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  1. #1
    Ozzy_Lifter's Avatar
    Ozzy_Lifter is offline New Member
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    Wink Lean Mass Diet Critique

    Hey Guys,

    I have been graced with finding this forum 5 years ago, long time lurker first time poster!

    Few Stats -
    Height – 5’11
    Weight – 78Kg
    BF% - Roughly 14%
    Training On/Off for last 7 years – Been training for last month after 1 year
    Goal – Drop BF and then increase lean mass

    As I stated I have been into lifting for quite some time, have made moderate gains over the years but am really looking to step-up the program and keep consistent. I have always been an ectomorph (never ate correctly until after high school) but as I get older my metabolism is slowing down & having an office job sitting 10 hours a day doesn’t help towards the belly. For years I had done a 3 day split. I have changed this to a 4 day split consisting:

    Mon – Chest/Tri
    Tue – Back/Bi’s
    Wed – Off
    Thur – Shoulders/Abs
    Fri – Quads/Hams/Calfs
    Sat- Rest
    Sun - Rest

    (I will be posting my workout within the workout section if you care to comment.)

    I walk (fast pace) to work & then run home each way consist of 3 Km, only protein shake is eaten before walk to work. On Wed & Sat I do an 8 Km run.

    Would you please review my diet and help in anyway possible way, I believe my weak points involve;

    • Timing & combination of protein/carbs/fats
    • Lack of meat (Chicken is the only meat I eat)

    Supplements I am using at the moment:
    • ON Whey Protein
    • Creatine - 5g daily
    • Fish Oil Tablets – 2 twice a day
    • Multi-vitamin – Once a daily
    • BCAA’s - 2 twice a day

    6:20am Protein Shake
    2 Scoop Whey 48 6 2 234
    1 Cup Skim Milk 8 12 1 89
    ½ Banana 1 11 0 48

    9:00am Oat-Egg Pancake
    2/3 cup Oats 7 38 4 216
    1 Scoop Whey 24 3 1 117
    3 Egg whites 11 1 0 48
    1 Egg whole 6 0 5 69

    12pm Chicken & Brown Rice
    200g Chicken Breast 62 0 7 311
    1/3 Cup Brown Rice 4 43 1 197
    ½ broccoli 2 6 0 32

    3pm Mixed Beans
    300g Four Mixed Beans 16 44 2 210
    Almonds 5 5 10 130

    6:15pm Oat-Egg Pancake
    2/3 cup Oats 7 38 4 216
    1 Scoop Whey 24 3 1 117
    3 Egg whites 11 1 0 48
    1 Egg whole 6 0 5 69

    8:00pm Protein Shake
    2 Scoop Whey 48 6 2 234
    1 Cup Skim Milk 8 12 1 89
    ½ Banana 1 11 0 48

    9:00pm Chicken Breast, Green Beans & Sweet Potato
    200g Chicken Breast 62 0 7 311
    1 Cup Green Beans 3 8 1 53
    1 Large Sweet Potato 4 37 0 164

    Total 368 285 54 3098



  2. #2
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
    cerealkiller326 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzy_Lifter View Post
    Hey Guys,

    I have been graced with finding this forum 5 years ago, long time lurker first time poster!

    Few Stats -
    Height – 5’11
    Weight – 78Kg
    BF% - Roughly 14%
    Training On/Off for last 7 years – Been training for last month after 1 year
    Goal – Drop BF and then increase lean mass

    As I stated I have been into lifting for quite some time, have made moderate gains over the years but am really looking to step-up the program and keep consistent. I have always been an ectomorph (never ate correctly until after high school) but as I get older my metabolism is slowing down & having an office job sitting 10 hours a day doesn’t help towards the belly. For years I had done a 3 day split. I have changed this to a 4 day split consisting:

    Mon – Chest/Tri
    Tue – Back/Bi’s
    Wed – Off
    Thur – Shoulders/Abs
    Fri – Quads/Hams/Calfs
    Sat- Rest
    Sun - Rest

    (I will be posting my workout within the workout section if you care to comment.)

    I walk (fast pace) to work & then run home each way consist of 3 Km, only protein shake is eaten before walk to work. On Wed & Sat I do an 8 Km run.

    Would you please review my diet and help in anyway possible way, I believe my weak points involve;

    • Timing & combination of protein/carbs/fats
    • Lack of meat (Chicken is the only meat I eat)

    Supplements I am using at the moment:
    • ON Whey Protein
    • Creatine - 5g daily
    • Fish Oil Tablets – 2 twice a day
    • Multi-vitamin – Once a daily
    • BCAA’s - 2 twice a day

    6:20am Protein Shake
    2 Scoop Whey 48 6 2 234
    1 Cup Skim Milk 8 12 1 89
    ½ Banana 1 11 0 48
    MACROS:57/29/3 CALS:371

    9:00am Oat-Egg Pancake
    2/3 cup Oats 7 38 4 216
    1 Scoop Whey 24 3 1 117
    3 Egg whites 11 1 0 48
    1 Egg whole 6 0 5 69
    MACROS: 48/42/10 CALS:450

    12pm Chicken & Brown Rice
    200g Chicken Breast 62 0 7 311
    1/3 Cup Brown Rice 4 43 1 197
    ½ broccoli 2 6 0 32
    MACROS: 68/49/8 CALS:540

    3pm Mixed Beans
    300g Four Mixed Beans 16 44 2 210
    Almonds 5 5 10 130
    MACROS: 21/49/12 CALS:340

