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Thread: Diet Critique? Any opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Diet Critique? Any opinions

    Hey guys, everyone suggested i get my diet checked out.. so here it is. I have to do some updates but i figured before i do them id see what you guys thought. Also i am a hardgainer, so i do not count fat in my totals.

    6am Oats+Whey Shake 1.5 Cups 108g Carb 600 Cal
    50G Protein 360 Cal

    7:30 Rice 1/2 Cup
    Sirloin 8oz
    Banana 80g Carb 360 Cal
    Pro 48g 300 Cal

    9:30 Milk 16oz Pro 24g Carb 32g
    360 Cal

    11:30 Rice 1/2 Cup
    Tuna 80g Carb 360 Cal
    Pro 36g 150 Cal

    1:30 Blueberries
    Rice 1/2 Cup
    Chicken breasts 2
    80g Carb 360 Cal
    44g Pro 200 Cal

    3:30 Rice ¼
    Eggs 1 whole 5 whites 40g Carb 180 Cal

    37 Pro 160 Cal

    5:30 Peanut Butter
    Rice 1/2 16 Pro 420 Cal
    80g carb 360 Cal

    7:30 Vegetables
    Bed Time Cottage Cheese 26 Pro 180 Cal
    Supps Torrent 20g Pro 52 Carb
    Totals 472 Carb 301 Protein 3,990 Cal

    Now my job is performance based, so this ia a quicker version should time be short.

    6:00am Oats+Whey Shake 1.5 Cups 108g Carb 600 Cal
    50G Protein 360 Cal

    8:15 Rice ¼ Cup
    Sirloin 8oz
    Banana 40g Carb 180 Cal
    Pro 30g 300 Cal

    10:15 ½ Serious Mass 145 Carb 37 Protein 820 Cal

    12:15 Tuna Pro 36g 150 Cal

    2:15 ½ Serious Mass 145 Carb 37 Protein 820 Cal

    4:15 Rice ¼ Cup
    Chicken 2 40g Carb 180 Cal
    44g Pro 200 Cal

    6:15 Peanut Butter 16 Pro 420 Cal

    7:30 Vegetables

    Bed Time Cottage Cheese 26 Pro 180 Cal
    Supps Torrent 20g Pro 52 Carb
    Totals 530 Carb 296 Protein 4110 Cal

    Vegetable in both include whatever i feel like buying that week, so i can mix it up on the vegetable front. Thanks for your time everyone!

    Goals: Im looking to increase muscle. Im seriously considering doing a cycle, i have that all planned in another thread on here. The reason i say this is going to need updates is this is what i used to get me to 185 naturally from 150 lbs. Of course this has been changed numerous times since then, and i know with the addiction of a cycle things are going to have to change for sure.
    Last edited by Lynx331; 01-11-2011 at 11:27 AM. Reason: Goal Added

  2. #2
    Your diet looks good except for the cottage cheese before bed time. Personally I don't like cottage cheese because of high sugar content so depending on your goal which you forgot to mention, I'd think twice about the c cheese or any other sugary food before bed.

    again tell us what your goals are for this diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I edited the first post with goals added. Cottage cheese really? DAMN! lol I hated the stuff, now i get to where i crave it right before going to sleep. Any suggestions on a replacement for it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    cottage cheese is a casien protien which makes it ideal for a before bed snack, ill have to look into the sugar content.

    there are cottage cheese products with as little as 3g sugar. hope this was helpful
    Last edited by MBMETC; 01-11-2011 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    To be honest, your diet looks all over the place to me. It's not the worst ever but can DEFINITELY use improvement. See comments in bold

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynx331 View Post
    Hey guys, everyone suggested i get my diet checked out.. so here it is. I have to do some updates but i figured before i do them id see what you guys thought. Also i am a hardgainer, so i do not count fat in my totals.

    Big mistake. Just because you THINK you're a hardgainer doesn't mean you're immune to gaining bodyfat. Start counting it!

    6am Oats+Whey Shake 1.5 Cups 108g Carb 600 Cal
    50G Protein 360 Cal

    1 cup of oats should be plenty, no need for over 100g carbs at any meal

    7:30 Rice 1/2 Cup
    Sirloin 8oz
    Banana 80g Carb 360 Cal
    Pro 48g 300 Cal

    Save the banana for PWO if you must have it, this isn't the best place for it.

