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  1. #1
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    Suggestions for my diet

    I want to add muscle while losing bodyfat %, if possible.

    Weigh 189 today, another forum member guessed 18% bodyfat based off my new member posting picture.

    Morning - one half cup oatmeal (Quaker oats), four eggs fried in butter, eat one of the yolks, tea with a little 2% milk in it, no sugar

    10:00 - banana and two scoops of GNC 100% Whey Protein mixed with water

    12:00 - usually a roast beef sandwich (Boar's Head, yum!) with Boar's Head Extra Sharp Aged Cheddar on a multigrain bread with a little mayo and mustard, an apple, sometimes carrots, sometimes a few whole wheat crackers. If I am out and about and cannot pack a lunch I may try to grab a Chik-Fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad and unsweet tea

    3:00 - two more scoops of the whey

    Anywhere between 6 and 8 p.m. - One boneless skinless chicken breast, peas, and a beer

    Before bed - 20 almonds and a beer, sometimes substitute water . . .


  2. #2
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    Last night I ate one chocolate chip cookie, and washed it down with a few ounces of milk. Just one! I buy them for my son, and they were there, and I was hungry, and . . . and . . .

    Anyway, chocolate chip cookies are not a normal part of the daily routine.

  3. #3
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    tbh bro honest this diet is absolute crap , start by reading some of the sample diets posted in the diet section, look at Baseline's transformation thread, formulate a plan something like his, this will get you on the right road

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    tbh bro honest this diet is absolute crap
    Wow! Ouch. Ok, thanks for being honest.
    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    start by reading some of the sample diets posted in the diet section, look at Baseline's transformation thread, formulate a plan something like his, this will get you on the right road
    Ok, I am reading his (found it in the transformation section). Looks like he eats chicken 4 times a day! I will study what he has to say carefully.
    Last edited by oldnsedentary; 01-28-2011 at 01:43 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    Morning - one half cup oatmeal (Quaker oats), four eggs fried in butter, eat one of the yolks, tea with a little 2% milk in it, no sugar

    10:00 - banana and two scoops of GNC 100% Whey Protein mixed with water

    12:00 - usually a roast beef sandwich (Boar's Head, yum!) with Boar's Head Extra Sharp Aged Cheddar on a multigrain bread with a little mayo and mustard, an apple, sometimes carrots, sometimes a few whole wheat crackers. If I am out and about and cannot pack a lunch I may try to grab a Chik-Fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad and unsweet tea

    3:00 - two more scoops of the whey

    Anywhere between 6 and 8 p.m. - One boneless skinless chicken breast, peas, and a beer

    Before bed - 20 almonds and a beer, sometimes substitute water . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Wake up at 09.50 (no work)

    09.50 - 30g Whey

    10.30 - 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup oats (100g), 5 blue berrys, lemon juce, (made a pancake)

    13.00 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO

    15.30 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO

    17.30 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO, 1 cup oats (in form of my oat biscuits that I have made)

    INTRA WORKOUT 40g Dextrose, 10g BCAA's

    Cardio is PWO and i drink andother 5g of BCAA's during this

    PWO - 1 cup egg whites, 100g oats

    22.40 - 8 oz chicken breast, salad, 10ml GNO
    Eat more chicken!

  6. #6
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    yep he's going for it hardcore for 12 weeks, his determination should be standard, his diet is about as basic as it gets, this is what is required to build muscle and burn fat at the same without AAS, you could use AAS to get to where you want to be but the results will be short lived and you will do your health no favours.

    The road is long and tough my friend.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post


    Eat more chicken!
    and oats

  8. #8
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    I want to add muscle while losing bodyfat %, if possible.

    Weigh 189 today, another forum member guessed 18% bodyfat based off my new member posting picture.

