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  1. #1
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    I hate when people think white carbs are bad,white linguine/spaghetti very low gi

    It has really began to annoy me lately when people AUTOMATICALLY think white carbs are not complex and are also not good for you.

    One of the lowest GI CARBS is white linguine and white spaghetti!

    Keep in mind though that they are PACKED WITH CARBS, so you would probably only want to eat like 2 ounces of it. Also keep in mind, as long as you eat it within your carb intake for that meal IT IS A PERFECT COMPLEX VERY VERY LOW GI CARB

    Just thought I would throw that out there. A ton of people just think automatically "BROWN" carb is the best and only good carb choice. It is not true at all.

    Also, people keep saying white rice is not complex and is a very high GI carb. This is NOT TRUE WHAT SO EVER! The difference on white rice and brown is so minuscule it does not matter. Yeah, brown rice has a little more fiber and magnesium but whatever. And even the difference in fiber and magnesium is VERY VERY tiny. Also, many white rice manufacturers add vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the outer hull of the rice has been removed.

    Many pros will eat white rice up to 2 weeks before competition.

    So please, for my sake and everyone else's please STOP THIS WHITE CARB CATASTROPHE!

    I'm not saying that there isn't a ton of HIGH GI WHITE CARBS BECAUSE THERE IS! Just know your sh*t about which does which or don't post anything about it. Or you can ask a nutritionist before you make your play on a WHITE CARB!


  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Good point but like the notion, "all white carbs are bad," it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I think people consider these pastas to be dangerous because they are so dense, as you mentioned. Of course, you should also take into account not just GI standing but also nutritional value and the drawback to "white" carbs there is evident. For people who've been in this game a while, I'd say this is a good post to keep in the back of your mind but in general, I think the avoidance of "white" carbs is probably a good rule for anyone trying to start a consistently clean diet and healthy lifestyle though.

    Also, most varieties of white rice are much higher on the GI.
    Last edited by Damienm05; 01-05-2011 at 10:46 AM.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I always look at the label first then decide. 95% of the time, I end up not eating "white" carbs

  4. #4
    renjr70's Avatar
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    I'll be the first to admit I dont really understand carbs. I have been a keto diet guy for years and just have put all my carbs on the shelf altogether. I just did'nt eat them at all. Now I trying to learn and understand a little more but I really dont fully understand the good carb/ bad carb thing. I mean i understand that the complex ones dont spike your insulin levels and therefore drive the sugars into fat reserves but is that it? is that all there is too it?

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    My issue with white carbs has never really been about high GI vs. low GI, but rather with everything else being equal, why not eat the carb that is nutritious vs. an 'empty' carb?

    This topic has been beaten to death on this forum, but I will always choose nutritious brown rice with it's bran layer over stripped down empty white rice. Just my .02

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    i think if your focus is strictly GI ..then you are correct and pointed out 2 good examples. However if u look at overall nutrition as gbrice touched upon - one would def tend to stick with less processed forms of carbohydrates (ie brown rice ).

  7. #7
    mg0922's Avatar
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    you tell him!!!!! i was like whatttt! i loveee brown rice and whole grain pasta! Mmmmmm

    i think he just loves his white rice too much and doesnt wanna stop eating it!

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Not trying to be argumentative or even debate, just giving my opinion on why I'd choose one over the other.

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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    is this the reincarnate of Lbsomeiron? We already had this debate and you lost lol. Basically it comes down to good nutrition vs bad nutrition and if you choose the latter well...

    I eat white rice but also mix it with brown rice. White is easy to eat and easy on my stomach. But I don't go around telling people to stop their healthy ways and switch to bleached out processed garbage.

  10. #10
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twist View Post
    is this the reincarnate of lbsomeiron? We already had this debate and you lost lol. Basically it comes down to good nutrition vs bad nutrition and if you choose the latter well...

