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Thread: My VERY simple diet for bulking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England

    My VERY simple diet for bulking


    I have created a very simple diet, just as a basic starter, I need to add things to it, but I am trying to bulk on a budget.

    I feel that the calorie intake is too low, I like the amount of protein, I do not really want to many carbs because I do not want a moon face again.

    Any ideas?


    Calories: 2724
    Protein: 364
    Carbs: 253
    Fats: 21


    Cals: 480kcal
    Carbs: 95g
    Protien: 4g
    Fats: 2g

    SHAKE: 100g Protein (120g per shake, 4 scoops)

    Cals: 428kcal
    Carbs: 7g
    Fats: 3g


    Cals: 480kcal
    Carbs: 95g
    Protien: 4g
    Fats: 2g

    SHAKE: 100g Protein (120g per shake, 4 scoops)

    Cals: 428kcal
    Carbs: 7g
    Fats: 3g


    Chicken Fajitas, based on 3 meals per day:
    Cals: 480kcal (half a bag of sliced chicken and 2 fajitas)
    Carbs: 42g
    Protein: 56g
    Fats: 8g

    SHAKE: 100g Protein (120g per shake, 4 scoops)

    Cals: 428kcal
    Carbs: 7g
    Fats: 3g

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Looks awful. Macros are decent but fat is too low. 50g minimum. The structure is the real problem. You need to be eating lean-meat based meals every couple hours for optimal results. Not a ginormous whey shake and a bunch of instant rice 3 times a day.

    Example of a proper bulking diet:

    meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1.5 cup oats

    meal 2: 8 oz. chicken breast, 1.5 cup mashed sweet potato

    PWO: 2 scoop whey, 1 cup oats

    PPWO: 8 oz. chicken breast 1.5 cup brown rice

    meal 5: 6 oz. lean mince/ground beef, 1 cup mashed sweet potato, veggies

    meal 6: 2 4 oz. tilapia fillets, 1/2 cup brown rice

    meal 7: 1 scoop casein, 2 tbsp. natural PB

    Cheap ass diet. Buy your whey and casein online. Every week buy tons of frozen tilapia, almost expired ground beef/chicken breasts on sale. Bulk sweet potatoes, bulk brown rice, eggs, peanut butter, frozen spinach/green beans/broc. Crazy cheap diet - amazing gains. Took me 3 seconds to write.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    Thanks bud.

    But I work 15 hours a day and I cant cook all that you see, I also dont like beef, but I am addicted to chicken!

    I work all day, then I hit the gym, then I go to bed.

    When you say 1 cup of oats.....what do you mean? Just put a load of oats in a cup and eat them dry??


    The diet I wrote up is expensive, the protein shake alone is £60 a month.

    Good idea about the peanut butter btw, what is talapia???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    talapia is a fish, is a generic name for low fat fish u get from south pacific. good protein source. firstly, im no expert but that is one horrific diet imo, way 2 much protein dude, half of it is going to be converted to carbs. and £60 a month for protein?! ur insane. 2 shakes a day max, and no more then 50f protein at a time max. ur body only absorbs so much at a time. i wuld say 30-40g is optimal per meal. by cup of oats he means u weigh it using a cup lol, its how americans weigh things :P i use 100g of oats with 300ml of milk so its drinkable and not thick, i buy it off best site if ur in europe. and r u taking whey for all of those shakes? if so u shuld take casein for night time shake. whey only PWO. try some scrambled eggs in morning instead of just carbs. and peanuts r a good source of healthy fat and their cheap if ur on a budget, 21g fat is waaayyyy too little, i get 100g. carbs isnt quite enuf. i try to keep 2:1 ratio carbs to protein. i get 500g carbs and 250g protein a day (1.5g per ib body weight) i have a post in diet forum aswell, heres link. check it out i think u could gain form it. i designed it with a nutritionist. and i think u shuld check out aswell, its cheap and free delivery over £100.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England
    Holy crap, you take in 500g of carbs per day!?!! You must be massive??

    I love carbs, its just the last time I did a cycle, I bulked up big time, and gained weight around my face, I looked like a balloon lol, so I am trying to be really careful and simple with my diet this time around.