    9:30 Milk 16oz Pro 24g Carb 32g
    360 Cal

    Really bro? You're considering this a meal? You're not as much of a hardgainer as you think, you just don't know how to diet! Drop this and replace it with some real food, please! 6-8oz lean protein, 30-50g complex carb

    11:30 Rice 1/2 Cup
    Tuna 80g Carb 360 Cal
    Pro 36g 150 Cal

    1:30 Blueberries
    Rice 1/2 Cup
    Chicken breasts 2
    80g Carb 360 Cal
    44g Pro 200 Cal

    3:30 Rice ¼
    Eggs 1 whole 5 whites 40g Carb 180 Cal

    37 Pro 160 Cal

    5:30 Peanut Butter
    Rice 1/2 16 Pro 420 Cal
    80g carb 360 Cal

    No protein source in this meal, and adding fats + carbs together is a mistake. Replace this with a proper meal of either protein/carb or protein/fat

    7:30 Vegetables
    Bed Time Cottage Cheese 26 Pro 180 Cal
    Supps Torrent 20g Pro 52 Carb
    Totals 472 Carb 301 Protein 3,990 Cal

    Absolutely nothing wrong with the cottage cheese before bed, keep it. Just make sure it's not the crap with the fruit in it - that stuff IS high in sugar

    You didn't mention where your workout fits into this schedule, and I don't see any kind of PWO meal? What's up with that?

    Now my job is performance based, so this ia a quicker version should time be short.

    6:00am Oats+Whey Shake 1.5 Cups 108g Carb 600 Cal
    50G Protein 360 Cal

    8:15 Rice ¼ Cup
    Sirloin 8oz
    Banana 40g Carb 180 Cal
    Pro 30g 300 Cal

    10:15 ½ Serious Mass 145 Carb 37 Protein 820 Cal

    This stuff is crap. If you have to do a shake because you don't have time to eat real food, at least do a decent protein shake (something containing multiple proteins like Myofusion or something from ON) and add oats into the shake. Doesn't get any quicker then that

    12:15 Tuna Pro 36g 150 Cal

    add a carb, or add some fat

    2:15 ½ Serious Mass 145 Carb 37 Protein 820 Cal

    4:15 Rice ¼ Cup
    Chicken 2 40g Carb 180 Cal
    44g Pro 200 Cal

    6:15 Peanut Butter 16 Pro 420 Cal

    420 calories worth of peanut butter? Dude you could be getting that from a real meal. This is a bad idea IMO

    7:30 Vegetables

    Bed Time Cottage Cheese 26 Pro 180 Cal
    Supps Torrent 20g Pro 52 Carb
    Totals 530 Carb 296 Protein 4110 Cal

    Vegetable in both include whatever i feel like buying that week, so i can mix it up on the vegetable front. Thanks for your time everyone!

    Goals: Im looking to increase muscle. Im seriously considering doing a cycle, i have that all planned in another thread on here. The reason i say this is going to need updates is this is what i used to get me to 185 naturally from 150 lbs. Of course this has been changed numerous times since then, and i know with the addiction of a cycle things are going to have to change for sure.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    To be honest, your diet looks all over the place to me. It's not the worst ever but can DEFINITELY use improvement. See comments in bold
    Ok so drop to one cup of oats in the morning.
    Banana why move to pwo?
    The milk only meal i was nervous to put anything else in it, as my calories were already at 4,000.
    I will add a protein into that meal somewhere.
    My pwo meal.. it will get switched around, because i have not decided exactly when im going to workout when i officially "start" this. If it will be after work or in the morning before work, thats why this isnt in there yet.

    The serious mass isnt good stuff?? Why is that, ive read alot of good things on it. Seemed to work well for me.

    I appreciate you taking the time and going through my diet like you did, it will come in very handy when i give it a final run through.
    One more thing... ive read numerous times to have multipe protein sources and not keep using the same ones, any truth to this?

    Thank you for your time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    listen to gbrice man. He knows his stuff very very well!!!! He helped me as well with my diet,and is very knowledgable!! Seems like your pretty motivated to get going. Just listen to the guys here and you ll be fine.

    Except for the guy who said dont eat cottage cheese before bed. haha. That is a great choice before bed! You can also do a casein protien shake! You want casein before bed definitley!!

    Good luck bud!


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