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Thread: 4+ HOURS OF CARDIO.. Help, what should I eat???

  1. #1

    4+ HOURS OF CARDIO.. Help, what should I eat???

    ok.. I will make this super quick so I could get some great advice.

    I am dieting pretty hard right now..

    Every Sat. I do a group ride with friends.. Bicycling that is..

    Its getting very intense and I am starting to ride for a long time on these Sat. rides..

    tomorrow I will be riding 4+ hours, maybe a little less maybe more..

    During the week I ride 45-60 min. for some nice fat burning.. So I eat my normal lose weight diet..

    But during my Sat. rides, I DIE!! My energy level is wiped...

    Can someone please give me some great advice on what I should eat tonight (The night before) and maybe in the morning?

    Should I not worry to much about what I eat? Being that I will be burning well over 3k calories, or close to it..

    Thanks so much!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    4 hours of bike riding at what intensity????????

    Your stats will also help to find out your BMR!

    As for energy in the morning, 120g oats, banana & 2 slices whole grain toast.

    You can also keep some dextrose tablets on you for mid ride for extra boost.

    Stats will be helpful though!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    What kcal are you doing at the moment aswell????????? and what are your goals????

  4. #4
    Wow.. Ok, I will tell you what my stats are, but most will disagree with how I am eating, but I hope to get atleast some advice on what to eat for the ride..

    I'm 229lbs right now, was 262lbs as of 6 weeks ago. I take in any where from 1000 calories to 1400 calories a day, eating healthy food only.. Yes its extremely low, but I gained a ton of weight (no pun) in a short period of time.. Always been about 170-185lbs, gained that much weight in about 15 months.. Crazy I know..

    I ride about 45-60 min. a day with a day or 2 off and 1 day a week a long time.. MY BPM during my week rides are right around 60-70% for most of the duration..

    During my big weekend ride I would say I'm about in the same range, but it varies.. could go as low as 55%, but will got as high as 80%..

    Honestly, should I really worry to much about being strict with my diet? Should I bring some gel packs (like a energy bar, but easier to eat and designed around biking)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Right to start with for e.g you can use upto 600kcal in your sleep!!!!!!!!! your diet is inline with an infant (no offense). Your mineral intake must be diabolical. Your body will go into panic mode on those calories and store fat in the abdominal area, do you get a lot of colds and infections? if you don't then you are lucky. This has to be the worst diet i have seen for the anount of cardio you are doing.

    You need low GI carbs and a diet based around eating smaller amounts every 2.5 hours and eat 6 times a day. You are an highly active individual and a diet that low can burn too much muscle and also cause ketone bodies in which the liver takes calcium from bones and can cause bbd/osteoperosis.

    whats is your age and weight in kgs??

    With the above info i can work out you BMR

  6. #6
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    New Jersey
    ^ ^ ^ Good advice above, and I agree with all of it.

    As for your ride, eat before you leave the house and make it a VERY good protein/carb heavy meal.... i'd even do fats in this meal to slow the protein absorption down. So something like 2 whole eggs, 6-8 whites and 1 cup of oats w/ 1/2 cup berries.

    How much can you pack for your ride? I'd bring a protein shake w/ another cup of oats mixed in and have it 2 hours into your ride. Don't bring those crap energy bars, instead, make your own. Check the recipe section for some good ideas - oats, splenda, cinnamon, egg whites, etc - you can make something really nice and healthy to bring along and keep you fueled. You are WITHOUT A DOUBT burning LBM on this ride, and almost definitely during the week as well with that low calorie diet. All you're doing in the long run is slowing your metabolism to a crawl. It will only be harder to avoid storing bodyfat in the future, just ask Damienm05.

  7. #7
    I understand what you're saying and will be changing my diet soon, search my name, I just had a big discussion about just this.. Eating to low of calories..
    Believe it or not, I eat a lot.. I eat 6-7 times a day, I just eat small meals, 2 oz of fish, asparagus, chicken, avocado's,brown rice, did I mention fish? LOL I eat all day, just about 180-200 calories per meal..

    Quote Originally Posted by ijbickerdike View Post
    Right to start with for e.g you can use upto 600kcal in your sleep!!!!!!!!! your diet is inline with an infant (no offense). Your mineral intake must be diabolical. Your body will go into panic mode on those calories and store fat in the abdominal area, do you get a lot of colds and infections? if you don't then you are lucky. This has to be the worst diet i have seen for the anount of cardio you are doing.

    You need low GI carbs and a diet based around eating smaller amounts every 2.5 hours and eat 6 times a day. You are an highly active individual and a diet that low can burn too much muscle and also cause ketone bodies in which the liver takes calcium from bones and can cause bbd/osteoperosis.

    whats is your age and weight in kgs??

    With the above info i can work out you BMR

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    You simply need to eat a load of carbs

    Basmati rice
    Lots of oats
    Good bread

    How about this for a breakfast idea;

    Toast with baked bannana sliced on it, with honey and nutella and a big fat protein shake with a cup of oats, 60g whey, 30g dextrose and 500ml of milk


    Seriously m8 if ur going to ride ur bike for 4 hrs u can get away with eating like a nut case at breakfast

    Damm, that breakfast sounds good.

    I may have one of those when im trying to gain

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Also you couod take a drink with 100g of dextrose, 10g glutamine, 10g BCAA's and some salt in it

    You could sip on that over the four hrs easily

  10. #10
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    Thanks alot Base, now I gotta have that for breakfast tomorrow.... and I won't be biking anywhere in 10 degree weather. In fact, I plan on sitting on my ass all day long.

  11. #11
    Thanks guys...

    I plan on having a cup of cooked oats.. 2 eggs 4 eggwhites, a banana and two pieces of whole wheat bread.

    What do you think??

    What about tonight? Anything I should eat the night before??


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331 View Post
    Thanks guys...

    I plan on having a cup of cooked oats.. 2 eggs 4 eggwhites, a banana and two pieces of whole wheat bread.

    What do you think??

    What about tonight? Anything I should eat the night before??

    I'd eat more protein then a few eggs/whites personally. Carbs sound good, play it by ear and see how you feel. Bring food with you as I mentioned.

    Don't worry so much about the night before, nothing you eat that night will have much of a bearing on that bike ride the next day. Do not load up on carbs before you go to bed.

  13. #13
    Thanks.. I made those home made protein bars in the recipe thread..


    peanut butter (natty)
    protein powder
    egg whites
    and the rest is not so great in terms of cutting but I think I can easily handle it during my ride..
    1/2 cup of brown sugar

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Ugh, I was loving it until the brown sugar. Yea, you're probably burning it up during the ride anyway, but still... you couldn't handle splenda? How about Stevia?

  15. #15
    Yea I know.. I'm gonna throw them in the garbage...

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