    Protein turns into carbs?????????

    I thought fat turns into carbs.

    Why do I need more fat? I want to really get lean so theres very little body fat on me, and just lean muscle, thats why I opted for the high protein, low carb diet.

    Do you see?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by MattUK666 View Post
    Thanks bud.

    But I work 15 hours a day and I cant cook all that you see, I also dont like beef, but I am addicted to chicken!

    Damn you work long hours! What do you do? Listen, you wanted critique and Damien gave it to you, spot on. Most of us cook in bulk once MAYBE 2 times a week. Store in tupperware and just grab and go each morning. Keep a cooler with you. Eat the food cold if you have to. When there's a will there's a way...

    I work all day, then I hit the gym, then I go to bed.

    When you say 1 cup of oats.....what do you mean? Just put a load of oats in a cup and eat them dry??

    Do you have access to a microwave, or at least very hot water?


    The diet I wrote up is expensive, the protein shake alone is £60 a month.

    Food is my biggest expense next to my mortgage. Welcome to the club! =)

    Good idea about the peanut butter btw, what is talapia???

    Google 'tilapia' (note the spelling) or check Wikipedia. It's a very mild white fish, sort of a cross between flounder and snapper IMO (as far as taste goes).

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MattUK666 View Post

    I have created a very simple diet, just as a basic starter, I need to add things to it, but I am trying to bulk on a budget.

    I feel that the calorie intake is too low, I like the amount of protein, I do not really want to many carbs because I do not want a moon face again.

    Any ideas?


    Calories: 2724
    Protein: 364
    Carbs: 253
    Fats: 21


    Cals: 480kcal
    Carbs: 95g
    Protien: 4g
    Fats: 2g

    SHAKE: 100g Protein (120g per shake, 4 scoops)

    Cals: 428kcal
    Carbs: 7g
    Fats: 3g


    Cals: 480kcal
    Carbs: 95g
    Protien: 4g
    Fats: 2g

    SHAKE: 100g Protein (120g per shake, 4 scoops)

    Cals: 428kcal
    Carbs: 7g
    Fats: 3g


    Chicken Fajitas, based on 3 meals per day:
    Cals: 480kcal (half a bag of sliced chicken and 2 fajitas)
    Carbs: 42g
    Protein: 56g
    Fats: 8g

    SHAKE: 100g Protein (120g per shake, 4 scoops)

    Cals: 428kcal
    Carbs: 7g
    Fats: 3g
    Like Damienm05 said this is not very good at all....First off, you should be having protein in every meal bottom line. Secondly, you need to throw out those rice cakes or whatever the hell that is and drop to 1 or 2 shakes a day max.....Rice cakes aren't really the best carb source anyways....

    For a fast very simple way of doing a bulk diet I go off my protein and work form there...I would start at 1.5 grams protein per pound body weight and split that up evenly throughout at least 6 meals a day. Then I would say start around 300 grams carbs per day and then tweak as the weeks go by....But more important then fat intake would be your carb source and when and how much you are taking them in in a meal..

    You are bulking....Fats should be higher. But lets say 30 grams of that fat is coming from essential fatty acids and the rest coming in from the fats in your chicken, steak and any other meats you eat.

    Carb sources....OATS BIG TIME.....rice, yams, fibrous carbs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    cuting out fat wont make u leaner...u need a certain amount. and ye 500g carbs ive been told is 2 much by gbrice75 :P he flamed my diet but he knows what hes talking about. RDA fat for a male is 90g a day dude, for guys who dont train hard. u should get at least that imo, and get some of it from EFA's. i take cod liver oil in morning and u get alot from tilapia, i cook almost all my food the night before, befor ei go 2 bed i stick 300g rice in the microwave and 2 chicken breasts on the grill. and ye protein gets converted 2 carbs, that why u shuld take carbs post workout (i used 2 use maltodextrin but trainer told me fruit is btr, oranges/apples). ur body restores glycogen before anything else. ur body cant store protein very well so u will either shit it out or store it as fat. and ur in england, tilapia is only really found in america. ive searched in dublin and cant find it so i imagine its similar in london, but try get it. i used 2 sub in tins of tuna or mackrel. good luck.

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