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Thread: im back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Question im back

    so ive been out for a while but im back and im finally completing my diet that i had critiqued from gbrice .

    just in case you dont know this is a bulking diet, which all my stats and goals are on a diff thread

    Two questions i have

    AS long as the sugars arent crazy is it ok for me to do a shake in the morning right when i wake up w/ 800 cal 45pro 70carbs 2fat (15sugars)?

    ive done alot of research and i know i only need a shake like that maybe 2 times a day, that being one of them ,and after the gym. It has dextrose and maltodexrin in it.. just seeing opinions here. It helps me achieve my carbs intake and calories.

    second question:

    on the diet i posted at 8 at night i had a caesine shake than at 9 pm i had cottage cheese. gbrice told me make a meal at 8pm w/ good fats.. how many grams of fat is good for that time a night?

    Once i get some answers ill post the final diet.

    Thx for all the help


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not really knowing where your at, bulking, cutting etc. 800 calories is way too much to consume twice a day even while bulking, (if your looking for quality gains). If your looking for pure mass, then I would say this will help you get there.

    As far as you evening meal, GB was right about the food sources and times, as far as the oil, I like at least a table spoon, and I'll mix the fats or oils to get a good combo. Just to clarify something, I would not have your fats with the meal your eating cottage cheese with, per se', unless it was Low fat, even then I would add some apple wedges to keep the liver producing while you sleep and the other organs working on absorbing the fats and complex carbs. (IMO)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Welcome back!

    You probably already know i'm not a fan of purposely consuming sugar. My vote is complex carbs even while bulking. Either way, jng is right in that the shake is just way too much in one sitting. You can easily reduce those carbs to around 40g and have a quality meal.

    As for fats, I think upwards of 10g is plenty. To be more specific, 1tbsp as jng said is perfect (that's about 9g). Check out what Damien's been doing in his pro/fat shake - he's been mixing a tsp each of 3 different oils (3 tsp = 1 tbsp). I'm gonna try it soon myself!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    hey thx alot for the info,

    im trying to add mass , but not add bad its kind of hard. I know all the right foods to eat, it just is sooo much work especially if your getting ALL your carbs from food, and not shakes. Im working very hard and learning more and more each day, I will try the oil thing . I have no problem eating right now, its like my metabalism is going so fast im hungry at about 1hr 15min after my meal . Which is about 500 cal 45pro 2ft 40carbs (day time)

    its just not easy, i get bored with the food, and just want to eat all good stuff, i think it may be time for a cheat meal maybe.

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