    I eat white rice but also mix it with brown rice. White is easy to eat and easy on my stomach. But i don't go around telling people to stop their healthy ways and switch to bleached out processed garbage.
    ^^^ this!

  11. #11
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    is this the reincarnate of Lbsomeiron? We already had this debate and you lost lol. Basically it comes down to good nutrition vs bad nutrition and if you choose the latter well...

    I eat white rice but also mix it with brown rice. White is easy to eat and easy on my stomach. But I don't go around telling people to stop their healthy ways and switch to bleached out processed garbage.
    Aren't we here for one reason? I thought it was to construct our body into a shape we want. As for bodybuilding diet, We are interested in our carb intake, protein intake, and fat intake. In the end, these are truly the only factors that either make us shredded or fat slobs. We adjust our numbers around these, correct?? Have you ever logged how much Niacin or Folic Acid you were taking in a day???

    Come on bro, in general terms you can say its healthier because of the fact that it has a few higher nutrient and mineral levels then white rice. But that is even very very embellished. Do you really think I care if I'm taking in 19.0 mg of magnesium or 80 mg magnesium? Do you really think I care if I get 55 mg of potassium or 80 mg potassium in brown rice? That means sh*t to me I could care less.

    If I wanted or any pro wanted to have the MOST PROPER DIET we would follow the guide lines in the food pyramid. But we don't, we're not about what's "healthiest" for our body, we're about what makes our body LOOK the best. And the bottom line here is that brown rice and white rice is basically identical in terms of carbs, fats, protein, GI RATE, and its effect on ones physique.....Same with white spaghetti or linguine, they are also complex carbs with a slow rate of digestion.

    Saying stuff like its empty carbs doesn't even make sense. Again, why would I care if I get a TINY BIT more minerals like magnesium from my brown rice? Who cares, white rice is literally identical it terms of its effect on the physique.

    Besides, like I wrote earlier most white rice manufacturers add vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the outer hull is removed.

    Again, to say its bad because its empty carbs in pointless because as long as you take your daily multi vitamin you've reached your daily intake for vitamin and mineral levels. Thus, is why I could care less about those things. I care about what effects my physique and that's it.

    White rice and brown rice are literally identical in terms of effect on ones body and gi level. This isn't a debate or an opinion. It is a fact. That would be like trying to argue if our body needs water or not. It's not really up for argument, its just a fact.
    Last edited by calstate23; 01-09-2011 at 09:53 AM.

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Aren't we here for one reason? I thought it was to construct our body into a shape we want. As for bodybuilding diet, We are interested in our carb intake, protein intake, and fat intake. In the end, these are truly the only factors that either make us shredded or fat slobs. We adjust our numbers around these, correct?? Have you ever logged how much Niacin or Folic Acid you were taking in a day???

    Come on bro, in general terms you can say its healthier because of the fact that it has a few higher nutrient and mineral levels then white rice. But that is even very very embellished. Do you really think I care if I'm taking in 19.0 mg of magnesium or 80 mg magnesium? Do you really think I care if I get 55 mg of potassium or 80 mg potassium in brown rice? That means sh*t to me I could care less.

    If I wanted or any pro wanted to have the MOST PROPER DIET we would follow the guide lines in the food pyramid. But we don't, we're not about what's "healthiest" for our body, we're about what makes our body LOOK the best. And the bottom line here is that brown rice and white rice is basically identical in terms of carbs, fats, protein, GI RATE, and its effect on ones physique.....Same with white spaghetti or linguine, they are also complex carbs with a slow rate of digestion.

    Saying stuff like its empty carbs doesn't even make sense. Again, why would I care if I get a TINY BIT more minerals like magnesium from my brown rice? Who cares, white rice is literally identical it terms of its effect on the physique.

    Besides, like I wrote earlier most white rice manufacturers add vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the outer hull is removed.

