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  1. #1
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    cutting has stalled...time to switch it up! Advice?

    Okay, I've been on a keto diet for the past 2 1/2 months now. In the first 5 weeks, my results were great. I went from 170lbs. to 164lbs. I'm sure some of the weight loss was due to water weight, but my body composition really improved too. During the past month or so, my weight loss has stalled and judging by the mirror, there has been no change. I would like to switch to a more balanced diet now to see if I can break through this barrier. I would appreciate any advice on how to do this as I would like to reintroduce carbs slowly, keeping them in my breakfast meal and pre/post workout only. So, basically, it will probably not be a 40/40/20 split. I was thinking of something a bit lower for the carbs, but I'm not sure quite how to run it in order to eliminate any fat gain/water weight from the added carbs. I will be posting a diet later on in the day after I work out all macros for critique, but for now, I would like any and all comments/advice on the best way to incorporate carbs (and other macros) around this new diet.

    I will repost my stats if I start a new thread for the diet critique but here they are for now:

    age 26
    height 5'9"
    weight 164lbs.
    bf ~14-15% (started at 16.5%)

    I weight train heavy 5 days per week.
    Cardio consists of AM, fasted, for 45 minutes, 6 days per week. For cardio I hit a punching bag for 30 minutes (4 minutes moderate speed/1 minute aggresively, then repeat). Then, I hop on the ellyptical and do the same, only it's 3 minutes moderate speed/2 minutes aggresively.

    I would also like to add that I did not all of a sudden give up on this diet without good reason. I changed my calorie intake (actually increased calories a bit....from 2,000 to 2,300) with advice given by educated members here, and still saw no change. I've calculated my TDEE to be around 2,400-2,500.

    Last edited by musclestack; 12-03-2010 at 10:55 PM.

  2. #2
    mg1228's Avatar
    mg1228 is offline Senior Member
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    just add in the carbs---the water weight will go away

    standing by for the diet
    Last edited by mg1228; 12-04-2010 at 07:27 AM.

  3. #3
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Are you tracking your measurements? Going by just overall weight changes isnt a great choice.

  4. #4
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Are you tracking your measurements? Going by just overall weight changes isnt a great choice.
    He stated that he reduced body fat from 16.5% to 14-15%

    I don't like to be negative but after 5-weeks of keto, I should hope it's the lower estimate of 14%

    Add your carbs back in one meal at a time, one day at a time until you're where you want to be.

  5. #5
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I totally hear you, Damien. And I don't know why I just can't seem to lose any more fat. My cardio and weights are intense, and I have not missed a day yet. It's getting really frustrating. Here is the diet I am on right now (keto). I will post my proposed diet up shortly.

    Meal 1
    5 whole eggs (7:30AM)

    meal 2 (10:00AM)
    5 oz. chicken breast
    2 tbsp EVOO

    meal 3 (1:00PM)
    5 oz. chicken breast
    2 tbsp EVOO

    meal 4 (3:30PM)
    5 oz. chicken breast
    2 tbsp EVOO

    meal 5 (6:00PM)
    5 whole eggs

    PWO (7:30PM)
    5 egg whites

    meal 6 (8:30PM)
    5 whole eggs

    This comes to 2,300 cals, with a 34% protein, 64% fat split. This is the ONLY thing that I consumed throughout this diet Monday through Saturday. My carb refeeds on Sunday were starchy carbs, and kept less than 600g. The only other things that ever passed my lips during carb depletion are water and about 3 cups of coffee in the morning (black...nothing added). I usually always reach ketosis by late Wednesday afternoon. Any thoughts on why my fat loss has stalled? I know I shouldn't go by the scale, but even in the mirror, I have not changed at all in the past month or so.

    New diet proposal coming shortly.....just fine tuning it for you guys.

    Thanks for the replies.

  6. #6
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    He stated that he reduced body fat from 16.5% to 14-15%

    I don't like to be negative but after 5-weeks of keto, I should hope it's the lower estimate of 14%

    Add your carbs back in one meal at a time, one day at a time until you're where you want to be.
    Understandable D but without mentioning what method was used for BF testing (and how inaccurate it may be) I disregarded the statement. I think judging by waist size difference is a much better indicator whether progress is being made or not.

  7. #7
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    You're right. Most people go by those asinine digital scales or something.

  8. #8
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Okay, guys. Here is my new proposed cutting diet. Please critique it with a fine-toothed comb. I really want to get this right.

    To recap, here are my stats:
    26 years old
    bf~14% (maybe a bit more)
    I've calculated my TDEE to be around 2,400-2,500 cals, so I'm aiming for 2,300cals/day for my caloric intake and letting cardio create the rest of the deficit.

    meal 1
    6 egg whites
    1 whole egg
    75g oats

    meal 2
    5 oz. chicken breast
    1 tbsp EVOO

    meal 3
    5 oz. chicken breast
    1 tbsp EVOO

    meal 4
    5 oz. chicken breast
    1 tbsp EVOO

    meal 5
    6 egg whites
    1 whole egg
    75g oats

    meal 6 (PWO)
    1 scoop Whey protein
    50g oats

    meal 7
    6 oz. rump steak
    1 tbsp EVOO
    salad/green veggies

    Total Protein: 236
    Total Carbs: 120
    Total Fat: 93
    Total Cals: 2,261
    Split: 42/21/37

    What do you guys think? I know the split sounds a bit odd, but like I said, I'm trying to slowly reintroduce carbs since I'm coming off of keto and I'm worried about fat gain.....should I be?? Looking for some experienced guys to really look this over and give any advice/suggestions. I'm all ears!

  9. #9
    mg1228's Avatar
    mg1228 is offline Senior Member
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    i think it looks pretty good---i would try and get to a 40/30/30 split though

    do add 2-3 gr of fish oil to about 4-5 meals (fat macros seem to b high in meal 1 and 5)

    try and add 30min pwo cardio--low intensity and just do 20 min or so in the am high intensity

  10. #10
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Not to step on MG's toes (cause you know you're my boy!) - but I wouldn't do 30% fats. Just too high IMO. Your body definitely needs fat but not that much. Honestly, I wouldn't make fats more then 20% of any diet (except keto obviously), just my .02

  11. #11
    mg1228's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Not to step on MG's toes (cause you know you're my boy!) - but I wouldn't do 30% fats. Just too high IMO. Your body definitely needs fat but not that much. Honestly, I wouldn't make fats more then 20% of any diet (except keto obviously), just my .02
    i agree---just figured 30% was better than 37%

    i bounce between 20 and 30% depending on if its a workout day---i stay at 20% on workout day and 25-30 on cardio only days (of course my carbs are adjusted aswell)

  12. #12
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    i agree---just figured 30% was better than 37%
    Now THIS I cannot argue with, lol!

  13. #13
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys. Sorry, my wireless has been down since I last posted. Any suggestions on how I can change up the macros and where to suit a 40/30/30 split?

  14. #14
    mg1228's Avatar
    mg1228 is offline Senior Member
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    just put carbs in meals 2-3-4 and drop the evoo and u should b close

    dont forget to add the fish oil though

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