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Thread: My Diet

  1. #1
    ijbickerdike's Avatar
    ijbickerdike is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up My Diet

    100g Oats skimmed milk, banana and a shake with (546Kcal)
    Shake (546Kcal) and a banana
    170g chicken breast, 62.4g brown rice and 160g veg
    Shake (546Kcal) and a banana
    170g chicken breast and 160g veg
    Before bed:
    200g cottage chesse and rice cakes.

    Just one of my sample low GI diets. Eat till you are full with heavy cardio and weight training.

    Cheers if you look

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ijbickerdike View Post
    100g Oats skimmed milk, banana and a shake with (546Kcal) Replace the milk with water and the shake with real food. Example, 2 eggs, 8 whites
    Shake (546Kcal) and a banana Replace the banana with complex carbs, it was justifiable at breakfast with depleted muscle glycogen but isn't a good choice beyond that. Replace the shake with real food, 6-8 oz lean meat/fish.
    170g chicken breast, 62.4g brown rice and 160g veg [/B]Good food choices here. I'd do more rice than that. Green fibrous veggies like broccoli and spinach?[/B]
    Shake (546Kcal) and a banana Same feedback as your prior snack. As it stands you have more shakes and bananas than lean protein from animal sources and complex carbs. You really won't see best results with that set-up.
    170g chicken breast and 160g veg Again, fibrous greens I hope. Add an energy source via poly/mono-unsaturated fats such as a serving of nuts or a tablespoon of olive oil.
    Before bed:
    200g cottage chesse and rice cakes. Rice cakes are a bad carb source. I've found some good organic brown rice cakes at my health food store that are justifiable if you really like them but regardless, carbs before bed is better avoided. Remove the rice cakes and add a small portion of healthy fat. 5 fish oils pills, in addition to the whole milk cottage cheese, would be my choice before bed.

    Just one of my sample low GI diets. Eat till you are full with heavy cardio and weight training.

    Cheers if you look
    Diet isn't bad but needed some work, changes above. What is bad, however, is the fact that you don't count calories or macros. Regardless of your goals, you need to be tracking caloric intake based on your TDEE.

  3. #3
    ijbickerdike's Avatar
    ijbickerdike is offline Associate Member
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    I do have mainly greens with veg e.g brocolli, i also have whole grain rice cakes, i sometimes just have the cottage cheese before bed depending on how i feel. The reason i have the banana on snack 1 is for my post training rebuild of glycogen after heavy cardio and training session.

    The other snack i can see your point though as my shake is alraedy rammed with low GI carbs but if you do combine simple carbs with a heavy low GI carn it can reduce the digestion time in total turning it into a slow release carb produce.

    Love spinach aswell lol how much brown rice would you reccomend then???

    The total calorie intake is about 2800Kcal at minimum.

    I will look into changing it though as you said.

  4. #4
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ijbickerdike View Post
    I do have mainly greens with veg e.g brocolli, i also have whole grain rice cakes, i sometimes just have the cottage cheese before bed depending on how i feel. The reason i have the banana on snack 1 is for my post training rebuild of glycogen after heavy cardio and training session. Well, as a carb source on-the-go, those brown rice cakes aren't bad as long as they aren't the quaker type with fake cheese, apple syrup, caramel, and such. As for the banana, it's fine PWO but the notion that your glycogen is fully depleted post-training and that simple carbs are a must is absurd, so if you're cutting, I'd stick to oats or something.

    The other snack i can see your point though as my shake is alraedy rammed with low GI carbs but if you do combine simple carbs with a heavy low GI carn it can reduce the digestion time in total turning it into a slow release carb produce. There's some truth to this but again, I don't think you're competing in sports at a high level or running marathons, simple carbs simply aren't needed at all.

    Love spinach aswell lol how much brown rice would you reccomend then??? Still don't know your goals. I'd do 3/4 metric cup cooked if cutting as total carbs should be low-moderate but if you're bulking, soon after training, I'd do twice that.

    The total calorie intake is about 2800Kcal at minimum. Ok, that's about at maintenance for most men who train moderately. We'll go deeper once I know what you're looking to achieve.

    I will look into changing it though as you said.


  5. #5
    ijbickerdike's Avatar
    ijbickerdike is offline Associate Member
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    i am looking to maintain at the moment until Jan when i start a cycle of test e @ 500mg per week on ly cycle. I know i will need about 4000 Kcal per day for that one. I will also be doing 30 mins cardio 3 times per week


  6. #6
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Ok, well for just maintaining you're good to go but I'd implement a lot of trial and error now to figure out your "true" total daily energy expenditure before starting the cycle. 2800 to 4000 is a big calorie jump and you could gain body fat quickly, even on gear. 500-800 above TDEE is plenty, so assuming 2800 is your maintenance, a 1200 calorie jump is a bit much. Maybe if you did cardio every day but still a bit much IMO.

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