Hey all!,
I'm looking for some feedback on my diet, I made a post last week explaining that I'm thinking of doing a cycle, posted here
And I'd like to get my diet right first, From looking at my BMR calculations, I need to stick an extra 1500 kcal down my neck. I think that seems a bit high, so I'm going to go with an extra 700 for a month to see how I go.
BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) + (5 x height cm) - (6.8x age)
1304 950 238 =2558
BMR(2558) x 1.55 = 3964 kcal + 500kcal
Protein Carbs Fat kCal
Meal 1
7 Eggs 45 0 40 546
Oats 80g 9 48 6 284
Milk Ffat 300ml 9 13 11 189
WAY too much fat in one sitting. Make it 2 whole eggs, 6 whites. Add 1/2 cup berries to your oats
Meal 2
Tuna 135g drained 34 0 10 228
Brown Bread x3 15 50 5 345
Ok but as Brawn mentioned, bread isn't the greatest carb choice. Sweet potato/yam, quinoa, lentils, beans, even brown rice would all do you much better. That said - this is a bulk, so i'm not going to be too picky. But we DO want to keep bodyfat gains to a minimum I assume, right? Add some green veggies
Meal 3 PWS
Whey iso 2 scoops 40 3 4 216
Milk Ffat 300ml 9 13 11 189
Sugar 40g 0 40 0 160
I assume you mean PWO. Sugar? wtf? What kind of sugar? Go with something better - at least waxy maize, vitagro, or good plain old oats. No need to spike your insulin like that
Meal 4
Chicken Breast 300g 78 5 20 512
Rice 60g 5 46 1 213
Finally a good meal! Brown rice?
Meal 5
Cottage Cheese 300g 29 14 5 210
Brown Bread x 1 5 16 2 115
Replace this meal with some lean beef and drop the bread for God sake! Start eating good carbs
Meal 6
Tuna 135g drained 34 0 10 228
Bad choice before bed. You can do the cottage cheese here instead, and add 2tbsp of natty PB or a serving of nuts
Total 307 248 125 3179