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  1. #1
    BradleyLeathers's Avatar
    BradleyLeathers is offline New Member
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    Quick Questions.

    My BMR = 2853.34, so...

    1. 3353.34 should be my daily consumption in order to gain a pound a week?
    2. Should I model it after the sample diet, only according to my BMR? If so,
    3. What would the ratio between CARBs/PROs be total for the day? Also,
    4. Should I keep the ratios between CARBs/PROs/FATs the same for each meal and then adjust appropriately as I continue with the diet?
    5. If I'm comfortable with a lot of dairy and pastas, is that OK or should I put meats in there?
    6. Can I post my adjusted diet on here when I'm done for corrections?

  2. #2
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BradleyLeathers View Post
    My BMR = 2853.34, so... Are you like 6'5" 240 lbs with a low body fat percentage? I'm guessing no and therefore, your BMR is not 2853.34. Your TDEE however could be. TDEE = BMR x Energy expenditure multiplier (1.3 for an average guy these days). An average BMR is between 1600-2000.

    1. 3353.34 should be my daily consumption in order to gain a pound a week? More complicated than that. The food choices and the ratio of carbs/fat/protein will dictate what type of pound your gaining. If protein is high, carb choices are solid and structured around your workout schedule properly, etc... and of course your workouts/rest are in check - you could gain a lot of lean muscle. Emphasis on could, genetics play the biggest role.
    2. Should I model it after the sample diet, only according to my BMR? If so, For a start that's fine but then, crunch the numbers and post the diet for us to critique. Those threads are out-dated and that diet can be much improved upon.
    3. What would the ratio between CARBs/PROs be total for the day? Also, 40/45/15 is a good start if the goal is simply gaining mass (pro/carb/fat)
    4. Should I keep the ratios between CARBs/PROs/FATs the same for each meal and then adjust appropriately as I continue with the diet? No, I wouldn't eat high carbs when you don't need energy even if I were bulking. Before bed, on non-workout days, when you're sick, when you're at a desk and have a very sedentary day - carbs are energy and even on a bulk shouldnt be consumed in the same incriments at every meal. Protein/fat should be pretty consistent IMO. An example would be a high carb breakfast, a high carb pre/post workout meal, moderate in other meals, low-low before bed.
    5. If I'm comfortable with a lot of dairy and pastas, is that OK or should I put meats in there? Not OK. Dairy in the form of fat free milk can be used for shakes and oats and stuff if you tolerate it well when bulking and whole grain pasta can be used as a carb source. Meats are the foundation of your diet however- milk and pasta are not lean protein sources.... fish, chicken, lean mince, eggs, etc - at least 30g of protein via these sources at each meal.
    6. Can I post my adjusted diet on here when I'm done for corrections? Please, I'll have many


  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BradleyLeathers View Post
    My BMR = 2853.34, so...

    1. 3353.34 should be my daily consumption in order to gain a pound a week?
      500 over tdee is good for lean bulk yes post your stats first please because people often over estimate thier TDEE
    2. Should I model it after the sample diet, only according to my BMR? If so,no one diet is right for everyone. Your diet should be taylored around your needs and there are hundreds of samples to look at on here
    3. What would the ratio between CARBs/PROs be total for the day? Also,
      this is debatable some like a 40/40/20 split i prefer a 40/45/15 protien carb fat split for the day
    4. Should I keep the ratios between CARBs/PROs/FATs the same for each meal and then adjust appropriately as I continue with the diet?
      absolutley not. Certain times of day require different macros carbs should be mostly split between first meal, pre workout and post workout meals. Pre bed meals need to be protien with healthy fats to slow diegestion and keep you anabolic while you sleep
    5. If I'm comfortable with a lot of dairy and pastas, is that OK or should I put meats in there?
      dairy is full of lactose which is about as usefull and eating the equivilent in sugar. Its an inferior source of protien compared to lean meats and should be avoided if possible. pasta would be ok if its whole grain or whole wheat pasta which is lower on the GI scale, damien and gbrice have some threads on good sources of carbs/protien/fat you should search for those threads and plan your diet with those items
    6. Can I post my adjusted diet on here when I'm done for corrections?
      you're always welcome to post your diet here and someone will always be willing to help. Just make sure you include your macro's for each meal and for the whole day, and as always STATS are a must when asking for advice

    See bold. Good luck

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    haha damien beat me to this one

