 lbs already!!

    Ideas...I will search for these recipes of very low cal protein bars. I love all the ingredients and have eaten some pretty bland food in the past, so this actually sounds good! I appreciate the ideas...I didn't even think to make my own! This is all new and these suggestions are new to me.

    Dedication/Motivation...well that will be for me to prove to you and myself and OP. I will be staying at a new location in January, and CHOSE the CRAPPIER hotel with a complimentary gym membership..nice facility with full weight room and cardio classes, including spinning. I will be informing folks that my work schedule will need to accomodate my workout I'll be starting earlier to make it there on time. I will be asking the kitchen to roast some asparagus for me since I don't have an oven. I will be making my own meals rather then eating out every meal.

    Goals...Would like to be nearing my goal come end of April so lets say 25 lbs in 4 months. I want to get through December with no addiitional weight. May not sound like dedication, but I got an all inclusive vacation coming up. Last year I gained nearly 10 pounds in December.

    Perfect Body...Never had one; Not sure I can ever have that, but know it can be better.

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    I like everything you're saying. You're in the right mindset and on the right track. I know you'll achieve your goals. It's Friday night and I'm signing off. Until next time!

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    I recently joined this site and have noticed how helpful the diet forum is in personalizing menus for individuals. And some newer members have inspired me to reach out for exercise guidance too!

    My goal is to hit 130 lbs +/- 5

    My stats:
    Young 47 (post menopausal with an even slower metabolism)
    BF% ~ 26
    160 lbs in a size 8/10 (but i once topped the scales at 180)
    Lean body mass 109
    Ideal body weight 121 - 140
    I am muscular and firm but have a layer of fat all over so as a visual, think stocky cheer leader. I carry the majority of my excess weight in the stomach – apple shape…no hips, but my gluts/quads/hamstrings are developed - please don’t ask for pictures…I am shy about that…perhaps when I reach my goal

    I workout faithfully, even when I travel for business and pleasure. I spin 3 times per week plus 1 step bench aerobics. I also do a 1 hour weight resistance training of all major muscles and do machine weights 3 x per week for 45 minutes working back, arms and stomach. Every other week, I add a yoga class and an extra 30 – 45 minutes on the weight machines. I have a pilates machine at home and use it if I can’t get to the gym and have an elliptical (no handle bars so it is collecting dust). I lasted 8 days on the P90x program (so have free weights and chin up bar) but in that short period of time my body was responding. I am an easy gainer so I need to watch the weights …I have trapz without work em.

    I love to workout...especially spinning class! Last year to prepare for a “life event”, I hit it 9 -11 hours a week with spin/step/running/weights/pilates/yoga and the best I could do was down to 146 pounds. I looked great even with my pooch. So about 2 months ago, I started a 6-9 month cycle of hgh @ 4iu 5/2 but am toying with the idea of 3 ius 7/0. Then 2 weeks ago, I added clen @ 80mg which I am running for 3 weeks on/3 off. I expect a lot of noise about this….don’t be too hard on me, please.

    I also love to eat…protein and sweets are my favs. I recently found out that I have high sugar and my doctor put me on oral medicine. Although diabetes runs in my blood lines, I would love to toss that prescription in the trash!

    So here is where I initially wish for some help. I have been trying to follow this plan, but find that I am starving by 5pm and end up over eating, like tonight. I am trying to initially severely limit by net carb intake to 30g/daily, and eventually rise to a higher level, not more than 55 net carbs. My body neatly packages excess carbs on my tummy. I can do protein shakes during the day as snacks but find that most of them are high in sugars. Maybe you can suggest a low sugar alternative. My macro is in grams of p/c/f.

    1st meal at 630 Total calories 30 @ 6/1/0
    Egg whites

    2nd meal around 900 Total calories 145 at 17/8/5
    2 oz chic/10 baby carrots

    3rd Meal 11:30 Total Calories 485 at 55/6/21
    4oz chic/salad/Detour bar (lower sugar protein bar)

    4th Meal @ 2:30 Total calories 178 at 14/7/11
    Hard boiled egg/low fat string cheese/blueberries.

    5th Meal @ 5:00 on non workout nights I am so hungry and eat dumb Total calories 520 @ 36/47/19
    Ham Sandwich with bread and lean ham or something
    5th meal @ 700 on workout nights (twice per week) Total calories 265@ 36/18/7
    Isalean shake with cottage cheese

    6th Meal (none on workout nights)total calories 203 31/8/4
    Low fat 2% Cottage cheese

    Total Counts on my non workout days 1,365 calories@ 128/70/56
    Total Counts on my workout days 1,160 calories @ 135/45/45

    I get up at 445 and go to bed at 9:00 during the week. I currently eat 4 meals and enjoy two glasses of wine on Friday and/or Saturday nite.