    Morning - one half cup oatmeal (Quaker oats), four eggs fried in butter, eat one of the yolks, tea with a little 2% milk in it, no sugar1/2 cup of oats 1 egg 6egg whites

    10:00 - banana and two scoops of GNC 100% Whey Protein mixed with waterdrop the banana, real protein and complex carbs here

    12:00 - usually a roast beef sandwich (Boar's Head, yum!) with Boar's Head Extra Sharp Aged Cheddar on a multigrain bread with a little mayo and mustard, an apple, sometimes carrots, sometimes a few whole wheat crackers. If I am out and about and cannot pack a lunch I may try to grab a Chik-Fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad and unsweet teadrop this should be same as last meal, protein and complex carbs

    3:00 - two more scoops of the wheycarbs ?

    Anywhere between 6 and 8 p.m. - One boneless skinless chicken breast, peas, and a beerdrop the beer, drop the peas for leafy greens

    Before bed - 20 almonds and a beer, sometimes substitute water . . .almonds ok, drop the beer

    this should get you started some of the other guys will be around to chime in too, peace man

  9. #9
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    what times of the day do you workout and cardio ?

  10. #10
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    Almost never do cardio, although I have been thinking about starting early morning. Workouts vary due to work. Mostly around noon, sometimes at night, occasionally (like on the weekends) early in the morning. Sometimes one half at lunchtime and the other half at night, if that is the only way to fit the workout into the day.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    this should get you started some of the other guys will be around to chime in too, peace man
    Thanks for the input. On your second comment, "real protein," is that to mean that the whey is not real protein? Like more chicken? Second to last comment, leafy greens, like spinach?

  12. #12
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board!

    I'd say lower then 18% based on the pic - it's hard to tell, especially with the hair, but i'd venture to guess 15-ish.

    See comments in bold. Also, i've posted my current diet at the end just to give you another angle.

    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    I want to add muscle while losing bodyfat %, if possible.

    It's possible to do this, but very slowly. Basically you want to do a body recomp - slowly add lean mass while maintaining or reducing bodyfat. My suggestion is to eat above maintenance by 200 calories or so, and then create a caloric deficit (sub maintenance) with lots of cardio. You don't have much fat to lose, that's the good thing.

    Weigh 189 today, another forum member guessed 18% bodyfat based off my new member posting picture.

    Morning - one half cup oatmeal (Quaker oats), four eggs fried in butter, eat one of the yolks, tea with a little 2% milk in it, no sugar

    Not enough protein. Try 1 whole egg, 6-8 whites. If you can't stomach all the whites, you can do a small whey shake and half the amount of eggs. Consider bumping oats up to 1 cup - 1st meal of the day is important to get some good complex carbs in. No big deal on the milk if it's just a few drops, but if you wanna go hardcore, make it skim. I actually use fat free half and half.

    10:00 - banana and two scoops of GNC 100% Whey Protein mixed with water

    Unless this is your PWO meal, drop this and eat real food here. Shakes are supplements, not meal replacements. Do 4-6oz lean protein (chicken, white fish, etc). It's tough to advise whether to add carbs or fats to this meal (not both together though) because I don't know where your workout fits into this schedule. Drop the banana - check the current thread titled 'bananas' for a good explanation.

    12:00 - usually a roast beef sandwich (Boar's Head, yum!) with Boar's Head Extra Sharp Aged Cheddar on a multigrain bread with a little mayo and mustard, an apple, sometimes carrots, sometimes a few whole wheat crackers. If I am out and about and cannot pack a lunch I may try to grab a Chik-Fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad and unsweet tea

    Everything you wrote above is garbage as far as a BBing diet is concerned. Pack yourself a lunch, it's not tough. Most of us cook in bulk one day on the weekend, store in tupperware, and then just grab and go each morning. I carry a cooler around all day. Again, 4-6oz lean protein, and either complex carbs or a bit of healthy fats here

    3:00 - two more scoops of the whey

    Same critique as 10am meal

    Anywhere between 6 and 8 p.m. - One boneless skinless chicken breast, peas, and a beer

    Glad to see real food. One might not be enough, you'll need to start weighing your food if you're serious about this. Get a food scale ASAP, it's your best friend. i couldn't live without it. Get a better veggie then peas - they're high in sugar. Go with broccoli, asparagus, brussell sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, etc. Drop the beer - sorry man, I like my beer too but it has no place on a diet with your goals in mind

    Before bed - 20 almonds and a beer, sometimes substitute water . . .

    useless meal without protein - and right before you fast all night? Mistake. Full fat cottage cheese, lean beef, or a casein shake is acceptable here. 20 almonds might be a bit much - whatever a serving is is fine. Drop the beer for sure.

