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  1. #1
    singing master is offline Female Member
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    Nov 2010

    eating before workout

    is eating an hour before gym really that bad for you?.....

  2. #2
    Anubi555's Avatar
    Anubi555 is offline Junior Member
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    Cairo, Egypt
    why would it be bad?u need to fuel ur body for the workout IMO, i personally make sure that this meal "an hour or so b4 workout" is one of those having nuff complex carb source

  3. #3
    singing master is offline Female Member
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    Nov 2010
    i was under the impression that eating before a work out would slow you down as i was told from an ex bodybuilder........ would a protein shake be fine before the workout and meal after workout....

  4. #4
    Anubi555's Avatar
    Anubi555 is offline Junior Member
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    Cairo, Egypt
    slowing u down?,. i am not so sure about that,.may be he meant right before workout, which i would agree with,. may be he meant Over eating,.which is a bad idea b4 workout, and in general,. if i went to the gym too full, i would for sure have one of the worst workouts,. as a shake b4 workout, it won't hurt,.what kind of a shake, depends on ur goal, however i don't consume myself any kind of shakes but whey right after workout,. real solid food is always the best choice any other time of the day

  5. #5
    mg1228's Avatar
    mg1228 is offline Senior Member
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    gotta eat bfor workout--its a must imo

    i eat 30-45 min bfor every workout

    i do 1sc casein 1 sc whey mixed with 1 cup oats

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Not eating before a workout would be the mistake. 1 hour is good, 1.5 hours is probably optimal depending on the food sources. Definitely needs to be a protein/carb meal, carbs to fuel the workout.

    I like a real food meal, but if a shake is the best you can do, it's most definitely better then nothing at all.

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