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Thread: Bulking Diet Feedback

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    U.K. Manchester

    Bulking Diet Feedback

    Hey all!,

    I'm looking for some feedback on my diet, I made a post last week explaining that I'm thinking of doing a cycle, posted here

    And I'd like to get my diet right first, From looking at my BMR calculations, I need to stick an extra 1500 kcal down my neck. I think that seems a bit high, so I'm going to go with an extra 700 for a month to see how I go.

    BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) + (5 x height cm) - (6.8x age)
    1304 950 238 =2558

    BMR(2558) x 1.55 = 3964 kcal + 500kcal

    Protein Carbs Fat kCal

    Meal 1
    7 Eggs 45 0 40 546
    Oats 80g 9 48 6 284
    Milk Ffat 300ml 9 13 11 189

    Meal 2
    Tuna 135g drained 34 0 10 228
    Brown Bread x3 15 50 5 345

    Meal 3 PWS
    Whey iso 2 scoops 40 3 4 216
    Milk Ffat 300ml 9 13 11 189
    Sugar 40g 0 40 0 160

    Meal 4
    Chicken Breast 300g 78 5 20 512
    Rice 60g 5 46 1 213

    Meal 5
    Cottage Cheese 300g 29 14 5 210
    Brown Bread x 1 5 16 2 115

    Meal 6
    Tuna 135g drained 34 0 10 228

    Total 307 248 125 3179

  2. #2
    I'm no exspert but that dont look to have enough carbs in in to me. Bread imo is not as good a source of complex carbs as wholemean rice, Potato and oats.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    U.K. Manchester
    Hi Brawn,

    Yeah I agree I need to up my diet, I'd like some suggestions on what extra food I can have.

    The food list below shows good sources of complex carbohydrates
    Macaroni Spaghetti Brown rice
    Other root vegetables Wholemeal breads
    Granary bread
    Brown bread
    Pitta bread
    Wholegrain cereals
    High fiber breakfast cereals
    Porridge oats
    All bran
    Shredded wheat
    Ryvita crispbread
    Corn Yam

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Daz H View Post
    Hey all!,

    I'm looking for some feedback on my diet, I made a post last week explaining that I'm thinking of doing a cycle, posted here

    And I'd like to get my diet right first, From looking at my BMR calculations, I need to stick an extra 1500 kcal down my neck. I think that seems a bit high, so I'm going to go with an extra 700 for a month to see how I go.

    BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) + (5 x height cm) - (6.8x age)
    1304 950 238 =2558

    BMR(2558) x 1.55 = 3964 kcal + 500kcal

    Protein Carbs Fat kCal

    Meal 1
    7 Eggs 45 0 40 546
    Oats 80g 9 48 6 284
    Milk Ffat 300ml 9 13 11 189

    WAY too much fat in one sitting. Make it 2 whole eggs, 6 whites. Add 1/2 cup berries to your oats

    Meal 2
    Tuna 135g drained 34 0 10 228
    Brown Bread x3 15 50 5 345

    Ok but as Brawn mentioned, bread isn't the greatest carb choice. Sweet potato/yam, quinoa, lentils, beans, even brown rice would all do you much better. That said - this is a bulk, so i'm not going to be too picky. But we DO want to keep bodyfat gains to a minimum I assume, right? Add some green veggies

    Meal 3 PWS
    Whey iso 2 scoops 40 3 4 216
    Milk Ffat 300ml 9 13 11 189
    Sugar 40g 0 40 0 160

    I assume you mean PWO. Sugar? wtf? What kind of sugar? Go with something better - at least waxy maize, vitagro, or good plain old oats. No need to spike your insulin like that

    Meal 4
    Chicken Breast 300g 78 5 20 512
    Rice 60g 5 46 1 213

    Finally a good meal! Brown rice?

    Meal 5
    Cottage Cheese 300g 29 14 5 210
    Brown Bread x 1 5 16 2 115

    Replace this meal with some lean beef and drop the bread for God sake! Start eating good carbs

    Meal 6
    Tuna 135g drained 34 0 10 228

    Bad choice before bed. You can do the cottage cheese here instead, and add 2tbsp of natty PB or a serving of nuts

    Total 307 248 125 3179
    Carbs need to be brought up quite a bit, no doubt. Fat can definitely be dropped by at least 25g, so there's 225 more calories to go to carbs instead.

    Not a terrible diet, but can use work IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    U.K. Manchester
    Hey gbrice75,

    Thanks for the detailed info m8, I'll get to the shops tomorrow and buy some brown rice and peanut butter. I thought that you needed to use simple carbs like sugar and dextrose straight after training?. Can I swap meal 5 and 6 as I'm trying to keep the X's down with not workimg atm, or does it need to be meat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Daz H View Post
    Hey gbrice75,

    Thanks for the detailed info m8, I'll get to the shops tomorrow and buy some brown rice and peanut butter. I thought that you needed to use simple carbs like sugar and dextrose straight after training?. Can I swap meal 5 and 6 as I'm trying to keep the X's down with not workimg atm, or does it need to be meat.
    Np bro. That simple carbs PWO is an old school fad that has died out for the most part. Not saying people don't do it, but it's not the hype. I personally like complex PWO, but even if you do simple - I wouldn't do straight sugar like dextrose. It'll hurt more then it'll help IMO. We want insulin response and activity, NOT spikes.

    Definitely swap meals 5 and 6. Doesn't have to be red meat although that would be ideal (or salmon, but that's expensive too I understand).

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