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  1. #1
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    Not increasing calories for a cycle.

    Im trying to undertand something. Do you have to increase calories to get gains from juice? Lets say your running 3000 cal. diet before your cycle and then you start test and do not up your cal. So will you still make gains? . This involves bulking but a lean bulking not cutting.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to increase your calories as you start to build muscle tissue, this will support the new found tissue, if you dont after the cycle you will lose everything you have gained because you simply dont have enough calories to sustain that mass, this is were many guys go wrong they dont adjust the calories.You dont have to eat dirty keep it clean. I increase my cals straight away on day one of the cycle and carry on increasing to support the new tissue I am building, but dont increase alot just small amounts.

  3. #3
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    It makes total sense. I feel like everytime i add calories my face gets fat right away while im on test and thats on a low sodium diet and using .25-.5mgs of arimidex

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How much are you increasing them by?
    what kind of diet do you run?
    what is your bf before the cycle?
    Have you ever looked into priming before a cycle?

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Marcus hit the nail on the head

    Remember aswell that when you are using androgens your body is able to utalise the calories better to build more tissue than if you were not running the AAS

    If you were to do a prime for a cycle, which IMO everyone should, you can drastically increase ur calories as the AAS come into ur system and not gain too much fat

    So basically what im saying is, dont be scared to get a little bit carried away with the calories when on cycle, so long as they are coming from whole natural foods

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    One point that I didn't see mentioned - this may be obvious, but you need to be in a caloric surplus to gain, PERIOD, regardless of juicing. If your maintenance is 2500 calories and you are eating 3000, you should be gaining assuming the diet is good. If you then decide to use gear, you do not NEED to increase calories further to make gains. Having said that, I would recommend increasing calories a bit (no more then 500) since protein synthesis is heightened and you will be able to take full advantage of the benefits of the juice.

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