    Again, to say its bad because its empty carbs in pointless because as long as you take your daily multi vitamin you've reached your daily intake for vitamin and mineral levels. Thus, is why I could care less about those things. I care about what effects my physique and that's it.

    White rice and brown rice are literally identical in terms of effect on ones body and gi level. This isn't a debate or an opinion. It is a fact. That would be like trying to argue if our body needs water or not. It's not really up for argument, its just a fact.
    i'm off to olive garden

    hold the breadsticks

  13. #13
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Aren't we here for one reason? I thought it was to construct our body into a shape we want. As for bodybuilding diet, We are interested in our carb intake, protein intake, and fat intake. In the end, these are truly the only factors that either make us shredded or fat slobs. We adjust our numbers around these, correct?? Have you ever logged how much Niacin or Folic Acid you were taking in a day???

    Come on bro, in general terms you can say its healthier because of the fact that it has a few higher nutrient and mineral levels then white rice. But that is even very very embellished. Do you really think I care if I'm taking in 19.0 mg of magnesium or 80 mg magnesium? Do you really think I care if I get 55 mg of potassium or 80 mg potassium in brown rice? That means sh*t to me I could care less.

    If I wanted or any pro wanted to have the MOST PROPER DIET we would follow the guide lines in the food pyramid. But we don't, we're not about what's "healthiest" for our body, we're about what makes our body LOOK the best. And the bottom line here is that brown rice and white rice is basically identical in terms of carbs, fats, protein, GI RATE, and its effect on ones physique.....Same with white spaghetti or linguine, they are also complex carbs with a slow rate of digestion.

    Saying stuff like its empty carbs doesn't even make sense. Again, why would I care if I get a TINY BIT more minerals like magnesium from my brown rice? Who cares, white rice is literally identical it terms of its effect on the physique.

    Besides, like I wrote earlier most white rice manufacturers add vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the outer hull is removed.

    Again, to say its bad because its empty carbs in pointless because as long as you take your daily multi vitamin you've reached your daily intake for vitamin and mineral levels. Thus, is why I could care less about those things. I care about what effects my physique and that's it.

    White rice and brown rice are literally identical in terms of effect on ones body and gi level. This isn't a debate or an opinion. It is a fact. That would be like trying to argue if our body needs water or not. It's not really up for argument, its just a fact.
    The only reason they are even close to identical is because by US law manufacturers have to add the nutrients they process out. I would take the natural vitamins please.

    If you want to eat white rice, nobody is gonna stop you. If you wanna go around and tell everyone that white rice is the only way to go, or that it is better than brown, then you are flawed. If someone asks you a question and you have two answers, but one is better in every single way, you should choose that one. Idk why this conversation still exists. Why would you fight for the clearly inferior food.

    PS. the food pyramid thing was a joke right?

  14. #14
    texasdlh is offline New Member
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    I used to eat brown rice with every meal, and got sick of it! I started looking for alternatives to substitute for the rice.. something similar in nutritional value and I found out that: 1 cup of brown rice = appx. 1 cup of pasta = appx. 200g potato... They are about the same in overall calories, fat, carbs, etc.... This is according to the labels anyways unless I am missing some kind of bigger picture or something???

  15. #15
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    I am in this first and foremost to make my body look good as Cal mentioned, however I AM also concerned with eating the healthiest diet I possibly can, that is where we differ, and why brown rice will continue to be my choice. Nutrients, fiber, etc. I'm concerned with all of it.

  16. #16
    jngymrat is offline Associate Member
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    I really want to just add a couple comments here. There was so much said about this topic and a few of us (pro-good-carb-guys) touched on it a little already. I think most of us would agree if we were teaching the younger generation about nutrition it would include whole grain, whole food, veggies ect. etc. ect. I don't think any of us would tell a person with high fitness goals to just eat anything you want within this many calories and you'll be good. Now, I know the emphasis on sarcasm here, I should, I'm the one who said it!

