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Thread: Nutrition During Workout?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The 7th Circle of Hell

    Nutrition During Workout?

    I read recently that Milos Sarcev promotes taking in some carbs, bcaas, glutamine, during training. Who else does this and what do you take? If you do this, do you also do whey and carbs PWO?

    I have always had a meal 1 hour pre, and whey and a banana PWO, and then a meal an hour after that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I take bcaa's during training if I'm fasted. Otherwise I have my protein/carb drink during training.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post
    I read recently that Milos Sarcev promotes taking in some carbs, bcaas, glutamine, during training. Who else does this and what do you take? If you do this, do you also do whey and carbs PWO?

    I have always had a meal 1 hour pre, and whey and a banana PWO, and then a meal an hour after that.
    I sip BCAAs during training, and whole food post.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Eggs/whites and oats pre workout, BCAA's in between workout and cardio, whey + oats shake after, whole food meal 1.5 hours later.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post
    I read recently that Milos Sarcev promotes taking in some carbs, bcaas, glutamine, during training. Who else does this and what do you take? If you do this, do you also do whey and carbs PWO?

    I have always had a meal 1 hour pre, and whey and a banana PWO, and then a meal an hour after that.
    A lot of people have different views on this but my personal preference is to take in simple carbs, bcaas, glutamine, and protein during workout. I have plenty years of experience and as most have done I have experienced with different routines and diets. I personally feel I respond best to this. Taking in simple carbs during workout and I have NEVER seen any fat gain from doing so. In fact, I tend to get even leaner, harder and more full.

    Everyone does respond differently, but just like most routines, diets and exercises the majority of people including the top pros are DOING THINGS VERY VERY SIMILAR because there are just certain things that work best. Truly, unless you are the exception, taking in simple carbs during workout shouldn't hinder or downgrade your physique. As your body is in the need for burning glucose everything should be utilized rather then stored as fat during your workout.

    You can see a BIG difference in endurance and strength as well because your body is fully supplied with the nutrients it needs to keep pushing through.

    30 minutes before workout I have my normal meal. Complex carb with protein source, usually chicken or turkey. I also take in 3 grams creatine with my meal.

    During workout I will drink 10oz gatorade mixed with 10 or 20g glucose or dextrose powder also mixed with protein, bcaa's, and glutamine. Then immediately after workout I will take in the other half of my gatorade (10oz) mixed with 40 g protein, glucose or dextrose powder, and another 3 g creatine.

    Following this drink I will have my post workout meal 45minutes to 1 hour later. Complex carbs and protein source usually 50 grams whatever it may be.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    BCAA's and about 6 other aminos. Take half 30 min before I workout, and the other half as I am working out.

    That is when you need all that, and the absorption is much better with not much in your stomach.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post
    I read recently that Milos Sarcev promotes taking in some carbs, bcaas, glutamine, during training. Who else does this and what do you take? If you do this, do you also do whey and carbs PWO?

    I have always had a meal 1 hour pre, and whey and a banana PWO, and then a meal an hour after that.
    Another thing I needed to post. Almost every pro that would be taking in simple carbs during workout and after workout are doing so while partaking in insulin use. So for the average person their simple carb intake would be unnecessary. Although, I do not partake in insulin and still use simple carbs during and after workout and I feel have always benefited.

    The trick is for the average person who isn't partaking in insulin use, if you are going to do this method I make sure I am subtracting my simple carb intake from my overall intake of carbs.

    For instance, if my current diet has me taking in 300 grams of carbs per day I would add up my simple carb intake I had during and after my workout and include those into my 300 g carb limit per day. So, basically I wouldn't just add it onto my 300 g carb total or else I might be at 380 or 400 g carb intake for the day.

    This is where a lot people mess up because they forget to include it into their total carb intake for the day and end up taking in an excess amount of carbs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    This is where a lot people mess up because they forget to include it into their total carb intake for the day and end up taking in an excess amount of carbs.
    Really? I'm surprised to hear this. Why wouldn't they count it? Do they think PWO carbs are 'special' and don't count?

    I've always counted every carb I put in my body, simple or complex.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    If you eat a whole food meal before your training, and you are having a post workout shake, I doubt that during workout bcaa's will make a huge difference unless you are in a severe caloric deficit.

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