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  1. #1
    mustang331's Avatar
    mustang331 is offline Member
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    What do you guys think of ASPARAGUS ???

    So I absolutely love Asparagus.. I am on a cutting diet right now and don't really like Broccoli.. Though if you guys think its better/healthier I might switch..

    but I eat Asparagus with almost every meal.. I like it so much I am starting to think its not healthy for me.. lol

    What do you guys think?

    **note A typical meal that I eat that includes Asparagus is this.

    2-3 oz of Flounder, baked then broiled.
    1/2 cup of Brown rice
    1/4 of an avocado
    3-4OZ of ASPARAGUS

    I love it all mixed together

    BTW I've read and learned so much about this root..

    I think the best and easiest way to cook these gems is this:

    When you get home with your.. Possibly the BIGGEST Asparagus you can find.. The small tiny ones are horrible and known to be the crappiest source.. The better ones are bigger, bigger=better.. AND DO NOT GET THE STUPID WHITE ONES.. Complete garbage..

    Ok so you get home take them out of there package and cut about 2 inches off from the bottom.. Place them in a cup filled with a little water and put a baggie around them..

    When its time to eat, take out your desired amount of Asparagus and cut 3-4 inches more off the bottom.
    Get about 1-2 paper towels (depending on how big) and soak it with water.. Then ring about 3/4 of the water out.. Open paper towel and place on a paper plate.. Lay your Asparagus on the wet towel and put whatever seasonings you like on.. I usually do a little salt,pepper and garlic powder.. Slowly roll the towel up, trying to cover each Asparagus with the paper towel..

    It should look like a rolled burrito or something..

    Put it in the microwave.. YEP the microwave

    1 minute=firm
    2 minute=PERFECT (IMO)
    3 minute=soft

    Got these tips from the good man, Alton Brown..

    I've tried cooking these things every single way, including deep frying.. lol.. Honestly I love the way they taste and look from the method I mentioned..
    Last edited by mustang331; 02-11-2011 at 07:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I think it makes my pee smell disgusting. Other than that, it is an extremelyi fibrous green vegetable loaded with nutrients and a caloric content that is basically negated in the digestion process. I say eat it til you can't stand it anymore.

  3. #3
    mustang331's Avatar
    mustang331 is offline Member
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    OK cool.. So would you agree its on par with Broccoli ??? In terms of vitamins and health

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    asparagus is good as long as you don't cook it till its the mush consistancy of the stuff you'd get in a can. Rub it down with olive oil and grill it with salt and pepper

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I LOVE asparagus. It's an excellent source of fiberous veggie. I don't love your meal though. Not enough fish (2-3oz? C'mon!) and I would do the rice OR avacado, not both together. Try and separate carbs and fats wherever possible, within reason. Why? Because carbs (glucose) is your body's preferred energy source, and your body will use it whenever it's present. Your body will not make efficient (if any) use of the fat you're eating along with carbs because it doesn't need to, increasing chances of it being stored as new bodyfat. Take note of the absolute worst foods you can eat - they're all high in both carbs and fats...

  6. #6
    X83's Avatar
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    Great stuff when its cooked properly but boy does it make your urine stink.

  7. #7
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Roasted..the best!

    I too luv the taste but not the now fav way to prepare

    snap the end off and I do this by feel
    single layer on a cookie sheet
    drizzle with olive oil
    roll them until covered with the oil...(you can do this in a bowl, but necessary IMHO)
    dash of sea salt

    350degrees for 15 minutes....perfection!

    can also do on a grill in AL foil....also very good!

  8. #8
    kbellr is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    I too luv the taste but not the now fav way to prepare

    snap the end off and I do this by feel
    single layer on a cookie sheet
    drizzle with olive oil
    roll them until covered with the oil...(you can do this in a bowl, but necessary IMHO)
    dash of sea salt

    350degrees for 15 minutes....perfection!

    can also do on a grill in AL foil....also very good!
    I do the exact same thing but I'll also crush some garlic and the sprinkle it on top before baking. Adds a bit of another antioxidant and good flavor.

    also, broccoli has that same chemical that beans do which makes you fart. not like bb diets are bad enough for gas right? i avoid broccoli completely and asparagus should be absolutely fine to replace with.

  9. #9
    hoyle21 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I LOVE asparagus. It's an excellent source of fiberous veggie. I don't love your meal though. Not enough fish (2-3oz? C'mon!) and I would do the rice OR avacado, not both together. Try and separate carbs and fats wherever possible, within reason. Why? Because carbs (glucose) is your body's preferred energy source, and your body will use it whenever it's present. Your body will not make efficient (if any) use of the fat you're eating along with carbs because it doesn't need to, increasing chances of it being stored as new bodyfat. Take note of the absolute worst foods you can eat - they're all high in both carbs and fats...

    I think that has been the most helpful for me. I eat Protein and carbs for meals 1-3 and protein and fats for 4-6. Everybody's body is different, but once I did that I really noticed a huge difference

  10. #10
    dblock521 is offline New Member
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    i agree, taste good alot of ways but the wife tells mie it makes my piss smell and she wont give me no mouth love the nights i eat asparagus

  11. #11
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Take a bundle with the bands on, wash it, roll the lower band down to the very base and cut off the lower portion without mini straws flying everywhere. Restaurant trick.

    Now for preparation, I spread the straws out on a sheet tray, spray them with no-cal olive oil spray and season generously with black pepper, lightly with sea salt. Throw on the top oven rack under the broiler until they get a nice bubbly brown char going. It just takes a couple minutes, they'll still be firm to the bite. Delicious.

  12. #12
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Love asparagus.

  13. #13
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Take a bundle with the bands on, wash it, roll the lower band down to the very base and cut off the lower portion without mini straws flying everywhere. Restaurant trick.

    Now for preparation, I spread the straws out on a sheet tray, spray them with no-cal olive oil spray and season generously with black pepper, lightly with sea salt. Throw on the top oven rack under the broiler until they get a nice bubbly brown char going. It just takes a couple minutes, they'll still be firm to the bite. Delicious.
    Hands down good stuff.

  14. #14
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    i love to dice it up sautee it with a bit of olive oil and sprinkle a little splenda on it.. that way it is still crispy.. and delicous

  15. #15
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Take a bundle with the bands on, wash it, roll the lower band down to the very base and cut off the lower portion without mini straws flying everywhere. Restaurant trick.

    Now for preparation, I spread the straws out on a sheet tray, spray them with no-cal olive oil spray and season generously with black pepper, lightly with sea salt. Throw on the top oven rack under the broiler until they get a nice bubbly brown char going. It just takes a couple minutes, they'll still be firm to the bite. Delicious.
    I do this as well. .but i like to squeeze half a lemon over them too.. the citrus is a nice compliment to the asparagus

  16. #16
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Yes, lemon juice is great! That reminds me of a recipe I used to do. You can make a BB friendly hollandaise sauce if you're doing pro/fat with asparagus. In your food processor, do an egg yolk with some salt, garlic, and the juice of a lemon. Slowly drizzle in a healthy oil while it purees to emulsify. I suppose it's more of an aioli but really nice with the grass.

  17. #17
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    ^^, good deal, kinda like the way i make a healty bearnaise with EVOO, but i heat the oil up to about 130 or 140 degrees so when i add it, it helps heat cook the egg yolk and give it more of a hollandaise consistancy

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