    So with that being said let me comment on the original statement about the Glycemic Load of Brown rice vs. White rice. Although they are not miles away in there glycemic loads, they are worlds away in what it does to the body. To start, the GL for brown rice is around 17, the GL for white rice is 23, the GL for instant rice is a whopping 36 (twice what brown rice is and more than likely what most people are using) that's double guys! 100% more, this isn't even close to brown rice.

    When a processed starch hits the blood stream (because they are digested so quickly) it is flooded with sugar! naturally, this is the job of a processed grain! Who asked anybody to take something all natural (brown rice) and screw with it? For what, so it will taste better! c'mon!

    So now that your blood stream is totally saturated (which happens within minutes not hours like brown rice) what happens to all the other food your eating with it? Well for starters, all that white rice your eating, by which the body has recognized as sugar, the natural insulin levels in your body can't process it, so guess where the next stop is? thats right, fat storage. Now, everything else your eating cant be processed either so if your including any butter, olive oil, or flax oil with that rice it will be stored as fat rather than energy.

    Now you have a whole new bag of issues with excess fat storage. Now I look at calstate23's avatar and if thats you, you look to have a tremendous physique, you could probably get away with eating white rice vs. brown rice, however, with this argument the facts don't always represent the truth, the truth is they have relative GI' loads but the facts are the body treats them completely different. The brown rice will sit there with your chicken breast and veggies in you tummy and take hours to digest giving you a few hours of energy.(because of steady insulin release) Your not going to fight hunger (as will most definitely occur when insulin is spiked) but rather provide your body with safe stable fuel from a happy insulin release in the body.

    The same can be said for corn chips, pasta, (processed) white bread. That is why a sweet potato is a better choice than a baked potato, true the baked potato is good only if you can have it without butter, or sour cream. Again, while the body's insulin is peaked the butter and sour cream are going directly to fat storage. Maybe you can afford this, most of us lean 40 somethings can't.

    I hope this isn't fueling a debate, and with much respect to you calstate23, I just think there may be a couple more factors involved here, and that most of us look to "clean" foods most of the time. So saying they are exactly the same ( both white and brown rice) they really aren't.

  17. #17
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    ^^^ nice post

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jngymrat View Post
    I really want to just add a couple comments here. There was so much said about this topic and a few of us (pro-good-carb-guys) touched on it a little already. I think most of us would agree if we were teaching the younger generation about nutrition it would include whole grain, whole food, veggies ect. etc. ect. I don't think any of us would tell a person with high fitness goals to just eat anything you want within this many calories and you'll be good. Now, I know the emphasis on sarcasm here, I should, I'm the one who said it!

    So with that being said let me comment on the original statement about the Glycemic Load of Brown rice vs. White rice. Although they are not miles away in there glycemic loads, they are worlds away in what it does to the body. To start, the GL for brown rice is around 17, the GL for white rice is 23, the GL for instant rice is a whopping 36 (twice what brown rice is and more than likely what most people are using) that's double guys! 100% more, this isn't even close to brown rice.

    When a processed starch hits the blood stream (because they are digested so quickly) it is flooded with sugar! naturally, this is the job of a processed grain! Who asked anybody to take something all natural (brown rice) and screw with it? For what, so it will taste better! c'mon!

    So now that your blood stream is totally saturated (which happens within minutes not hours like brown rice) what happens to all the other food your eating with it? Well for starters, all that white rice your eating, by which the body has recognized as sugar, the natural insulin levels in your body can't process it, so guess where the next stop is? thats right, fat storage. Now, everything else your eating cant be processed either so if your including any butter, olive oil, or flax oil with that rice it will be stored as fat rather than energy.

    Now you have a whole new bag of issues with excess fat storage. Now I look at calstate23's avatar and if thats you, you look to have a tremendous physique, you could probably get away with eating white rice vs. brown rice, however, with this argument the facts don't always represent the truth, the truth is they have relative GI' loads but the facts are the body treats them completely different. The brown rice will sit there with your chicken breast and veggies in you tummy and take hours to digest giving you a few hours of energy.(because of steady insulin release) Your not going to fight hunger (as will most definitely occur when insulin is spiked) but rather provide your body with safe stable fuel from a happy insulin release in the body.

