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Thread: My diet... Any good???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    My diet... Any good???

    About me:
    Age: 22
    height: 5ft6ins
    Weight: 155 lbs
    Dunno what bf but fairly low can see most of my abs, but not ripped.

    An average idea of what kind of weight im moving may be helpfull?
    Bench- 90kg 6reps,
    Squat- 120kg 6 reps. (cant do that now as have knee injury)

    About my training:
    Been lifting for 6 years. train hard and heavy, never workout longer than 1 hr. (6rep range), lift 3-4times a week on either a push pull split or chest-bis, back-tris, legs. also train muay thai once a week and BJJ once a week. I have had trouble gaining lean weight for years.
    I compete in both muay thai and BJJ and also compete in mma so id like to be as lean for the weight as possible but still be big. i have a knee injury so wont compete for about 6 months any way (im not a pro so having a lil bit more muscle isnt too much of an issue as the standard isnt that high
    I have been told i shouldnt cycle cos of my age and that im not heavy enough yet. i did do an anavar only cycle before tho?

    Finally, about my Diet:
    an average day looks like this...

    9am- 50g oats 1scoop protein shake
    12pm- chicken breast, slice of toast, may be an apple
    3pm- some oats for pre training, with maybe a banana.
    4.30- Train (hard for 60mins or less, heavy compound lifts)
    5:30- protien shake, blended with skimmed milk, a banana, honey and maybe some more oats (all blended in one shake) or il just have a chicken breast on toast with fruit as a side.
    8pm- lean meat, may be mince with smallish portion of starch such as pasta or rice.
    11pm- another shake, or some nuts and seeds and some gammon or other cold meat.

    Sorry for all the info I just think that diet is dependant on my personal goals/experience/stats etc.
    Let me know what you think. I have been liftin for years now and never got abouve 155 without bein a lot fatter? any way i can improve on diet or training. imput greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Was today your birthday or something because yesterday you were 21. Please do not lie about your stats

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    no mate, im 22 in 2 weeks, so i figure im closer to 22...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bc2k11 View Post
    About me:
    Age: 22
    height: 5ft6ins
    Weight: 155 lbs
    Dunno what bf but fairly low can see most of my abs, but not ripped.

    An average idea of what kind of weight im moving may be helpfull?
    Bench- 90kg 6reps,
    Squat- 120kg 6 reps. (cant do that now as have knee injury)

    About my training:
    Been lifting for 6 years. train hard and heavy, never workout longer than 1 hr. (6rep range), lift 3-4times a week on either a push pull split or chest-bis, back-tris, legs. also train muay thai once a week and BJJ once a week. I have had trouble gaining lean weight for years.
    I compete in both muay thai and BJJ and also compete in mma so id like to be as lean for the weight as possible but still be big. i have a knee injury so wont compete for about 6 months any way (im not a pro so having a lil bit more muscle isnt too much of an issue as the standard isnt that high
    I have been told i shouldnt cycle cos of my age and that im not heavy enough yet. i did do an anavar only cycle before tho?

    Finally, about my Diet:
    an average day looks like this...

    9am- 50g oats 1scoop protein shake
    12pm- chicken breast, slice of toast, may be an apple whole wheat toast? I would forget the apple,too much fructose
    3pm- some oats for pre training, with maybe a banana. No protein source? I would get rid of the banana,stick with oats
    4.30- Train (hard for 60mins or less, heavy compound lifts)
    5:30- protien shake, blended with skimmed milk, a banana, honey and maybe some more oats (all blended in one shake) or il just have a chicken breast on toast with fruit as a side. PWO shake is a must if your strength training, whey protein with oats. Toss the banana,and honey, stick with oats.
    8pm- lean meat, may be mince with smallish portion of starch such as pasta or rice.Good I see lean meat, make sure your carb source is whole wheat pasta, or brown rice ,etc.
    11pm- another shake, or some nuts and seeds and some gammon or other cold meat. I see shake which is good, but it should be casein. If that is not available now, eat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese which are low in fat. Cold meat, is that deli meat? Too much sodium and preservatives, ditch it bro

    Sorry for all the info I just think that diet is dependant on my personal goals/experience/stats etc.
    Let me know what you think. I have been liftin for years now and never got abouve 155 without bein a lot fatter? any way i can improve on diet or training. imput greatly appreciated!
    In bold is what I thought. I also see that your not measuring your meals. Measuring your food in important to 1) don't over eat certain source, 2) from measuring you are able to get macros for each meal. is a good site to start off with, you are able to see the macros there with amount of food you input into it. ex:

    6 Egg White 22/1.2/0 102 cals
    1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter 4/3.5/8 95 cals
    1 Scoop BSN Snytha-6 22/15/6 202 cals
    1/2 Cup Oats 5/27/3 150 cals
    Total macros: 53/46.7/17 649cals

    (Protein/carb/fat/cals) are listed for eat measure source. I also realized that your lacking in EFAs. Fish oil supplements, help. Consuming, tuna, nuts,etc can help supply your body with essential fatty acids (EFA). I see some fruit, unless your craving sweets, I would just stick with berries, banana and apples have too much fructose. Unless bulking I'd say go for it, but keep your carbs simple to healthy carbs.

    It takes time and a few tries to get your diet dialed down, try to measure your food and list macros. When done, post them here so someone can take a look at it. Its a start, and you came to a good place to start. Good Luck bro.
    Last edited by cerealkiller326; 02-04-2011 at 06:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks for the advice cerialkiller, il check that site. n yer it was good quality ham so i guess that is deli meat? as far as my shake goes its a multi purpose shake with some gradual release thing. (sci-mx grow). i was taking cod liver oil, and try to keep nuts around but nuts are expensive here.
    any advice on what ratio of carbs-protein-fat i should be eating? how much carbs/ prot per day. and at what times?
    i like to eat banans and apples post workout in with my shake for some instant sugar as i hear thats good? would you say i should cut that out?
    Last edited by bc2k11; 02-04-2011 at 08:27 AM.

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