    Needs alot of work. Take a look at my diet below for some ideas, not just on food choices, but macro combinations, meal timing, etc:

    protein/carbs/fat/total calories

    5am: MEAL 1 - PRE WORKOUT
    1 extra large egg, 4 extra large whites - 27/0/5/160
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20

    TOTAL: 32/31/7.5/320

    WORKOUT followed by 1 hour of cardio

    8am: MEAL 2 - POST WORKOUT
    1 Scoop Myofusion - 25/5/3/160
    1 Premier Protein Shake - 30/5/3/160
    1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280

    TOTAL: 65/60/10/600

    10am: MEAL 3
    6oz broiled tilapia - 35/0/3/165
    3/4 cup brown rice - 3/22/1/110
    3/4 cup black and red beans - 5/18/1/105

    TOTAL: 43/40/4.5/380

    1pm: MEAL 4
    5oz chicken breast - 34/0/2/140
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10

    TOTAL: 40/33/4/310

    4pm: MEAL 5
    4oz 93/7 lean ground beef - 23/0/9/180
    1oz (dry) Barilla Plus Multigrain Pasta - 5/20/1/105

    TOTAL: 30/20/10/285

    7pm: MEAL 6
    2oz Flank Steak - 15/0/6/120
    1 extra large whole egg - 7/0/5/80
    3 extra large egg whites - 15/0/0/60
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10
    2 Fish Oils - 0/2/0/20


    10pm: MEAL 7
    1 scoop ON Casein - 24/3/1/120
    1 tbsp natty PB - 4/3/8/105
    2 Fish Oils - 0/0/2/20

    TOTAL: 28/6/11/245

    DAILY TOTAL: 271/195/62/2425

  13. #13
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    rossapplecart and gbrice75, Lots to think about here guys. Thanks. I learned some things I had no idea about, like I had no idea that peas were high in sugar. Had no clue about the bananas, either. I need to plan my day better.

    P.S. 15% may be a little optimistic, but I will try to get it measured at some point so that I have a starting point for comparison.

  14. #14
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    First day on this - Followed what was outlined above, and I even went running after weightlifting (it's been a long time). In one day, just one day, I lost an inch and a half off the hips. Most of it right on the side where I wear my wallet! Buying enough chicken for the coming week, along with all the other stuff, is expensive! I even bought some Rubbermaid containers to take this stuff to work to eat meals, and a bunch of Baseline's salad suggestions. I am going to be making some of my own salad dressing and marinades (after reading the ingredients of some good ones at the store and deciding I could make the same thing without corn syrup and stuff like that). I bought a bunch of seasonings and spices for the chicken. Bought some salmon, too. And one steak. One steak every other week or so will not kill me.

    No beer. I miss it already.

    I am going to finish off the bananas I have, since I cannot see wasting food, but I did not buy anymore, and I ate one only after working out and running. The only protein powder was during my workout.

    1.5 pounds of chicken and .73 pounds of salmon (grilled with a couple of lemon slices) were consumed today, in approximately 8 ounce chunks. Followed the advice about breakfast (my fridge is stocked full of eggs).

    I did buy something I have not seen mentioned. What do you think about a little turkey sausage for breakfast to add a little more protein?

    I am going to watch Bigger Stronger Faster now . . .

  15. #15
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by judyedna01 View Post
    Its a very interesting information.
    Thank you for this article, it really helps me alot.
    Also check this very informative site.

    Learn more on how to lose diet effectively.

    The Best Diet Solution
    Attention, Mod! Spam! 8 posts, all advertising the same crap.

    Spammer! Spammer!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    Attention, Mod! Spam! 8 posts, all advertising the same crap.

    Spammer! Spammer!

    I reported it, it'll be taken care of.

  17. #17
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    Ok, at some point last week I weighed 192. Yesterday, I was shocked to discover that I weighed 185. Today, I was even more shocked to discover that I weighed 183. Weighed at the same time every day, same state of undress.