    The same can be said for corn chips, pasta, (processed) white bread. That is why a sweet potato is a better choice than a baked potato, true the baked potato is good only if you can have it without butter, or sour cream. Again, while the body's insulin is peaked the butter and sour cream are going directly to fat storage. Maybe you can afford this, most of us lean 40 somethings can't.

    I hope this isn't fueling a debate, and with much respect to you calstate23, I just think there may be a couple more factors involved here, and that most of us look to "clean" foods most of the time. So saying they are exactly the same ( both white and brown rice) they really aren't.
    Quality post and although I have never seen you on the board, I like you already. Stick around.

  19. #19
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    If your bulking, who gives a shit if its white vs. brown. A little fat on a bulking diet isnt a bad thing anyhow.

    Do what works for YOU. Have you seen Branch's diet, even pre-contest? He takes in a shit-ton of white rice.

    Dont forget fats will slow fast digesting carbs effects on insulin too.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If your bulking, who gives a shit if its white vs. brown. A little fat on a bulking diet isnt a bad thing anyhow.
    fat is not the goal of a bulking diet. This is also dependent on you bulking.
    Do what works for YOU. Have you seen Branch's diet, even pre-contest? He takes in a shit-ton of white rice.
    I agree do what works for you. Using a pro bb as a model is a big mistake imo. Other than being way past their genetic limit they are using so many compounds that they are not comparable to even the moderate steroid user nvm someone who is asking about diet advice.
    Dont forget fats will slow fast digesting carbs effects on insulin too.
    Taking something that is already a less than ideal food and adding fat is not a good decision.
    Their are plenty of ways in which white rice can be rationalized. Like I said, I eat white rice everyday. The problem I have is that when white rice is recommended over brown rice based on personal opinion alone. Because other than personal opinion (taste), there is no reason to recommend white over brown. I have many clients who are from cultures where white rice is in every meal. They make much better progress when I change that to brown rice. The change is seen within the week. I am not bullshitting either.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Their are plenty of ways in which white rice can be rationalized. Like I said, I eat white rice everyday. The problem I have is that when white rice is recommended over brown rice based on personal opinion alone. Because other than personal opinion (taste), there is no reason to recommend white over brown. I have many clients who are from cultures where white rice is in every meal. They make much better progress when I change that to brown rice. The change is seen within the week. I am not bullshitting either.
    Make much better progress by switching to the brown rice AND implementing an exercise routine? or has the exercise routine already been in place while eating white rice then once they switch to brown rice within a week there is the significant difference?

  22. #22
    meatball2011 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    It has really began to annoy me lately when people AUTOMATICALLY think white carbs are not complex and are also not good for you.

    One of the lowest GI CARBS is white linguine and white spaghetti!

    Keep in mind though that they are PACKED WITH CARBS, so you would probably only want to eat like 2 ounces of it. Also keep in mind, as long as you eat it within your carb intake for that meal IT IS A PERFECT COMPLEX VERY VERY LOW GI CARB

    Just thought I would throw that out there. A ton of people just think automatically "BROWN" carb is the best and only good carb choice. It is not true at all.

    Also, people keep saying white rice is not complex and is a very high GI carb. This is NOT TRUE WHAT SO EVER! The difference on white rice and brown is so minuscule it does not matter. Yeah, brown rice has a little more fiber and magnesium but whatever. And even the difference in fiber and magnesium is VERY VERY tiny. Also, many white rice manufacturers add vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the outer hull of the rice has been removed.

    Many pros will eat white rice up to 2 weeks before competition.

    So please, for my sake and everyone else's please STOP THIS WHITE CARB CATASTROPHE!

