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  1. #1
    AllAboutDan is offline New Member
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    ACT, Australia

    Review of Diet Plan before Clen Cycle

    Hi all, looking at starting a clen cycle soon (My Clen Questions) and want to make sure i've got my diet in check before procceding with the cycle.

    I have seen good results as far with my diet. Right now my Cardio is exceptionally limited but will definately be increasing that to about an hour a day.

    A couple things regarding dieting for me is I can't stand vegetables or banana's, so any alternative suggestions would certainly be helpful (waxy maize? vege tablets?)

    My Stats are as follows:
    Age: 26
    Height: 184cm
    Weight: 110kg
    Bf%: Unsure
    Cycle history: N/A Yet
    Years training: 3

    My Current Diet Plan looks like the following:
    • Diet Plan:

    • Wake up:
    • Coffee (Short Black)
    • Cytosport Muscle Milk (With Water)
    • Jack3d
    • Straight to Gym for Hour Weight Sessions
    • PWO Shake (Whey Protein, Creatine, L-Carnitine)
    • Lunch:
    • 200g Lean Meat
    • 1 cup of Basmati Rice
    • Small Tub of Lettuce, Cucumber, Balsamic Vinegar
    • Afternoon Snack:
    • 95g Can Tuna in Springwater
    • An Apple
    • Handful of Almonds
    • Dinner:
    • 200g Lean Meat
    • Small Tub of Lettuce, Cucumber, Balsamic Vinegar
    • Snack before bed:
    • Omelette consisting of: 4 Egg whites & 1 Yolk, Mushrooms, Herbs

    Any critiques please?
    Last edited by AllAboutDan; 01-18-2011 at 11:03 PM.

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    See bold comments

    Quote Originally Posted by AllAboutDan View Post
    Hi all, looking at starting a clen cycle soon (My Clen Questions) and want to make sure i've got my diet in check before procceding with the cycle.

    I have seen good results as far with my diet. Right now my Cardio is exceptionally limited but will definately be increasing that to about an hour a day.

    A couple things regarding dieting for me is I can't stand vegetables or banana's, so any alternative suggestions would certainly be helpful (waxy maize? vege tablets?)

    Man up and eat your veggies! You can't possibly hate them ALL, can you? No, there is no substitute for good fiberous veggies IMO. I'm not worried about bananas, they're not a 'must have' on my diets.

    My Stats are as follows:
    Age: 26
    Height: 184cm
    Weight: 110kg
    Bf%: Unsure

    Find out, or post up pics here for an estimate. Without that, it's almost impossible to advise you on diet other then food choices

    Cycle history: N/A Yet
    Years training: 3

    My Current Diet Plan looks like the following:
    • Diet Plan:

    • Wake up:
    • Coffee (Short Black)
    • Cytosport Muscle Milk (With Water)
    • Jack3d

      So no pre workout meal whatsoever, a crappy quality protein shake (muscle milk is shit), and then a so called intense workout? C'mon! Let's start off meal 1 with - a meal!!! A whole egg or 2, egg whites, 1/2 to 1 cup of oats, maybe some berries, this kind of thing. You need to fuel your workout, and on top of that it's a double wammy as this is your first meal of the day and you are missing a great opportunity to replenish nutrients. catabolic anyone?
    • Straight to Gym for Hour Weight Sessions
    • PWO Shake (Whey Protein, Creatine, L-Carnitine)

      Hopefully not muscle milk again. how much protein here? Please list macros for each meal next time, otherwise there's not much we can do for you. How about adding some carbs here? Oats would be my preference - 25-50g depending on your caloric needs.
    • Lunch:
    • 200g Lean Meat
    • 1 cup of Basmati Rice
    • Small Tub of Lettuce, Cucumber, Balsamic Vinegar

      Good meal, make sure the 'lettuce' is good leafy greens, not iceberg crap.
    • Afternoon Snack:
    • 95g Can Tuna in Springwater
    • An Apple
    • Handful of Almonds

      Depending on your goals, this could be an ok meal
    • Dinner:
    • 200g Lean Meat
    • Small Tub of Lettuce, Cucumber, Balsamic Vinegar

      No carbs, no fats - can't just live on protein alone bro, especially if you want to grow. You have all the materials (protein) and no workers to build (carbs, and fats to a lesser extent).
    • Snack before bed:
    • Omelette consisting of: 4 Egg whites & 1 Yolk, Mushrooms, Herbs

    This is ok, but i'd personally go with a slower absorbing protein like lean beef, cottage cheese (casein), etc. Eggs are a great protein source but absorb relatively quickly and won't do much for you throughout the night. Eat this in the morning and have something else here!