    6:15pm Oat-Egg Pancake
    2/3 cup Oats 7 38 4 216
    1 Scoop Whey 24 3 1 117
    3 Egg whites 11 1 0 48
    1 Egg whole 6 0 5 69
    MACROS: 48/42/10 CALS:450

    8:00pm Protein Shake
    2 Scoop Whey 48 6 2 234
    1 Cup Skim Milk 8 12 1 89
    ½ Banana 1 11 0 48
    MACROS: 67/18/3 CALS:371

    9:00pm Chicken Breast, Green Beans & Sweet Potato
    200g Chicken Breast 62 0 7 311
    1 Cup Green Beans 3 8 1 53
    1 Large Sweet Potato 4 37 0 164
    MACROS: 69/45/8 CALS:528

    **I usually don't recommend that much carbs in a meal before bed. I would replace this meal with a solid caesin protein shake.
    Total 368 285 54 3098
    ****TOTAL: 378/274/54 Calories: 3050


    Your diet is good other than the one at 9:00 PM. Bold is what I suggested. You take fish oil and etc, make sure its included in your daily macros. 1-2g fat is usually over looked and not included into one's diet.

    Your PWO meal isn't clear, but hope it has atleast 40g of protein.

    IMO I think the caloric intake for a 147lb is a bit high, no biggie. I would rather consume more to bulk then not grow. I would recommend doing cardio after your workouts at least 30minutes.
    Last edited by cerealkiller326; 01-18-2011 at 08:54 AM.

  3. #3
    jngymrat is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2010
    So you looking for a good cutting diet? The lean mass will naturally occur, but the diet needs a few hard tweaks. Also what time of day do you work out? weights and cardio?

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    See bold. I don't know many guys who can cut on 3000 calories - what is your TDEE? You may need to reduce calories here, and i've already done that by removing some foods, particularly the big sweet potato from your last meal of the day.

    Not too bad, but can definitely be tightened up and made much better!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzy_Lifter View Post
    Hey Guys,

    I have been graced with finding this forum 5 years ago, long time lurker first time poster!

    Few Stats -
    Height – 5’11
    Weight – 78Kg
    BF% - Roughly 14%
    Training On/Off for last 7 years – Been training for last month after 1 year
    Goal – Drop BF and then increase lean mass

    As I stated I have been into lifting for quite some time, have made moderate gains over the years but am really looking to step-up the program and keep consistent. I have always been an ectomorph (never ate correctly until after high school) but as I get older my metabolism is slowing down & having an office job sitting 10 hours a day doesn’t help towards the belly. For years I had done a 3 day split. I have changed this to a 4 day split consisting:

    Mon – Chest/Tri
    Tue – Back/Bi’s
    Wed – Off
    Thur – Shoulders/Abs
    Fri – Quads/Hams/Calfs
    Sat- Rest
    Sun - Rest

    (I will be posting my workout within the workout section if you care to comment.)

    I walk (fast pace) to work & then run home each way consist of 3 Km, only protein shake is eaten before walk to work. On Wed & Sat I do an 8 Km run.

    Would you please review my diet and help in anyway possible way, I believe my weak points involve;

    • Timing & combination of protein/carbs/fats
    • Lack of meat (Chicken is the only meat I eat)

    Supplements I am using at the moment:
    • ON Whey Protein
    • Creatine - 5g daily
    • Fish Oil Tablets – 2 twice a day
    • Multi-vitamin – Once a daily
    • BCAA’s - 2 twice a day

    6:20am Protein Shake
    2 Scoop Whey 48 6 2 234
    1 Cup Skim Milk 8 12 1 89
    ½ Banana 1 11 0 48

    I'd drop the skim milk and banana here, no need for all the sugar on a diet concerned with reducing bodyfat. Get your carbs from a good complex source instead - oats would be perfect. I'd add berries over fruit like bananas, etc. That's just me. Also, i'd drop it to 1 scoop of whey and get the rest from egg whites. Don't rely so much on shakes.

    9:00am Oat-Egg Pancake
    2/3 cup Oats 7 38 4 216
    1 Scoop Whey 24 3 1 117
    3 Egg whites 11 1 0 48
    1 Egg whole 6 0 5 69

    This would be better as meal 1, then do a more 'normal' meal here - lean protein + complex carb

    12pm Chicken & Brown Rice
    200g Chicken Breast 62 0 7 311
    1/3 Cup Brown Rice 4 43 1 197
    ½ broccoli 2 6 0 32

    Nice meal! But wtf - add more broccoli! 1 cup at least, i'd do 2.

    3pm Mixed Beans
    300g Four Mixed Beans 16 44 2 210
    Almonds 5 5 10 130

    What's the point of this meal? No quality protein source here, a wasted opportunity IMO

    6:15pm Oat-Egg Pancake
    2/3 cup Oats 7 38 4 216
    1 Scoop Whey 24 3 1 117
    3 Egg whites 11 1 0 48
    1 Egg whole 6 0 5 69


    8:00pm Protein Shake
    2 Scoop Whey 48 6 2 234
    1 Cup Skim Milk 8 12 1 89
    ½ Banana 1 11 0 48

    Unless this is PWO, drop the shake and eat real food

    9:00pm Chicken Breast, Green Beans & Sweet Potato
    200g Chicken Breast 62 0 7 311
    1 Cup Green Beans 3 8 1 53
    1 Large Sweet Potato 4 37 0 164

    I wouldn't be eating the sweet potato in my last meal on a cutting diet. Lean beef would be great here for a pro/fat meal, and definitely keep the green beans.

    Total 368 285 54 3098



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