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Thread: Fat loss

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Fat loss

    Ok herd goes........... Im 29 male 5"10 and i guess aBout 20-25% body fat and 16stone 6

    I want to lose as much body fat as poss!!!! I was almost 18 stone and went down to just above 15 stone but back up2 the above weight after christmas .... Now i aint going to lie as i wont get anywhere lieing so im using hgh and winny and im doing arms/legs and chest and back 3 sets 5 reps! Also at the end of each day training im hitting the cross trainer doing one min slow one flat out for ten mins. My diet is as follows.....
    2x scoops whey protein water
    2 packets of ham mango or some fruit
    2 tins of tuna chunks wi nandos hot sauce
    Same shake as above
    Turkey and some ginger garlic peppers in the wok
    Cottage cheese or shake again
    It defo works for me. But if anyone can tune it up a bit or involve me in a better diet then im open to options!!!!
    Also after work out i use a double scoope!!!! I use phd or muscle tech nitotech hardcore!!!!

    Again any help or tweekin id take it on board!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    You're diet is horrible, honestly. I'd suggest you drop the gear immediately and get your fundamentals sorted.

    Search the diet section for a link called 'info thread' started by Damienm05. It will provide you with MUCH needed basic knowledge.

    Also, take a look at one of my diets below for an idea of how a clean balanced diet should look. Note meal timing, food choices, fat and carb separation, etc. Also note the format - make yours look like this next time you post (time of day, macros, etc). GL.

    Gbrice's Current Diet:

    protein/carbs/fat/total calories

    5am: MEAL 1 - PRE WORKOUT
    1 extra large egg, 4 extra large whites - 27/0/5/160
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20

    TOTAL: 32/31/7.5/320

    WORKOUT followed by 1 hour of cardio

    8am: MEAL 2 - POST WORKOUT
    1 Scoop Myofusion - 25/5/3/160
    1 Premier Protein Shake - 30/5/3/160
    1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280

    TOTAL: 65/60/10/600

    10am: MEAL 3
    6oz broiled tilapia - 35/0/3/165
    3/4 cup brown rice - 3/22/1/110
    3/4 cup black and red beans - 5/18/1/105

    TOTAL: 43/40/4.5/380

    1pm: MEAL 4
    5oz chicken breast - 34/0/2/140
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10

    TOTAL: 40/33/4/310

    4pm: MEAL 5
    4oz 93/7 lean ground beef - 23/0/9/180
    1oz (dry) Barilla Plus Multigrain Pasta - 5/20/1/105

    TOTAL: 30/20/10/285

    7pm: MEAL 6
    2oz Flank Steak - 15/0/6/120
    1 extra large whole egg - 7/0/5/80
    3 extra large egg whites - 15/0/0/60
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10
    2 Fish Oils - 0/2/0/20


    10pm: MEAL 7
    1 scoop ON Casein - 24/3/1/120
    1 tbsp natty PB - 4/3/8/105
    2 Fish Oils - 0/0/2/20

    TOTAL: 28/6/11/245

    DAILY TOTAL: 271/195/62/2425

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Ok il have a look mate thanks.... Remember im tryin to drop body fat hense the limited carbs. But thanks for the ideas and time u have spend writing that down il start a food diary and set it up like 5 am 8am etc and a protein count etc. Fatty oils tho im eatin a spoon full of that a day in the morning!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hey gbrice75, you don't get tired some times???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by 38jumper38 View Post
    Hey gbrice75, you don't get tired some times???
    LoL i'm tired ALL the time, that's why i'm sitting on my ass at the computer! =P

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    papacakes, tht diet doesnt look very good at a glance. and muscletech? the biggest rip off supp company out there, worse then bsn. ON is my favourite and always will be, best value and quality imo. cant really comment on ur diet if u dont post macros though, for fat loss 10mins cardio just isnt enough. not even close. u do progressive cardio which i do but not long enough. at least 30mins (up to 60 depending on how fit u are). on empty stomach, all the basics for fat loss :P

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    You are in good hands PapaCakes! good luck!

  8. #8
    Nice tips for fat lose,..
    The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.
    I hope this will best one,..weight loss diet
    Last edited by alvin5; 02-18-2011 at 09:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks guys al repost my diet on a new thread and everything else im doing top marks guys thanks a lot!!! If im bloggin can i upload pics etc as id like a visual and a chat too lol!!!

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