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Thread: My new diet - please critique (a couple ??? too)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    My new diet - please critique (a couple ??? too)

    OK, so here it is below. I pretty much took gbrice's template and made some adjustments based on a couple different factors. Easier to bring oranges to work than blue-berries, I work out at 1100, etc. I read the sticky in here on bulking. My BF is 10%, 5' 11", 30 yrs old. Using the BMR calculator (then multiply by my activity level), it claims I need 3032 calories per day. I'm only hitting about 2500 now. I have dropped in weight this week. I am working out very heavily M, W, F, and Sun. Not sure what to think after the first week, I feel a lot sharper/focused/energetic on the diet and i feel great while lifting. But I'm a bit worried by the recent weight loss. Could be water loss, maybe a bit of fat, I dunno. Well, any thoughts on how i should take this in stride would be appreciated. Do the macros look well placed surrounding my workouts? Should I increase or decrease on things? Thanks.

    Protein/carbs/fats/total calories

    630am: MEAL 1
    1 extra large egg, 4 extra large whites - 27/0/5/160
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/4 cup blueberries - 0/5/0/20

    Total 32/31/7.5/320

    930am: MEAL 2
    8oz broiled tilapia - 40/0/5/200
    1/2 cup brown rice – 3/22/0/100
    1/2 cup black and red beans – 6.5/19/0/90
    1/2 an orange – 1/10.5/0/40
    1 Fish Oils - 0/0/1/15

    TOTAL: 50.5/51.5/6/445

    WORKOUT at 1100’ish preceded by 1.5 mile hill run

    1230 ish pm: MEAL 3 - POST WORKOUT

    1 Shake isoMass XTreme Gainer - 65/70/7/650

    2pm: MEAL 4
    5oz chicken breast - 34/0/2/140
    1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
    1/2 orange - 1/10.5/0/40
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10
    (add diced red pepper, mushrooms, and alph-alpha sprouts with spinach)

    TOTAL: 41.5/38/4.5/330

    4pm: MEAL 5
    4oz 93/7 lean ground beef - 23/0/9/180
    1oz (dry) Barilla Plus Multigrain Pasta - 5/20/1/105

    TOTAL: 28/20/10/285

    630pm: MEAL 6
    2oz Flank Steak - 15/0/6/120
    1 extra large whole egg - 7/0/5/80
    3 extra large egg whites - 15/0/0/60
    2 cups baby spinach - 1.5/1.5/0/10


    9pm: MEAL 7
    1 tbsp natty PB - 4/3/8/105
    2 Fish Oils - 0/0/2/20

    Grand Total – 261/215/56/2460

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    that diet from GB is his cuting diet, u need to change it a good bit 2 make it into a bulking diet (u didnt actually sya but i presume ur bulking). the extra calories should come from carbs and a bit more fat. u have enough protein (u dont say ur weight but it should be enuf), u need another 1k calories if u want 2 gain good mass though, and 200g carbs + 20g fat should be enough. all of your meals have more protein then carbs, i dont like that for bulking, breakfast especially add some more oats and some more rice for your other meals. EFA's r always good for another 5-10g of fat. u take a weight gainer shake (ON serious mass is the only one ive tryed) but most relly way to much on maltodextrin(sugar) for carbs. get some more carbs and fats in there and i think ur good. GB will set u right wen he posts on this. good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    My bad. I normally weigh in at 160 in the morning and it has been ticking down all week, now at 157.5 this morning. And yes, I am trying to bulk up. If more carbs is the answer, good. That's much easier to add. I think i could push it up a good 1000 calories pretty easily by adding more oats, rice, and pasta. I guess I just need to know exactly when it would be better to add it. I'm thinking meals 1, 2, and 4. I'll take a look at the weight shake ingredients too to see where all the carbs are coming from. Pretty tight on money the last couple weeks so I have been trying to avoid ordering a new proteing powder. When i do, it'll be natures best isopure, then i can just add the oats like gbrice does to add in the carbs. They make a zero carb protein powder which would be perfect im thinking since i could then add my choice of carbs.