    Ok…looking for diet and fitness advice…so bring it on! Thanks so much!
    My take.....Cardio should be done first thing in the morning fasted and preferably 2nd session at night. But if you workout early then do your 2nd cardio session after workout. 25 g protein in all meals and carbs (besides fibrous) in the morning, preworkout, and postworkout. Guarantee this will do the trick!

    Fasted AM Cardio 45 min

    Meal 1 – 1 cup egg whites and 1 cup oats

    Meal 2 – 4 oz chicken breast and veggies (broccoli, spinach, asparagus, green or red peppers, leafy greens..whatever) Essential fatty acids 1 tbsp

    Meal 3 – 4 oz ground turkey and veggies (Same as above)

    Meal 4-(Preworkout) – 4 oz chicken breast and 1 cup rice
    Cardio 30-45 min after workout

    Meal 5-(Post workout) –4 oz tilapia and 1 1/4 cup yams

    Meal 6 – protein shake 25 g

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    My take.....Cardio should be done first thing in the morning fasted and preferably 2nd session at night. But if you workout early then do your 2nd cardio session after workout. 25 g protein in all meals and carbs (besides fibrous) in the morning, preworkout, and postworkout. Guarantee this will do the trick!

    Fasted AM Cardio 45 min

    Meal 1 – 1 cup egg whites and 1 cup oats

    Meal 2 – 4 oz chicken breast and veggies (broccoli, spinach, asparagus, green or red peppers, leafy greens..whatever) Essential fatty acids 1 tbsp

    Meal 3 – 4 oz ground turkey and veggies (Same as above)

    Meal 4-(Preworkout) – 4 oz chicken breast and 1 cup rice
    Cardio 30-45 min after workout

    Meal 5-(Post workout) –4 oz tilapia and 1 1/4 cup yams

    Meal 6 – protein shake 25 g
    It sure was nice having you gone, why'd you come back. I didn't think I was going to have to ask the mod's to ban you, but I guess I was wrong. The young lady has been helped her entire thread by a respected member of the boards and you, step on toes and disrespect someone who obviously knows what they are talking about, you are not respected and your input is not needed nor wanted.

    You are rude and I don't like you, in case you didn't get that part.

  28. #28
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    I didn't want to say anything but yeah, dick move Calstate.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post

    Goals...Would like to be nearing my goal come end of April so lets say 25 lbs in 4 months. I want to get through December with no addiitional weight. May not sound like dedication, but I got an all inclusive vacation coming up. Last year I gained nearly 10 pounds in December.
    The holidays are always a rough time, but it sounds like you're doing great so far, girl! Once December is over, it'll be much easier and that 2 pack will have grown into at least a 4 pack before you even know it lol.

    Keep it up, I'm rooting for you!

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    Thanks PrettyPoodle

    Quote Originally Posted by prettypoodle View Post
    Keep it up, I'm rooting for you!
    Prettypoodle...Thanks for the support!! I am monitoring your thread and wishing you the very very best....come spring we'll be skinny together!!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Now, as for ideas for when you're hungry or just need something to get you through - I say make yourself protein bars. There's plenty of recipes, some are very low cal containing just chocolate whey, rolled oats, artificial sweetener, an egg, and some whites. Others are more calorie dense as they have peanut butter and such but it's still better than anything you'll find in the store. Also, try making oatmeal cookies with blueberries instead of raisins, splenda, skim milk, vanilla extract, and eggs. They will be dry due to not having any butter or shortening but after 2-weeks of cheat-free dieting, they'll be heaven eaten with a whey shake. Still, if you're really looking to transform - I'd just eat more fibrous veggies and find something constructive to do until it's time to eat a lean protein-based meal again!
    Damien. I checked out the recipe section and search for the low cal cookie alternatives, but can't find ones with your suggested ingredients. I also noticed in the recipe section that I am NOT ALONE...others suffer from sweet tooth.

    I also looked online, but as your warned, they included flour, peanut butter, applesauce and just too high in fat and calories. Some look like bulking cookies.

    Where can I find a recipe???Please!!! Thank you!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    It sure was nice having you gone, why'd you come back. I didn't think I was going to have to ask the mod's to ban you, but I guess I was wrong. The young lady has been helped her entire thread by a respected member of the boards and you, step on toes and disrespect someone who obviously knows what they are talking about, you are not respected and your input is not needed nor wanted.

    You are rude and I don't like you, in case you didn't get that part.
    Ha Ha and the fact that you thought I cared. I actually don't like you at all either and I'm sure you knew that. You think you know a lot more then you really do, like a lot of people on here. Its a fu*king forum where people put their input. Just because someone puts their input doesn't mean I can't have an input as well. You guys put all this unnecessary bullsh*t like you are Chad Nicholls or something. If you knew so much you wouldn't spend a 1/4 of your day on here giving people free advice.