    Any critiques please?
    Definitely need to know macros for each meal and totals at the end of the day. Work out your TDEE so we can figure out how much you should be eating to make gains. Without that info, all we have above is a grocery shopping list.

  3. #3
    AllAboutDan is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the comments, I guess I should of stated initially that my goal is to shred the fat. I'm not interested in bulking up at all. I'll get a couple pictures up ASAP.

    Yea I really don't stand veggies at all lol
    I keep trying and trying different ways, but just doesn't work...I know there will never been a complete substitute for veggies but at least if I can get some form nutrition from them.

    In regards to pre-workout meal I have a real limited amount of time in the morning without waking up ridiculous.
    I'm awake and up by 6:40am each morning and get to the gym by 7:30am. Is there a decent form of a meal I can shake up? protein, oats??

    My PWO shake is:
    Horleys ICE Whey (100% Whey Protein Isolate) - 36g
    International Protein L-Glutamine (100% Pure Fermented L-Glutamine) - 1.9g
    Optimum Nutrition Micronized Create (100% Creatine Monohydrate)- 5g

    You say add carbs, Could I add Waxy Maize which (depending on product) is straight carbs?

  4. #4
    jngymrat is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2010
    First off, this is spot on advice gbrice, (some of your best) very well said and laid out from beginning to end! I do have a humble submission to the afore mentioned if this is okay, regarding the black coffee and the Waxy maze (respectfully)

    I know allot of workout diets are okay with coffee, in limited amounts of course, however as I see allot of people using it in their pre workout calculations this can have adverse consequences, and again, mainly just prior to a workout!

    What happens is that coffee being a diuretic, (without getting WAY too specific) What will happen as a result of this is a frequent urination of water, the bad news is this water has not been "retained" or "filtered" by the body, this is a major no no when preloading a muscle with resistance, I.E. weight lifting. Now normally losing excess water is a good thing, although this is not excess water, its essential water. As a by product, it leaves unfiltered sodium in the kidney's, and you will have to drink twice the amount of water (than the original amount of coffee, tea, or soda) just to get close to extracting the unfiltered liquids in the kidney's. Now when it has depleted these storages, it will go after the liquid in the muscles, so please use caution when adding coffee or other caffein's to PRE- workout regimens. Also the Kidneys are drained first and excess water in the body , second. Just a friendly reminder,

    Also in addition to Waxy maize, I won't bore you with the specific science behind why I and I said I!! don't like this, is because it comes from corn and it's a starch from corn. There are so many things wrong with this I don't know where to begin, but I will be very basic and brief, although I will be glad to provide the science behind my statement. First of all this is a processed natural starch, (so are duracell batteries) so what is happening to starch when it enters the stomach? as I have said in previous post, it doesn't! Now the waxy maize people are saying this is a good thing, well this is where I differ. Starch is starch unless the delivery system is not broken up, the WM people say theirs is a complex, well this is seemingly okay, but they also say it bypasses the stomach, so then where is the delivery system again? that's my point, the other starches that don't get mixed with the stomach long enough and go to storage are Chips, white rice, pretzels, and the list goes on. Now this can be an okay thing for natural complex carb intake (per se') but I would use it sparingly and try not to get all your daily's from this. Like anything, try it for a couple weeks see how it does for you, try something simple (simple carbs) and see how it works after two weeks, compare the data and go from there.

    Again just a simple observation, make the decisions on your own and evaluate the effects. Regarding the Diuretic, I forgot to mention that the loss of water during your workout will naturally lead to dehydration (which trips to the water fountain will not curb) muscle cramps, nausea and worst of all muscle fatigue and soreness. Just FYI.

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