    I'm not saying that there isn't a ton of HIGH GI WHITE CARBS BECAUSE THERE IS! Just know your sh*t about which does which or don't post anything about it. Or you can ask a nutritionist before you make your play on a WHITE CARB!

    Yea, you make some good points. And the bottom line is what you are able to use and burn.

    But saying that, Arnold used to have a phrase that he called that stuff you're posting about, "White Death."


  23. #23
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    It has really began to annoy me lately when people AUTOMATICALLY think white carbs are not complex and are also not good for you.

    One of the lowest GI CARBS is white linguine and white spaghetti!

    Keep in mind though that they are PACKED WITH CARBS, so you would probably only want to eat like 2 ounces of it. Also keep in mind, as long as you eat it within your carb intake for that meal IT IS A PERFECT COMPLEX VERY VERY LOW GI CARB

    Just thought I would throw that out there. A ton of people just think automatically "BROWN" carb is the best and only good carb choice. It is not true at all.

    Also, people keep saying white rice is not complex and is a very high GI carb. This is NOT TRUE WHAT SO EVER! The difference on white rice and brown is so minuscule it does not matter. Yeah, brown rice has a little more fiber and magnesium but whatever. And even the difference in fiber and magnesium is VERY VERY tiny. Also, many white rice manufacturers add vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the outer hull of the rice has been removed.

    Many pros will eat white rice up to 2 weeks before competition.

    So please, for my sake and everyone else's please STOP THIS WHITE CARB CATASTROPHE!

    I'm not saying that there isn't a ton of HIGH GI WHITE CARBS BECAUSE THERE IS! Just know your sh*t about which does which or don't post anything about it. Or you can ask a nutritionist before you make your play on a WHITE CARB!

    So ive been thinking a lot about this post (cause thats what i do - im obsessive) & i think you are missing one important point when looking at pasta (and poss white rice) while the GI may be low the GL (glycemic load) on pasta is really high - which correlates alot more directly to insulin response than GI - SO taking thaqt into consideration ..i think thats why regular pasta and poss white rice are poor chioces for our purposes in most cases. Just a thought.

  24. #24
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    Other than taste, there is absolutely no reason to eat white rice over brown rice.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Other than taste, there is absolutely no reason to eat white rice over brown rice.
    I cannot remember the last time I had white rice, white bread, or pasta.....

  26. #26
    jngymrat is offline Associate Member
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    Me neither, what's the point. Like twist said----other than taste. If I was leading only by taste I would be eating all the wrong stuff most definitely.

  27. #27
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    I used to eat alot of white pasta and i never really had any serious weight gain issues. recently switched to atleast mulit grain pasta but only because of all the negativity i was hearing about all the white carbs... also, twist.. i was looking at the label on the brown rice compared to the white.. the white is like 160 calories, 36 g carbs per 1/4 cup and the brown is like 200 calories and 45 g carbs per 1 cup. thats why i dont want to tackle the brown rice yet, you need to eat like 3-4 times more to get the same nutrients.. although, from what " they" say, whoever the hell " they" are, the white is all wrong.. god i sure hate them lol

  28. #28
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    I think this debate gets brought up every about 6-8 weeks and everyone always says the same old thing.. siting GL and GI index and digestive times and all that jazz, not taking into consideration that those ratings are for rice being consumed on its own. If you consume it with a protein source such as chicken or steak then they converted GI and GL is virtually the same. White rice on it's own is a bad idea but mixed with protein there is virtually no measurable difference. Same thing with sweet potatoe vs regular potatoes and all the other debates on A vs. B.. You are really splitting hairs when you get into this debate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by clayton2127 View Post
    I used to eat alot of white pasta and i never really had any serious weight gain issues. recently switched to atleast mulit grain pasta but only because of all the negativity i was hearing about all the white carbs... also, twist.. i was looking at the label on the brown rice compared to the white.. the white is like 160 calories, 36 g carbs per 1/4 cup and the brown is like 200 calories and 45 g carbs per 1 cup. thats why i dont want to tackle the brown rice yet, you need to eat like 3-4 times more to get the same nutrients.. although, from what " they" say, whoever the hell " they" are, the white is all wrong.. god i sure hate them lol