    I just wrote something down for her thats plain and simple and will work. You don't know sh*t man, you had to come on here and ask for advice that you didn't know. The difference between you guys and me is that I have a drug addiction and locking myself up trying to help people to keep my mind off of stuff.

    You guys all act like your so respectful towards others but you are ALWAYS the first to be disrespectful and tell people they are wrong. You originally did that to me so I came back even harder and thats why you perceive me as a di*k.

    Its funny that I know I school you on diet and routine, yet you guys are telling me I'm wrong ha ha. Proof is in the puddin brotha. I live it, I walk it, I breath it. And just so you know I still am working out, I don't know what you're talking about because I never said I wasn't lifting. In fact, I'm in the top shape of my life right now because that is all I do to stay off.

    Seriously man, I posted up a diet for someone precisely for her and took some time to do it and you put me down? See you have the problem here old man. Like I said, its a fu*king forum open for advice. I gave mine, so just shut your trap
    Last edited by calstate23; 12-11-2010 at 05:18 PM.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    I didn't want to say anything but yeah, dick move Calstate.
    As for you little boy. Take your pic down bro. You think that looks good? You look like an over trained skinny bit*h. Again, funny, you think you are Chad Nicholls or something and just a year ago you didn't even know what POST CYCLE THERAPY WAS.

    Here is your post, its pretty sad. Obviously you don't know much. I don't care how much you THINK you learned, you don't start given people diet advice when just a year ago you don't even know what pct is, sorry bud.

    You're a total douche bag so stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

    Listen, to the girl who is taking advice from you guys I feel sorry for you. Please do not listen to old men who don't know sh*t about real bodybuilding or little kids that need help with PCT less then a year ago. Take it from someone who knows that they're talking about. I'd follow my advice for real.

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    This is none of my business, and I was just gonna stay the fvck out of it as I have better sh!t to do, but I felt compelled to give my .02.

    Firstly, Cal - I think it's fair to say I have less of a problem with you then most other people here. You have given advice that i've agreed with, etc. Bro, it's not about whether you're 'allowed' to give input or not, because you clearly are - this is an open forum. It's just HOW you come off. When another member is almost exclusively working with somebody looking for help, it's just common courtesy to start off with something like "not to step on Damien's toes, but here's MY take..." or "Hey guys, I just wanted to give my .02, I felt like I could add to this..." bla bla bla, you get my point. It's simple board etiquette, and IMHO that is where you are lacking.

    As for this thing ongoing with Tbody - he came at you hard, you came back hard, defending yourself. I get that. T is a friend but I can appreciate you standing your ground. What I DON'T get are your vicious comments towards Damien. He expressed nothing more then the fact that he felt slighted by you. He had enough class to not even bring it up, and only jumped in after TB jump started things. You start attacking his physique, knowledge, etc? I don't get it bro, not cool.

    My last issue is personal. If you have issues with specific people, then keep them with those people. Stop lumping 'us' into this general group. Some of us spend our time on here giving out free advice because - get this - we enjoy helping people. Some of us were fat fvcks 2 years ago (yep, that'd be me) and know the desperation people can feel when they don't know where to start. We can ease that for them and help them avoid alot of mistakes that we made. Nothing more. It's insulting for you to say what you said... at least it is to me.

    This is not a personal attack on you. I'm calling it like I see it, like I always do. If you find it necessary to fling insults at me, go for it. If you want to spend your time researching my old posts where pretzels were a planned part of my diet, or when 50% of my protein intake came from shakes, have at it. I have nothing to hide and never ever claim to be any kind of expert. I just know I have alot to offer to people who have been in this game for a shorter time then myself. Shit, I have a thread running 25 pages deep and let it all hang out right there. My ups, my downs, my fvck ups, the times I feel like quitting, etc.

    Take my advice for what it's worth bro. And if it's worth nothing to you, that's fine too.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    This is none of my business, and I was just gonna stay the fvck out of it as I have better sh!t to do, but I felt compelled to give my .02.

    Firstly, Cal - I think it's fair to say I have less of a problem with you then most other people here. You have given advice that i've agreed with, etc. Bro, it's not about whether you're 'allowed' to give input or not, because you clearly are - this is an open forum. It's just HOW you come off. When another member is almost exclusively working with somebody looking for help, it's just common courtesy to start off with something like "not to step on Damien's toes, but here's MY take..." or "Hey guys, I just wanted to give my .02, I felt like I could add to this..." bla bla bla, you get my point. It's simple board etiquette, and IMHO that is where you are lacking.

