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Thread: Am I eating to much FISH???

  1. #1

    Am I eating to much FISH???

    Started to diet a few weeks ago (losing tons of weight, so I'm so pumped and happy)

    But here's the problem.. I just realized I eat TONS of fish..

    Here is what could be a typical day in what I eat (mind you, this is strictly weight loss and not caring about losing muscle)

    I will skip meals but just include what I eat that contains fish.

    3oz of Salmon(nova or lox)
    on a whole wheat wrap (40 calories for the wrap)
    red onion,tomato,capers and lemon juice

    I eat the same thing as 11am

    4OZ of tilapia, usually with half of sweet potato and veggies

    same as 6pm

    Ok.. So as you can see I eat fish a lot.. The other meals you don't see, are usually yogurts, chicken, lean steak, oatmeal, eggs..

    I will do this diet with the fish above, 3-4 days a week.

    What I'm afraid of is how much fish I am eating, how bad is it for me? I'm talking about the dangers (because its making me look great, lol)
    Mercury levels and such?

    I mean can I eat fish EVERYDAY, 3 times a day?

    If I have to skip out on the salmon that's ok.. But I love my tilapia!! I can eat it almost for every meal..

    Thanks guys!!
    been a while since I posted, but I got gear ready to go and need to lose a ton of weight first so..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You are only eating 14oz of fish. I eat more than that in one sitting. So no, you are not eating too much fish. You are probably not consuming enough calories unless you are a girl

  3. #3
    only about 1400-1800 a day...

    I need to lose weight and quick, I don't care if I lose muscle AT ALL!!! I rather look lanky and skinny (which I won't) then what I look like now..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Nottingham, England
    Nah man I eat fish as my main source of protein. My house stinks of fish after Ive been in the kitchen!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331 View Post
    only about 1400-1800 a day...

    I need to lose weight and quick, I don't care if I lose muscle AT ALL!!! I rather look lanky and skinny (which I won't) then what I look like now..
    I thought this too - until I became lanky and skinny. What makes you think you won't? Reconsider this. The fast route is NEVER the right one bro, it just doesn't work that way. You will look like sh!t.

    To answer your question - no, you are perfectly fine with the amount of fish you're eating.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    If it comes off too quick you risk it coming right back on just as fast..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by questionrouge View Post
    If it comes off too quick you risk it coming right back on just as fast..
    Unless your morbidly obese to begin with! Otherwise, your right, anywhere between 1-2 lbs. a week is best providing your diet and exercise is spot on.

  8. #8
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You are fine. I have a can of tuna each night before bed while bulking.

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