Meal 1 - Salmon(40G Protein), 1cup of brown rice, 1 cup of brocolli
Meal 2 - Protein Isolate Shake(48G Protein) with Water
Meal 3 - Sole (80G Protein) , 1 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of brocolli
Meal 4 - Protein Isolate Shake(48G Protein) with water
Meal 5 - Salmon(40G protein) , 1 cup of brown rice ,1 cup of brocolli
Total:256G Protein
I weight 205 at 5.11, Dont know about my BF i retain fat on MY lower Stomach.
Im trying to get Ripped 8% , im proballly around 15%. I just wanna get lean... Maybe i should drop to 175-185
Any Tips ?