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Thread: My diet change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!

    My diet change

    mRight my diet, pick it apart if ya want!! im not sure on the macros but this was my diet, and it worked ok for me so how is it looking? looking for gaining lean size!

    Height 5ft 10
    Weight 184lbs

    4 or 5 egg whites, 1 yellow 85/20/1.2/0.6
    Whey protein shake 120/30/0/0
    2 Flax oil capsules 20/0/0/2
    Half cup of oats 150/5/27/9.5
    Totals = 375/55/28.2/12.1

    Meal 2
    4oz Chicken breast 120/24/0/1.5
    4oz Sweet Potato 90/2/20/0
    Total = 210/26/20/1.5

    Workout here (Muscle assault pre workout drink)

    Meal 3
    Whey protein shake again around 120/30/0/0
    Total = 120/30/0/0

    Meal 4
    4-6oz Steak 1/0/0/0 (couldt find the macros hopefully you may know)
    4oz Sweet potato 90/2/20/0
    Totals =

    Meal 5
    4oz chicken breast 120/24/0/1.5
    2 Flax oil capsules 20/0/0/2
    Total = 140/24/0/3.5

    Meal 6
    Casein protein shake 260/48/14/2
    2 tbs peanut butter 200/7/6/17
    2 Flax oil capsules 20/0/0/2
    Total = 480/55/20/21

    Now im not sure on the macro of the steak so havent added in them macros!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'd double up on the carbs at breakfast and pre-workout. Add 1/2 cup oats to your PW shake. Add 2 cups of green veggies and 15-20g of fat from some nuts or oil to meal 5. Good food choices but the diet I see above is 1700 calories at most (I'm assuming the steak is fairly lean). So, make the changes suggested will put you at 2100 or so - still not enough to gain mass unless you're 120 lbs! Make all of your 4 oz. protein portions 6-8 oz. and see where that takes you. Monitor closely and keep adding more food - protein and carbs only (fat is fine now) and no carbs after meal 4 - but keep adding food!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Thanks man, appreciate that. Ya i was definatly looking at adding more food, i knew i needed too!! being in college it is very hard get the time and all that but i gotta make it work, because come the start of the summer i dont want to be making another i need help thread!!

    Like to see other people input on this if at all possible

    Thanks guys

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