    All the while, I am seeing strength gains on every exercise. As one example, when I joined this board January 17, I had benched 250 for 7 reps (recorded in my first ever post here). More recently, January 29, I benched 265 for 5 reps. Yesterday, I benched 265 for 8 reps (these are all the first set). Everything else has been going up, too.

    I do not know if before and after pictures would show the difference, but I can see that I am leaner, and I can definitely feel it using the old pinch an inch test.

    This is less than a week after ditching my old diet, which was "absolute crap," and substituting the gospel according to Saints rossapplecart, Gbrice75, and Baseline.

    While I realize that water weight, taking a dump, etc., etc., influence things, the bodyweight shows a steady decline, and 9 pounds cannot be all water. Also, my strength has been going up all around. The only possible explanation is that reading this web site has a placebo effect.
    Last edited by oldnsedentary; 02-03-2011 at 12:48 PM.

  18. #18
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    Ok, no doubt 9lbs is a dramatic weight loss and normally i'd be pretty damn concerned. However, since your last diet was shit and you're now eating properly, it's fair to assume 1/2 of that weight loss was water, easily. The fact that strength is increasing is a great sign. How is overall energy throughout the day? Are you feeling fatigued at any point, with the exception of right before bed?

    Aside from bench, how is strength on other lifts? Squats?

    Based on what you're saying, I think you're fine but I suggest you get pics up ASAP - before and afters will most definitely help.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    The fact that strength is increasing is a great sign. How is overall energy throughout the day? Are you feeling fatigued at any point, with the exception of right before bed?
    I feel great (although I will admit to being fatigued and dizzy on the second day, drastic change, but no issues after that).

    Aside from bench, how is strength on other lifts? Squats?
    What? There is more than bench? Oh, curls. Yeah, bench and curls. LOL!

    I have low back problems, so squatting is light. I do other exercises before squat to tire out my quads. As an example, today, I did abs, then leg press (Cybex Plate Loaded Squat Press, it is called), and did 540 for several sets of 5-6 reps, then did several sets of leg extensions with 3 plates on it for high reps (13 to 15), leg curls, and then did squats, with 165 pounds on the bar, for 20 reps. I am not sure what else to do to protect my lower back. I intend to work this weight up slowly over time, but it seems like every time I try to go over about 225, I hurt my lower back.

    Pull ups - added a 5 pound dumbell - first time I have ever added weight over bodyweight in my life. Tomorrow is back and shoulder day, I will add a ten pounder to my wide grip pull ups. If I keep losing weight, I guess I will have to add weight just to keep things the same . . .

    I will not have access to the same scale again until Monday, but maybe that is a good thing.
    Last edited by oldnsedentary; 02-03-2011 at 08:21 PM.

  20. #20
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    Before picture of legs:

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I suggest you get pics up ASAP - before and afters will most definitely help.
    Before and after what? Here is today.

    And here was last May.

  22. #22
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Love the chicken legs!

    Sounds like you're doing a great job bro, just keep going and listening to your body. You will need to make changes as you go along, as your body continues to change.

    Ok, I remember the pics, sorry. Keep taking pics, every 2-4 weeks to see your own progress.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    Ok, at some point last week I weighed 192. Yesterday, I was shocked to discover that I weighed 185. Today, I was even more shocked to discover that I weighed 183. . . .

    All the while, I am seeing strength gains on every exercise. As one example, when I joined this board January 17, I had benched 250 for 7 reps (recorded in my first ever post here). More recently, January 29, I benched 265 for 5 reps. Yesterday, I benched 265 for 8 reps (these are all the first set). Everything else has been going up, too.
    Had to brag somewhere. 275 on the bench for 5 reps today! Woo hoo! Everything else is still going up, too. Weighed 187 on the same scale. I have been adding in some multigrain toast in the morning, a little more oats, and a little more brown rice with lunch most days. I think I had cut out too many carbs (probably why I felt light-headed on the second day of changing my diet).
    Last edited by oldnsedentary; 02-11-2011 at 12:24 PM.

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