So im 23 years old, not gonna lie i got a friend thats huge into steroids so i didnt do any research like a young person and just was like omg....this guy is huge i wanna look like him. So i did a 5 week cycle of dynasty labs 250mg per ml of Test cyp. Took my bench from 185 lbs to 285 lbs in just that period of time...ive also researched detection times for it is 3 months roughly. What im trying to do now is get from my current weight(260 lbs) down to 220 which is whats needed for me to be able to do what i want to do in life. be a Marine. ive always been a heavier kid and had issues with losing weight. Got an uncurveable hunger(thanks test cyp). I know i need to drop carbs to a minimum/none at all. but hes trying to recomend i do winstrol 50. i figured id ask here before doing that just randomly recomended from a person in a town of 16000 people. he may be educated but i want many opinions of this with people that probably have more knowledge. This may need to be in a different forum? but it is diet related kinda with a different question involved as well. want to apologize ahead of time if i posted in the wrong forum. Any and all advice is much appreciated.