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Thread: Any Diet Idea's?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Any Diet Idea's?

    Im 18 at 187 pounds and 16.5% body fat and my aim is to reduce that. So far my diet consists of:
    meal 1-
    -1whole egg 4 whites and a scoop of protein 46g protein,5.4g fat, 2g carbs– 141 calories
    1/2 cup oats-5g protein, 31g carbs, 2.5g fat – 150 calories
    51gram protein, 51grams carbs, 7.9g fat, 291 calories

    meal 2-
    1 can tuna in water – 26g protein, 1g fat – 120 calories
    1/2 cup oats-5g protein, 31g carbs, 2.5g fat – 150 calories
    31grams protein, 31g carbs, 3.5g fat - 270 calories

    meal 3-
    150g chicken breast -46g protein, 5.4g fat – 248 calories
    150g sweet potato -3g protein, 31g carbs, 0g fat – 135 calories
    200g broccoli -6g protein, 13g carbs, 1g fat - 68 calories
    55g protein, 44g carbs, 6.4g fat -451 calories

    2 scoop protein 48g protein, 2g carbs, 2g fat – 220 calories
    1/2 cup oats-5g protein, 31g carbs, 2.5g fat – 150 calories
    53g protein, 33g carbs, 4.5g fat 370 cals

    meal 4-
    150g chicken breast -46g protein, 5.4g fat – 248 calories
    150g Brown rice -4 protein,34g carbs, 1g fat - 167
    200g broccoli -6g protein, 13g carbs, 1g fat - 68 calories
    56gram protein, 47grams carbs, 2g fat, 483 calories

    meal 5-
    150g chicken breast -46g protein, 5.4g fat – 248 calories
    200g broccoli -6g protein, 13g carbs, 1g fat - 68 calories
    52g protein, 13g carbs, 8g fat - 316 calories

    total protein 298g, carbs 219g, fats 32.3g - 1941 cals

    Anything you guys can think of adding for me would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I'm taking off a few days for Xmas, lol, but if somebody doesn't get you sooner, I'll get you on Sunday. Happy Holidays!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I'm thinking through a head cold right at the moment, so on a general level, I'd say I like what I see. You have multiple servings of green veggies, your carbs are complex (brown vs. white rice), low glycemic sweet potatos, fish, didn't overdo it on the protein powder, and your macros look reasonable. Total cals of 1941. So long as you are doing sufficient cardio, your BF% should reduce.

    One thing you may consider.... psyllium husk fiber. Of the many benefits, one simple benefit is it's expanding properties, thereby making one feel full.
    *** I removed the link ***
    I just threw up this link, not as a recommendation, but just for you to see. You can pick your own. In fact, I just go to Walmart, and get thier sugar free orange flavor. Very inexpensive. About a pound for $8. Lasts over a month.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 12-24-2010 at 12:27 PM. Reason: i sometimes forget the rules

  4. #4
    I will give my $.02 until a real expert can chime in.

    I wish I would have had a diet that solid when I was 18. I like the veggies, complex carbs and lean protein at every meal.

    Only things I would add are slow digesting protein before bed and some omega 3 (your fat is very low). If you want to keep cals low just use casein protein before bed with some fish oil pills, the slow digesting casein will fuel your muscles while you sleep and the fish oil will further slow the absorption to help avoid becoming too catabolic during fasted sleep.

    It's funny Times Roman mentioned the psyllium husk fiber because I take the exact same thing (Citrucel - no sugar) every morning upon waking.

    You didn't post anything about cardio but 5 -6 days a week and you should be able to drop BF and retain LBM. Good luck!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Drop out some of the carbs and add in more fat. You don't need to have carbs with all those meals, save your carbs for post workout and other than that cut them as low as you can. For fats, just make sure that you are taking a good fish oil in a good amount. If it's a 1000mg pill you should be taking 6-10 of them per day. If its a liquid go with 5-8g per day. Grass-fed beef, olive oil, pasture butter, coconut oil are all great places to get fat from, plus they make your food taste a lot better.
    Last edited by maxwkw; 12-24-2010 at 08:45 PM.

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