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  1. #1
    MorbidAngel666 is offline New Member
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    Can someone please critique my diet plan? I need help

    Hello Guys,

    Thank you for reading this thread and thanks in advance for all feedback.

    I am a 29 year old guy looking to get my diet plan in shape in order to become fit and bulk up. I already eat an ultra clean diet but my muscle mass is lacking.

    I am 150 lbs. with (guessing) 12% bodyfat and I usually wear 28-30 waistline pants. I can do around 20 pull-ups in a row and bench 185 ten times (used to do 205 ten times when I was a little heavier)

    I have not done steroids because my diet is not in check so I would just waste my time and money and make a fool of myself. Maybe I will in the future...

    For now, I really need to focus on a bulking diet to gain mass.

    Here is my diet plan that I constructed after doing a massive amount of reading on these forums:

    Maintanence calories: 2200 est.
    Bulking calories: 3030 - I increased my caloric intake by 380 a day due to forum advice

    Meal 1 -
    1 cup dry oatmeal
    1 large egg 6 whites
    1 scoop whey
    589 calories 22 g fat 34 grams carbs and 47 grams protein

    I doubled the amount of oatmeal in this meal and dropped 2 whole eggs for 6 egg whites - increasing my carbs and lowering my fat intake

    Meal 2 -
    Chicken breast 4 oz.
    1 cup cooked string beans
    1 oz swiss cheese
    3/4 cooked brown rice
    553 calories 16 g fat 62 g carbs and 45 grams protein

    I added 3/4 cup cooked brown rice for more carbs. I forgot to mention the swiss cheese is a special light kind with very low fat and higher protein. I will however discontinue purchasing more and will increase my chicken content next time I go shopping

    Meal 3 -pre- workout
    Ground beef 90/10 1/3 lb
    1 cup cooked brown rice
    1 cup string beans
    666 calories 25 g fat 55 g carbs 38 g protein

    I am George Formaning the 80/20 beef and will get 90/10 in the future. I added 1 cup of veggies to increase my overall veggie intake. I also swapped meals four and three, so this is my new meal three for more slow and complex carbs before my working

    Meal 4 - post- workout
    2 medium bananas
    1 scoop whey
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    574 calories 18 g fat 76 carbs 35 protein

    Keeping the bananas for now since they were so expensive, then switching to oats instead when I finish them (just dont have the hart to throw 10 bananas down the drain lol)

    Meal 5-
    1 whole egg, 6 egg whites
    1 oz almonds
    333 calories 19.5 g fat 15 g carbs and 30 g protein

    Meal 6-
    Ground beef 80/20
    304 calories 19 g fat 0 g carbs 30 g protein

    Traded my whey meal for this beef one instead

    2650 calories
    110 g fat - 18%
    274 g carbs - 44 %
    236 g protein - 38%

    After taking advice my carbs increased to 44%, and my fat content went down to 18 %

    Please note I have never followed a diet plan before.

    Also, I do literally about 20 hours of death metal drumming a week. The type of drumming I do is extremely intense with a lot of blast beats and double bass. Band mates call me a sweaty bastard. I must be burning a lot of calories doing this, as sweat is constantly pouring down my face for hours on end. Anyhow, I am hoping this higher caloric diet will help offset calories burned doing this.


    Last edited by MorbidAngel666; 01-30-2011 at 09:33 PM.

  2. #2
    MorbidAngel666 is offline New Member
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    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    see bold comments

    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidAngel666 View Post
    Hello Guys,

    Thank you for reading this thread and thanks in advance for all feedback.

    I am a 29 year old guy looking to get my diet plan in shape in order to become fit and bulk up. I already eat an ultra clean diet but my muscle mass is lacking.

    I am 150 lbs. with (guessing) 12% bodyfat and I usually wear 28-30 waistline pants. I can do around 20 pull-ups in a row and bench 185 ten times (used to do 205 ten times when I was a little heavier)

    How tall are you? Do you have pics you can post up for us?

    I have not done steroids because my diet is not in check so I would just waste my time and money and make a fool of myself. Maybe I will in the future...

    Good call! =)

    For now, I really need to focus on a bulking diet to gain mass.

    Here is my diet plan that I constructed after doing a massive amount of reading on these forums:

    Maintanence calories: 2200 est.
    Bulking calories: 2650

    Right off the bat, i'm willing to bet both are low. I read about your drumming - i've played in metal bands and know what you're doing there - it's extremely intense and can be considered close to cardio - regardless, it's definitely burning alot of calories. This alone requires you to up your calories. Add training, etc - I would start you at no less then 3000, you may need even more.