    Note, i went and got the all natural peanut butter for the before bedtime meal. I've never been a big fan of pb, but this all natural stuff is so fricking good! I look forward to bedtime now just so i can eat some. lol, when my wife saw it after i opened it it had all the oil at the top and i had to stir it in, she was like "wtf is that sh!t". Now she eats it with me at night. thanks for the reply btw.
    Last edited by kbellr; 02-12-2011 at 05:40 PM.

  4. #4
    IMHO I would do this:

    Meal 1 - add another 1/2 cup oats
    Meal 2 - add 3 oz more chicken and another 1/2 cup rice
    Meal 4 - add 3 oz more chicken and 1/2 cup oats
    Meal 5 - add 2-4 oz beef and another 1 oz pasta
    Meal 7 - no protein? add a scoop of casein to go with the fat from the PB

    Are you doing any cardio? Diet and food choices look good, just not enough calories for adding mass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    IMHO I would do this:

    Meal 1 - add another 1/2 cup oats
    Meal 2 - add 3 oz more chicken and another 1/2 cup rice he eats tilapia here, 8oz is plenty
    Meal 4 - add 3 oz more chicken and 1/2 cup oatsdont think he needs much more protein
    Meal 5 - add 2-4 oz beef and another 1 oz pastasame as meal 4, no need 4 more protein.
    Meal 7 - no protein? add a scoop of casein to go with the fat from the PB definately add casein or some slow protein!

    Are you doing any cardio? Diet and food choices look good, just not enough calories for adding mass.
    what he said shuld do the trick, but i dotn think u need much more protein, that would be about another 40g of protein(not necessary imo). and i only noticed ur bedtime meal. i hate it! pb is fine, and fish oils (usually u take in morning but doesnt matter) but theres basicly no protein at all, sleep is when u go the longest without food so u need a casein protein in there. if money is an issue then go 4 cottage cheese/beef. plus i gotta try some natty pb then :P the stuff i have is imported american dog shit basicly!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    IMHO I would do this:

    Meal 1 - add another 1/2 cup oats
    Meal 2 - add 3 oz more chicken and another 1/2 cup rice
    Meal 4 - add 3 oz more chicken and 1/2 cup oats
    Meal 5 - add 2-4 oz beef and another 1 oz pasta
    Meal 7 - no protein? add a scoop of casein to go with the fat from the PB

    Are you doing any cardio? Diet and food choices look good, just not enough calories for adding mass.
    Yes, doing cardio but not nearly as much as i used to. Used to run at least 16 miles per week, now I may get in 5 miles at most. Mainly because its been below freezing here for the last 3 weeks, i'm originally from arizona, i don't play well with that cold sh!t! Anyway, I will go grab some cottage cheese to eat with the pb and fish oil at night. I really don't think i will add anymore meats/protein throughout the day other than that. I'll bump up all the rices, beans, pasta, and oats though. Note that those do include their own sources of protein as well, so I'll add all those today and see how next week goes.

    I guess it's worth noting, apparently gbrice75's cutting diet work huh? lol, my metabolism is fast man, so believe it or not i could see the water weight and fat coming off me throughout the week. I can see the striations in my chest muscles now and I was like, damn - not exactly what i expected but pretty cool none-the-less. So now i know i can switch to this diet after the bulking cycle and pretty readily burn off the added fat and water. thanks for your help guys and take care

  7. #7
    My bad on meal 2 - I guess I misread it....8oz tilapia is fine.

    Good idea to add beans etc. which will increase carbs and protein as well. I would not add 200g of carbs and 20g of fats with no increase in protein as the other poster suggested. That would put your diet at a 35-55-10 split which unless you are a very hard gainer could be an excellent recipe for fat gain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    My bad on meal 2 - I guess I misread it....8oz tilapia is fine.

    Good idea to add beans etc. which will increase carbs and protein as well. I would not add 200g of carbs and 20g of fats with no increase in protein as the other poster suggested. That would put your diet at a 35-55-10 split which unless you are a very hard gainer could be an excellent recipe for fat gain.
    my diet is 40-50-10 so i guess mess around with it a little bit untill he finds hit sweet spot. at 30 u have alot slower metabolism then me (im 19), and cottage cheese does the same job a casein, i cant stand that shit though :P it is cheaper though so personal choice. good luck!

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