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Thread: Super Easy Gainer Question

  1. #1

    Super Easy Gainer Question

    Hi all,

    I have been posting a few things during my first Enanthate cycle. A few of you may be familiar with me.

    It's my second week and I've upped my carb intake because that's what I've seen to do. I always only eat good carbs anyway. I just upped my brown rice and oats a 1/2 a cup or 1/4 cup per meal.

    I am gaining fat already. I've only taken 2 shots so far (mon/thurs). I've gained 8 lbs this week. I know some of you won't believe it. But it's true.

    I'm a SUPER easy gainer. I eat, & I gain. When I'm not "on", I have to watch my carb intake because I can get fat really easy. Carbs are not my friend. I usually keep them pretty low, but always good carbs, always.

    My question is: Should a person like me even up my carb intake very much? Is it necessary? I want to gain a little muscle, but my main goal of this cycle was to elevate my T levels because I was no longer gaining muscle and losing fat. The main reason was because I was no longer healing/recovering from workouts.

    I'm an X college football player,

    Before cycle stats:

    6', 235. 14-17% body fat.
    315 incline barbell bench 3-6 reps
    315 squat 12-15 reps no belt
    315 deadlift 12-15 reps no straps

    I don't want to get too fat on this cycle, because of my body type being a SUPER EASY GAINER. I already am big and full of muscle & am not looking for a lot of extra muscle. My goal with this cycle was for my body to recover and burn off some fat. Guess you can say a recomp.


    Last edited by meatball2011; 01-29-2011 at 08:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Well, I guess there are no easy gainers out there to give me advice or draw from experience.

    You're all hard gainer skinny guys on juice, I suppose.

    I'm keeping my carb intake the same as it was before my cycle, I guess.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hey Meat, let me say this, until you start to notice differences on gear with strength, why would you up the carbs? I am not a gear guy, but basic body metabolism stays the same. Keep your macros in check THEN if you need adjustments, make them, not before. You may want to post this in the Anabolic side.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You know, before I see any gains or mental indicators that I'm "on" - I gain 8-10 lbs. in the first 2-weeks as well. It's water. Unless you're eating 2000 calories above TDEE every day, it's not fat. Not even some of it. You won't gain fat unless your calories are high.

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