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Thread: Fish oil/Flax oil

  1. #1

    Fish oil/Flax oil

    Hi all,

    I started an Enanthate cycle this week. 1 shot so far.

    I always take 4 fish oil caps & 2 tbls of flax oil a day.

    During my cycle should I increase any of the above oils I already take?

    How much do you guys take while "on".



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    Most tend to take between 20 and 30g a day while cycling

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    U will be ok with the amount you are taking now maybe drop one fish oil don't increase all the best slim

  4. #4
    thx guys..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    If you like your health, I'd strongly advise you ditch the flax.

    I used to take 20 fish oils a day for my joints, untill i read up on the effects of EPA on the immune system. It's an interesting read if your into this kind of stuff.
    I switched to a product call omega brain, by blackmores.
    It's got a Dha to EPA ratio of 5:1

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Stickyman View Post
    If you like your health, I'd strongly advise you ditch the flax.

    I used to take 20 fish oils a day for my joints, untill i read up on the effects of EPA on the immune system. It's an interesting read if your into this kind of stuff.
    I switched to a product call omega brain, by blackmores.
    It's got a Dha to EPA ratio of 5:1
    What are the negatives of flax?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Flaxseed Oil vs Fish Oil

    Now, it boils down to the dilemma on which oil is better. Fish oil is still at lead according to many doctors but there is nothing wrong with consuming flaxseed oil. Flax seed has the advantage of easily being mixed daily with foods and drinks such as smoothies or yogurt. A personal recommendation would be to mix both. Take a few meals of fish a week, while paying attention to not eating big fish with high mercury concentrations, and add flax seed to daily snacks for added taste and health benefits. Another alternative is to research to find the best fish oil supplement that will have ample quantities of DHA/EPA with all the mercury refined out of it.

    I recently read somewhere that a large % of fish oil supps are rancid, and rancid oils are not somethong we want in our bodies, the problem with fish oils is that they are very unstable and by the time they are moved around warehouses and left in the sun ....

    Rancid test- bite your fish oil cap, you will soon know if it is G2G
    Last edited by terraj; 01-26-2011 at 05:15 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Fish oil is obviously far superior for us as BBs, since our bodies don't actually have the enzyme to properly break down flax.

    OP: the amount of fish or flax you take daily is totally individual. How anyone can advise you on how much you should take per day without knowing your complete diet, stats, goals, tdee, etc etc is beyond me.

    I suggest you post this question in the diet forum with the above information.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Fish oil is obviously far superior for us as BBs, since our bodies don't actually have the enzyme to properly break down flax.

    OP: the amount of fish or flax you take daily is totally individual. How anyone can advise you on how much you should take per day without knowing your complete diet, stats, goals, tdee, etc etc is beyond me.

    I suggest you post this question in the diet forum with the above information.
    ya, i've heard about flax possibly being bad for you. But my professional bb buddy takes it everyday & he just placed 2nd in contest.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Flaxseed Oil vs Fish Oil

    Now, it boils down to the dilemma on which oil is better. Fish oil is still at lead according to many doctors but there is nothing wrong with consuming flaxseed oil. Flax seed has the advantage of easily being mixed daily with foods and drinks such as smoothies or yogurt. A personal recommendation would be to mix both. Take a few meals of fish a week, while paying attention to not eating big fish with high mercury concentrations, and add flax seed to daily snacks for added taste and health benefits. Another alternative is to research to find the best fish oil supplement that will have ample quantities of DHA/EPA with all the mercury refined out of it.

    I recently read somewhere that a large % of fish oil supps are rancid, and rancid oils are not somethong we want in our bodies, the problem with fish oils is that they are very unstable and by the time they are moved around warehouses and left in the sun ....

    Rancid test- bite your fish oil cap, you will soon know if it is G2G
    i've taken fish/flax oil for years. I haven't seen any bad sides. Of course I also haven't been to the dr. flax seems to lube and anti-inflame my bad shoulders better. everyone is different i guess. i'm just going to stay at my same dose as usual on this cycle. 4 fish caps & 2 tbls of flax, a day, spread out morning, afternoon, evening and night.

    thanks for your help.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Fish oil is obviously far superior for us as BBs, since our bodies don't actually have the enzyme to properly break down flax.

