I've written about this "miracle" oil before and would advice anyone who values their health to stay away from it. I've taken it before buying it directly from a most famous factory here in Australia. I thought I was having a wonderful product until the day I actually received a bottle that was not off!
Basically what I'm saying here is that this oil is so high in PUFA that it's nearly impossible to insure the consumer (you and I) receive it before it has already gone off/oxidised/gone rancid/became cancer causing! I don't have to tell anyone here about how the inflammatory mechanism works within our bodies. This oil instead of putting out the fire of inflammation, it actually exasperate the problem many times over, causing joint pain and other more serious side effects. It's the least stable of all known oils and that's a fact!
If I ask anyone here about the reason they would take flaxseed oil, most likely the answer would invariably be the same: “omega 3 fatty acids of course, the EPA and the DHA". Well I'm here to inform you that this oil is very low in omega 3 when it comes to the real world effects versus what we see on paper. This oil is very high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which if we live in a perfect world, would happily convert itself to the most needed eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Everyone here knows by now that I'm not a great fan of EPA either, so no fish oil capsules for me thank you very much...I like my immune system too much to suppress it with such an unbalanced amount of EPA to DHA.
I have also read about some negative effects emanating through some estrogenic hormone effects but can’t really place them so I wont be talking about this subject now.