    I think brown is 1 cup prepared, white is 1 cup raw, the difference is not that drastic

  30. #30
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    I know this is gonna sound stupid, but whats the difference between i cup raw and 1 cup prepared? there is a difference with the nutrients if one is prepared and 1 is cooked?

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    Quote Originally Posted by clayton2127 View Post
    I know this is gonna sound stupid, but whats the difference between i cup raw and 1 cup prepared? there is a difference with the nutrients if one is prepared and 1 is cooked?
    The raw will have approximately 3 times more carbs in it than measuring a cup post cooked.

  32. #32
    clayton2127 is offline Junior Member
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    well S.O.B. my calculations have been abit off then.. and i think its time to change to brown rice... lol

  33. #33
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    the rice expands when cooked, so 1 cup raw will make 3 cups prepared/cooked rice.. sometimes a bit less... like 2.5 or so depends on the type of rice

  34. #34
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jngymrat View Post
    I really want to just add a couple comments here. There was so much said about this topic and a few of us (pro-good-carb-guys) touched on it a little already. I think most of us would agree if we were teaching the younger generation about nutrition it would include whole grain, whole food, veggies ect. etc. ect. I don't think any of us would tell a person with high fitness goals to just eat anything you want within this many calories and you'll be good. Now, I know the emphasis on sarcasm here, I should, I'm the one who said it!

    So with that being said let me comment on the original statement about the Glycemic Load of Brown rice vs. White rice. Although they are not miles away in there glycemic loads, they are worlds away in what it does to the body. To start, the GL for brown rice is around 17, the GL for white rice is 23, the GL for instant rice is a whopping 36 (twice what brown rice is and more than likely what most people are using) that's double guys! 100% more, this isn't even close to brown rice.

    When a processed starch hits the blood stream (because they are digested so quickly) it is flooded with sugar! naturally, this is the job of a processed grain! Who asked anybody to take something all natural (brown rice) and screw with it? For what, so it will taste better! c'mon!

    So now that your blood stream is totally saturated (which happens within minutes not hours like brown rice) what happens to all the other food your eating with it? Well for starters, all that white rice your eating, by which the body has recognized as sugar, the natural insulin levels in your body can't process it, so guess where the next stop is? thats right, fat storage. Now, everything else your eating cant be processed either so if your including any butter, olive oil, or flax oil with that rice it will be stored as fat rather than energy.

    Now you have a whole new bag of issues with excess fat storage. Now I look at calstate23's avatar and if thats you, you look to have a tremendous physique, you could probably get away with eating white rice vs. brown rice, however, with this argument the facts don't always represent the truth, the truth is they have relative GI' loads but the facts are the body treats them completely different. The brown rice will sit there with your chicken breast and veggies in you tummy and take hours to digest giving you a few hours of energy.(because of steady insulin release) Your not going to fight hunger (as will most definitely occur when insulin is spiked) but rather provide your body with safe stable fuel from a happy insulin release in the body.

    The same can be said for corn chips, pasta, (processed) white bread. That is why a sweet potato is a better choice than a baked potato, true the baked potato is good only if you can have it without butter, or sour cream. Again, while the body's insulin is peaked the butter and sour cream are going directly to fat storage. Maybe you can afford this, most of us lean 40 somethings can't.

    I hope this isn't fueling a debate, and with much respect to you calstate23, I just think there may be a couple more factors involved here, and that most of us look to "clean" foods most of the time. So saying they are exactly the same ( both white and brown rice) they really aren't.
    other than the "much respect to calstate23" part, this is awesome.

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