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Thread: Diet Plan Needed!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cardiff, Wales.

    Thumbs up Diet Plan Needed!!!

    I am 8 weeks through my first cycle of test enth, and feel that I am not eating right, I have no plan to my diet, I just eat what i thinks healthy for me, i try to have around 200g of protein a day and thats about all i count.

    Here are my stats, i am 5'11'', 92kg, body fat of around 20%. I lift for 90 mins, 5 times (mon-fri) a week at 5pm everyday. I am now starting to do 45 mins of cardio 3 times a week (mon, wed and fri). I have 5 weeks left on my cycle and after the cycle, i will be 100% cutting, and up untill then, i am trying to gain some lean mass to cut.

    If anybody would be kind enough, i am in great need of a diet plan, as i have no real knowledge of what i should eat and when, i think it would be better for me just to follow a plan. I also supplement with 150g of whey protein and 7.5g of creatine a day.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    you forgot to mention your age (18).
    At this age you shouldn't doing steroids,
    and not having a diet in place, that's what happened. No results.
    A diet right not will not solve your problems.
    Stop your cycle right now, ( rum a full PCT) do some more research and wait more years to rum steroids.
    You not know what your doing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cardiff, Wales.
    I know this isn't a good age to be doing steroids, but i hit puberty at an early age and by the time i was 15, i stopped growing, so three years later i know i have come out of puberty and think my bodies mature enough to handle the steroid.
    And as for having no results, i don't know how you figured that out? In 8 weeks I have gained around 20lbs of lean mass, i have gone from not being able to bench press 70kg, to pushing 100kg, and i am now the biggest i have ever been in my life.
    My diet isn't bad but it could just do with improvement if i am going to take this seriously.
    Also, i have done quite a bit of research into the steroid i am taking, and i have also seen results with friends who took steroids at my age and they are now 21, and they have just got fitter, bigger and stronger. I may not have a substansial amount of knowledge about bodybuilding, but i am not stupid.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    You not going to listen my advise,
    Lets way for another member advise (Marcus300, Machine150, DSM4Life, Swifto, gbrice75)
    They may have better advise then me.
    Last edited by 38jumper38; 02-08-2011 at 03:52 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I'm sorry brotha, but nobody here is going to help you. You are WAY too young to be using AAS, I don't care how early you hit puberty. The fact that you had no plan, diet or otherwise, going into this speaks volumes about your mindset. Furthermore, your bodyfat percentage is way too high to be running a bulk cycle.

    Stick around in the diet section, read other threads, pay attention to the advice given. If I were you, I'd end the cycle TODAY (what's your plan post cycle?) before you seriously fvck yourself up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cardiff, Wales.
    Thanks for the advice, i know I'm too young to be taking steroids, but as i started seeing good results around 4 weeks ago, i thought I was doing good. I think you are right about me diving in head first with no plan and i admit i was just a bit too impatient. And as for my bodyfat percentage, i know its too high to be bulking, but i thought i would need to actually get a decent amount of lean mass there before i started to cut.
    I have really started to change my diet the last few weeks as i realised how important it is, and all i asked for was some further advise.
    For my post plan cycle i cant remember the name of the stuff, but i know it is what i needed as my supplier advised me that was what i needed, and my friend has the amounts and times to take the pill as he has just finished the course, and he is my age, doing exactly the same as me and seen great results.
    I really do appreciate your advise, but when i see results like this with no side effects then i find it hard to accept when people say i shouldn't be doing them.

    Many Thanks For Your Advice Though! I will follow your advice, and concentrate on nutrition first!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    ^ ^ ^ I like you're attitude and can only hope you're not blowing smoke up my arse. Again, the fact that you cannot remember the name of the 'stuff' you're planning on putting in your body alarms me. I know I wouldn't be putting anything in my body without having researched the shit out of it first. I could tell you about my cycle in my sleep.

    Anyway, I understand you didn't come here for cycle advice, and I can appreciate that you want to tighten up your diet, but I can't help you until this cycle is well behind you. I do not want to be advising, on diet or otherwise, to an 18 year old who is running gear. I'm not putting you down, just saying that I don't think it's the responsible thing for me to do seeing as I don't agree with it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cardiff, Wales.
    I know not knowing the name isn't the best start but i do plan on researching as much as i can on it as soon as i find out the name. And I also completely understand you about giving me advice! People have their opinions, i just obviously didnt look into experienced opinions before i started the course. I'm just going to focus on eating right, and getting my body fat down before anything, and obviously wait a few years before i think about going back on gear!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Look, on-cycle at 18, I don't care how weak your diet is, you're going to see big gains around week 4. That's not the issue. The issue is what will happen around week 14 and forever after. Gbrice said it all - you just need to learn all you can to handle what's to come with optimal success.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy L View Post
    I know not knowing the name isn't the best start but i do plan on researching as much as i can on it as soon as i find out the name. And I also completely understand you about giving me advice! People have their opinions, i just obviously didnt look into experienced opinions before i started the course. I'm just going to focus on eating right, and getting my body fat down before anything, and obviously wait a few years before i think about going back on gear!
    this is probably the smartest thing we have heard from a young guy in a long time. Like the other guys said were glad that you have a good attitude and are willing to take some good advice. Youre like 1 out of 15 who have the desire to do the right thing. While the others will argue until their blue in the face and come up with 1000 excuses why they feel that theyre old enough....


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    that link doesnt work ???

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy L View Post
    I know this isn't a good age to be doing steroids, but i hit puberty at an early age and by the time i was 15, i stopped growing, so three years later i know i have come out of puberty and think my bodies mature enough to handle the steroid.
    And as for having no results, i don't know how you figured that out? In 8 weeks I have gained around 20lbs of lean mass, i have gone from not being able to bench press 70kg, to pushing 100kg, and i am now the biggest i have ever been in my life.
    My diet isn't bad but it could just do with improvement if i am going to take this seriously.
    Also, i have done quite a bit of research into the steroid i am taking, and i have also seen results with friends who took steroids at my age and they are now 21, and they have just got fitter, bigger and stronger. I may not have a substansial amount of knowledge about bodybuilding, but i am not stupid.
    Have you got any photos of these 9 kgs of lean mass uve put on ?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    haha no worries jsut incase any1 else wanted to see

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