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  1. #1
    kingkong21's Avatar
    kingkong21 is offline Junior Member
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    Cheat meals on cut? How much food intake? Keeping the muscle, losing the fat.

    Hey bros.

    I'm at about... ehh.. 16% BF right now.. it's probably closer to 12ish but I'm going to be hard on myself and play it safe.

    Anyway, I want to get to sub 10, and want to shed all of the fat on my body.

    I need some advice from people who have successfully gotten there, not random ass losers who want to get there and think they know what they're talking about.

    I'm 6'5'' 235lbs, and I want to stay there. I actually want to gain weight (healthy weight, MUSCLE. ), and shed the fat.

    I play sports. Size and weight are something scouts/agents/blah blah ****ing blah look at. So, I want to loose this fat, and get myself to 250 with great workouts, and a strong diet.

    Now.. I read everywhere that I should be taking in a gram of protein per pound. So.. I'm at 235.. that means 235g of protein a day. Do you guys realize how much f***ing food that takes? That's a s**t ton of meat, and a s**t ton of protein shakes. A s**t ton of food to burn off.

    So it's a tough balancing act for me. How do you bro's out there who are 220+ keep the muscle, and keep the 6 packs and flat stomachs. S**t aint easy. I can tell you that. Some of you are warriors.

    I know it's going to take time for me. I used to be about 20% BF just a few months ago.

    On to the question. I want bro's 220+ with some abs and sub 10% BF to answer this.. seriously.

    What does your diet look like?

    How do you take in the needed protein?

    How do you not "over-do" it, and take in your needed protein?

    Can we cheat at all?

    What if you have a slow metabolism, do you really need to watch what you do? Mine is fairly slow but working out has sped it up real nice.

    Here's what my workouts look like.

    Upperbody is done 3 days on, 1 off.

    Lowerbody is every other day.

    Core work (700 weighted crunches, 300 side dips) every day.

    Cardio (8mins HIIT) 3 days a week.

    I'm seeing results, and I'm cheating. I know I'm going to get there, I just want to see how others have done it, and learn from the "pros".

    Thanks guys.

    Rock on.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    OK, asking for a 220+ sub 10% BF guys is really going to limit how may responces you get

    So im going to step in anyway

    Post ur exact current diet, meal for meal with macros

    Id reccomend u revamp ur weight training completly so that you train ur whole body over 4 sessions (split into a few bodyparts each session)

    realisticaly we need to know if ur 12 or 16 since that is a massive difference as far as aperance, post up a pic

    Ur goal to drop bodyfat to 10% and gaining iver 15 lbs of LBM is kind of unrealistic IMO unless you are slamming a load of GH and AAS, which Im not reccomending

    Focus on loosing the fat first so that you have a good foundation...

    Cardio is another thing to look at, what exactly are you doing now

    If u answer these question it will open it up for other guys to help you better

  3. #3
    maxwkw is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2010
    I'm certainly not as big or as lean as you want, but I can say that at 5'4 and 150lbs I can easily get in 230g protein per day without even batting an eye. Post your diet and we'll have a look at it.

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