    OP: the amount of fish or flax you take daily is totally individual. How anyone can advise you on how much you should take per day without knowing your complete diet, stats, goals, tdee, etc etc is beyond me.

    I suggest you post this question in the diet forum with the above information.
    ya, my diet is perfectly immaculate, and I never miss a planned meal from the day before. i never cheat either.

    i'm 6'0 225-230 right now, maybe 14%-17% body fat during my bulk/winter. trying to bulk up just a little until april and then restrict carbs for summer cut.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Here is a link for the EPA and DHA I was talking about.

    I've written about this "miracle" oil before and would advice anyone who values their health to stay away from it. I've taken it before buying it directly from a most famous factory here in Australia. I thought I was having a wonderful product until the day I actually received a bottle that was not off!

    Basically what I'm saying here is that this oil is so high in PUFA that it's nearly impossible to insure the consumer (you and I) receive it before it has already gone off/oxidised/gone rancid/became cancer causing! I don't have to tell anyone here about how the inflammatory mechanism works within our bodies. This oil instead of putting out the fire of inflammation, it actually exasperate the problem many times over, causing joint pain and other more serious side effects. It's the least stable of all known oils and that's a fact!

    If I ask anyone here about the reason they would take flaxseed oil, most likely the answer would invariably be the same: “omega 3 fatty acids of course, the EPA and the DHA". Well I'm here to inform you that this oil is very low in omega 3 when it comes to the real world effects versus what we see on paper. This oil is very high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which if we live in a perfect world, would happily convert itself to the most needed eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

    Everyone here knows by now that I'm not a great fan of EPA either, so no fish oil capsules for me thank you very much...I like my immune system too much to suppress it with such an unbalanced amount of EPA to DHA.

    I have also read about some negative effects emanating through some estrogenic hormone effects but can’t really place them so I wont be talking about this subject now.
    The link I had for the Flax is broken so Ill have to find the actual site for you if you are interested.
    The above quote was taken from another BB forum (more of a PL website actually) that Im a member of in response to adding thing to your shakes.

    The author (Fadi) is a 1 in a million type of guy, who's knowledge in health is 2nd to none.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    I wouldn't base my EFA intake on being on cycle or not. I would base it on my overall caloric intake/total fat macro given the current goal at hand - i.e. adding mass, cutting bodyfat, etc.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I wouldn't base my EFA intake on being on cycle or not. I would base it on my overall caloric intake/total fat macro given the current goal at hand - i.e. adding mass, cutting bodyfat, etc.
    ya you're right. i just didn't know if during juice you needed to take more or less. thanks man.


  15. #15
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by meatball2011 View Post
    ya you're right. i just didn't know if during juice you needed to take more or less. thanks man.

    Fair enough question, I understand why you'd ask it. My answer would be you'd generally be increasing calories already, but mostly carbs IMO, possibly more protein depending on where it was currently at. Fats stay the same for the most part in my diets. I mean - if I go from 2000 calories to 3000, fats will increase by default. But if you're talking adding an extra few hundred calories to put on lean mass, I don't think the fat macro would increase by any appreciable number.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Fair enough question, I understand why you'd ask it. My answer would be you'd generally be increasing calories already, but mostly carbs IMO, possibly more protein depending on where it was currently at. Fats stay the same for the most part in my diets. I mean - if I go from 2000 calories to 3000, fats will increase by default. But if you're talking adding an extra few hundred calories to put on lean mass, I don't think the fat macro would increase by any appreciable number.
    Ya, ok. I'm going to keep my same doses going. I always eat protein very high,no matter if I bulk or cut, that's never an issue. I basically am a meat eater and potato guy. I just started eating veggies when I was 29 haha.

    I have increased my oats and brown rice so much, it's hard to finish eating. Stomach gets so full. Thanks a bunch man....'ppreciate it!


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