    As for this thing ongoing with Tbody - he came at you hard, you came back hard, defending yourself. I get that. T is a friend but I can appreciate you standing your ground. What I DON'T get are your vicious comments towards Damien. He expressed nothing more then the fact that he felt slighted by you. He had enough class to not even bring it up, and only jumped in after TB jump started things. You start attacking his physique, knowledge, etc? I don't get it bro, not cool.

    My last issue is personal. If you have issues with specific people, then keep them with those people. Stop lumping 'us' into this general group. Some of us spend our time on here giving out free advice because - get this - we enjoy helping people. Some of us were fat fvcks 2 years ago (yep, that'd be me) and know the desperation people can feel when they don't know where to start. We can ease that for them and help them avoid alot of mistakes that we made. Nothing more. It's insulting for you to say what you said... at least it is to me.

    This is not a personal attack on you. I'm calling it like I see it, like I always do. If you find it necessary to fling insults at me, go for it. If you want to spend your time researching my old posts where pretzels were a planned part of my diet, or when 50% of my protein intake came from shakes, have at it. I have nothing to hide and never ever claim to be any kind of expert. I just know I have alot to offer to people who have been in this game for a shorter time then myself. Shit, I have a thread running 25 pages deep and let it all hang out right there. My ups, my downs, my fvck ups, the times I feel like quitting, etc.

    Take my advice for what it's worth bro. And if it's worth nothing to you, that's fine too.
    I completely agree with you on behalf of your part. I understand that and it makes sense. We've said a couple things back and forth but whatever and then we both moved on. You weren't all immature about it and neither was I.

    But this dude just keeps talking sh*t and talking sh*t on every post like he is stocking me, even when I haven't said one thing to the guy. And again, on this post I wasn't even talking to Tbody or Damien and was throwing out some advice to someone. Then tbody leaves this disrespectful comment, the guys got an issue. As for stepping on people's toes, it is a forum for open discussion and I just posted a view. I don't read everyones "LAST" post or whats going on, that would take me forever just to put one remark. I find an interesting post and then make my remark on their original statement.

    As for making remarks toward people, if I am not talking bad about someone and then they decide to throw out disrespectful remarks to me for no reason as Tbody and Damien did I will come back even more brutal. It is TOTALLY UNCALLED for to talk sh*t on someone who hasn't even said anything to them. People wanna talk sh*t, I can go there to. Tbody straight dissed me for no reason and so did damien. Perhaps you didn't read his statement, this is what he wrote "I didn't want to say anything but yeah, dick move Calstate."

    Calls me a dick and sh*t and I didn't even say anything to him. Thats when I will talk some real sh*t because again, completely unnecessary. I don't know anyone who would find me at fault here. If you talk sh*t, ESPECIALLY if the other person didn't badmouth them first or wasn't even talking to them they should expect to get some sh*t talked to them.

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    I hear you Cal. Like I said, it's not my battle and I didn't even want to butt in - it was more the 'you guys' comment that rubbed me. I wish you and TB could work it out, i really do. Maybe you 2 need a heart to heart, take it to PM's or something.

    To girlygymrat - I want to apologize on behalf of myself and the others for the mega-hijack. I won't be commenting on this in your thread again, sorry girl! =)

    PS - keep us posted with your progress. I know you're going to do great!

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    Red face

    guys...I appreciate the advice and help and suggestions and then things got a little side tracked so lets get back on point.....

    Looking for that low cal/low carb protein oatmeal cookie recipe!!! Thanks!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    guys...I appreciate the advice and help and suggestions and then things got a little side tracked so lets get back on point.....

    Looking for that low cal/low carb protein oatmeal cookie recipe!!! Thanks!
    GGR - have you searched the recipe sub forum? There's alot of good suggestions there, i'm sure you'll find several for cookies!

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    i did...they were made with applesauce or peanut butter or flour and too high cal/ not quite what was suggested.

  40. #40
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    Wait, so the fact that I just recently entered the world of AAS within the last couple years and didn't learn about pct until I joined this board makes me ineligable to give diet advice and a "noob"? What sort of fried brain even draws that conclusion. I don't want to hijack this thread further, so I won't flame yo as I should but to think that because I haven't been doing cylces for a decade, my diet knowledge is somehow compromised is absurd. I thought it was asinine and rude to usurp the thread when the OP was already locked in and doing well on a diet plan we'd helped her with and I let you know it. Anyway, I won't dignify this further but thought that should be said.

    Also, I wasn't aware that pointing out a discourteous action as a "dick move" was a direct attack on someone's character. Easy boy...
    Last edited by Damienm05; 12-11-2010 at 10:17 PM.

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