    Meal 1 -
    1/2 dry oatmeal
    3 large eggs
    1 scoop whey
    480 calories 22 g fat 34 grams carbs and 47 grams protein

    I know you're thin and don't easily store bodyfat, but with a higher calorie diet it will become easier, and we want to keep you as lean as possible. With that, this meal is too high in fat. Make it 1 cup of oats, 1 egg, 6 whites and the scoop of whey. Add berries to the oats if you'd like. Sweeten with splenda and cinnamon

    Meal 2 -
    Chicken breast 3 oz.
    1 cup cooked string beans
    2 oz swiss cheese
    462 calories 27 g fat 13 g carbs and 44 grams protein

    Not sure where you're getting 44g protein from. 3oz chicken breast is about 20g - 2oz of swiss cheese (crappy choice btw) isn't another 24g. Again, too much fat, hardly ANY carbs (you want to grow, right? carbs are your best friend). Drop the cheese, up the chicken to at LEAST 6oz, add 30-40g good complex carbs here - sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, lentils, beans, oats, etc

    Meal 3 - pre- workout
    2 medium bananas
    1 scoop whey
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    574 calories 18 g fat 76 carbs 35 protein

    Crappy pre workout meal bro, really. Drop the bananas and eat a good slow burning complex carb - sweet potato would be great here. I don't like whey PWO, it's pretty useless. Eat real food. shakes are supplements, not meal replacements. Real food makes you grow. 6-8oz lean protein, 50g complex carb (needed to fuel the workout), drop the PB. Don't worry, we'll get fats in later in the day

    Meal 4 -post- workout
    Ground beef 80/20 1/3 lb
    1 cup cooked brown rice
    519 calories 21 g fat 44 g carbs 35 g protein

    HERE is where you have the shake! 50g whey, or a blended protein (whey, egg albumin, etc). Rice + a shake sucks, so maybe switch to 1 cup oats - I dump them right in the shake and chew em up. OR - just do the shake here with 1/2 cup oats, then have this beef meal about 45 mins later. However, make it a MUCH leaner beef - 93/7 or better

    Meal 5-
    10 oz egg whites
    1 oz almonds
    305 calories 14 g fat 9 g carbs and 36 g protein

    If you wanna drop carbs here in favor of fats, fine. This is a decent meal (but no veggies in any meal except meal 2?). Feel free to add a whole egg or 2 here. You can also swap the almonds around with any other nut, nut butter, oils (don't forget your EFA fish oils)

    Meal 6-
    1 scoop whey
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    310 calories 17 g fat 12 g carbs 32 g protein

    Whey is useless before bed, it's absorbed in about 30 mins. If you must have a shake here, go with casein. Better would be full fat cottage cheese or more lean beef. In fact, I wouldn't do the beef in meal 4, i'd do it here and go with a leaner protein source in meal 4. Beef is an EXCELLENT choice before bed. Still, don't do the 80/20 - way too much saturated fat. You need some, but not that much. 93/7 will give you plenty.

    2650 calories
    119 g fat - 19%
    188 g carbs - 35 %
    229 g protein - 43%

    I'd get your fat down to 15%, carbs up to 45%, and protein down to 40%. Don't forget that i'm suggesting 3000 calories to start with though, so all macros will actually go UP except for fat

    Please note I have never followed a diet plan before.

    I can see that! =)

    Also, I do literally about 20 hours of death metal drumming a week. The type of drumming I do is extremely intense with a lot of blast beats and double bass. Band mates call me a sweaty bastard. I must be burning a lot of calories doing this, as sweat is constantly pouring down my face for hours on end. Anyhow, I am hoping this higher caloric diet will help offset calories burned doing this.


    Morbid Angel is badass - u like Deicide?

  4. #4
    MorbidAngel666 is offline New Member
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    I love decide and thanks for all the tips. Your input is very much appreciated. I cut and pasted your advice into Word and now I am going to edit my diet. I'll post my revised diet up in a bit.

  5. #5
    MorbidAngel666 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    see bold comments

    Morbid Angel is badass - u like Deicide?
    Dude, after I took you advice and edited my first meal the calories added up to 666. I think this is a sign I am on to something...

  6. #6
    MorbidAngel666 is offline New Member
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    Anyone else have thoughts on my edited diet?

  7. #7
    Gucks's Avatar
    Gucks is offline Member
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    wouldnt dare disagrre with GB :P but on the whey pre-workour, theres been a few studys that show it makes little or no dif wheter its pre or post workout, just as long as u get protein in. i agree on the carbs need to get them up for bulking, just not enough calories for bulking! no matter how light u are. how tall are u aswell? should get casein b4 bed. i like it for convenience but up to u if u prefer hole food. cant really add much more then gb. good luck though! u shuld make some really good gains starting off if u havent been on a proper diet b4.!

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