  5. #5
    BradleyLeathers's Avatar
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    Damienm05/scotty51312. Thanks very much! Yes, TDEE. I'll note that so I don't do that again. Ha. I'm 20, 6' 160 lbs 7%bf and athletic, in the USN. I'm not ashamed to say I have a huge lack of knowledge when it comes to this, it certainly helps and can't wait to put in the work to get all of this figured out. As I assumed, it's a lot of work.
    Last edited by BradleyLeathers; 01-17-2011 at 01:21 PM.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by BradleyLeathers View Post
    Damienm05/scotty51312. Thanks very much! Yes, TDEE. I'll note that so I don't do that again. Ha. I'm 20, 6' 160 lbs 7%bf and athletic, in the USN. I'm not ashamed to say I have a huge lack of knowledge when it comes to this, it certainly helps and can't wait to put in the work to get all of this figured out. As I assumed, it's a lot of work.
    Hey, no offense to you bro, but are you SURE you're 7% bodyfat? That's really low; maybe you could post up some pics so we can be certain? Have you had it measured?

    As Damien said, your BMR is not what you think it is. Based on your stats alone, I have your TDEE calculated somewhere between 2300 - 2500. As for the diet, i'm posting mine below as an example. Do not pay as much attention to the numbers as mine is a cutting diet and we are individuals with differing nutritional needs. This is more about food choices, meal timing, macro combinations and timing, etc. Hope this helps!

    protein/carbs/fat/total calories

    5am: MEAL 1 - PRE WORKOUT
    1 extra large egg, 4 extra large whites - 27/0/5/160
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20

    TOTAL: 32/31/7.5/320

    WORKOUT followed by 1 hour of cardio

    8am: MEAL 2 - POST WORKOUT
    1 Scoop Myofusion - 25/5/3/160
    1 Premier Protein Shake - 30/5/3/160
    1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280

    TOTAL: 65/60/10/600

    10am: MEAL 3
    6oz broiled tilapia - 35/0/3/165
    3/4 cup brown rice - 3/22/1/110
    3/4 cup black and red beans - 5/18/1/105

    TOTAL: 43/40/4.5/380

    1pm: MEAL 4
    5oz chicken breast - 34/0/2/140
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10

    TOTAL: 40/33/4/310

    4pm: MEAL 5
    4oz 93/7 lean ground beef - 23/0/9/180
    1oz (dry) Barilla Plus Multigrain Pasta - 5/20/1/105

    TOTAL: 30/20/10/285

    7pm: MEAL 6
    2oz Flank Steak - 15/0/6/120
    1 extra large whole egg - 7/0/5/80
    3 extra large egg whites - 15/0/0/60
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10
    2 Fish Oils - 0/2/0/20


    10pm: MEAL 7
    1 scoop ON Casein - 24/3/1/120
    1 tbsp natty PB - 4/3/8/105
    2 Fish Oils - 0/0/2/20

    TOTAL: 28/6/11/245

    DAILY TOTAL: 271/195/62/2425

  7. #7
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Your TDEE does seem a bit high considering i weigh 80lbs more than you and mine is only a 6-700 hundred higher than yours.. also 7% is competition level BF.. i would say you are in low low double digits..

    as for the diet, i agree with everything above but i would not put as much emphasis on GI indexes.. i.e. they are taken out of context.. you can eat white bread if you are eating it with a protein source such as beef or chicken as it wil change the GI index and pretty much make it neautral to whole wheat. So unless you are just eating bread by itself and not making a sandwich out of it the difference is minimal. I AM SAYING PRETTY MUCH NOT COMPLETLEY. Basically what i am saying is focus on the calories, and macro nutrients and timing of meals more than if the pasta is whole wheat or not.. unless you are trying to compete the difference will not be noticeable to the amature body builder.. especially if you are trying to bulk.. just stay away from the sugars and eat as much as you can and you will be fine. If all i was allowed to eat was whole wheat pasta and brown rice i would never have been able to get myself to the size i am at now becuase i would have hated every bite of food i took..

  8. #8
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    ^^^Gb's right pro bodybuilders go on stage around 5-7% (5 being the extreme low end) and it takes a lot of cutting and sodium control to get there.

  9. #9
    BradleyLeathers's Avatar
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    OK - I went to the Y and got someone rather that seemed to know what they were doing. 11%. Thank you guys for helping with the terminology clarification. This certainly isn't something I can figure out in a day. Thanks for the eating tip, MACHINE5150.

    Sorry in advance that your eyes have to witness the toolery. I find great displeasure in taking pictures of myself. For the cause:

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