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Thread: Weight-loss and Strength Training simultaneously, need diet and supplement help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Charleston, SC

    Weight-loss and Strength Training simultaneously, need diet and supplement help!

    I am in the process of some serious weight-loss and also have developed a strength training routine.

    My health is good: Low cholesterol, blood sugar levels, low blood pressure, etc. I eat healthy.

    Every time I ask a question about supplementation, test boosters, etc, I just get the standard msg: "lose weight first." This is not helpful, as I am strength training at the same time, and have the same needs as everyone else to get max pumps, etc.

    Here is my current supplement list:

    GNC Mega Man Energy Vitapak (MegaMan multi, Triple Tinsa Rush, Staminol, Saw Palmetto)
    Nature Made Fish Oil
    Nature Made CoQ10
    VPX NO-Shotgun MHF-1
    EAS 100% Whey Protein Powder

    Is this a good, complete, list of supplements to be taking? When should I be taking them? I have seen supplement routines that have people taking things at different times of day.

    Also I have been considering Test boosters. Any recommendations?

    Thanks so much!!!

    I have been told that Orange Triad is a good multi, and they have packs for fish oil, etc.

    Also I have been told that Test Charge is a good product.
    Last edited by Senseipro; 02-15-2011 at 10:01 AM. Reason: pvt info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I feel you about getting annoyed by the standard "lose weight first" response. I remember when I had similar goals and I still wanted to make gains and get some nice pumps going in addition to burning excess body fat. That said, the supplements you're taking are more than enough. I assume the NO-Shotgun is a pre-workout supp for focus/pump that has caffeine, creatine, and arginine, yes? You could always add some plain old creatine monohydrate to your PWO shake, ~ 1 teaspoon.

    Your multivitamin is good. Any sport-specific blend is fine. Just avoid one-a-days. In my opinion, the GNC "MegaMan" is excellent. I've also used Orange Triad and ON Men's Multi and saw no difference in energy levels/gains. I've never tried a test booster, mainly because when I was new here and asked about them, the overwhelming response was, "save your money and do a cycle when you're ready" haha. That said, all OTC test-boosters are just herbal blends. You'd be better to do a search on herbs that increase natural test production and supplement with them. Beyond a good multi, PWO whey, creatine monohydrate, 10-12g omega-3 from fish oil, and a pre-workout supp (coffee counts), I see no reason to waste any more money that should be going to food. 5-8 lean protein based meals daily is the ultimate supplement, whatever the goal.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2009

    Post your diet and we'll critique it. Nothing is better for natty test production, fat loss, and muscle growth than a perfect diet.

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I have not read thru ur post but i will share one hing with you

    The suppliment industry is a muli million, maybe even billion dollar industry

    They are out to make money. Convincing guys that if they take x y and z they will be huge ripped and strong as an ox.

    This is complete bull shit that has gotten way out of hand over the last 10-15 years.

    If a supliment contains more than one compound i would not buy it

    If a suppliment is endorsed by a bodybuilder i would not but it

    Keep it simple stupid!

    U can go wronge with buying un branded bulk sups.

    Creatine mono hydrate

    Thats about it IMO

  5. #5
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    Charleston, SC
    Ok thanks for the great responses so far.

    Since my weight is so out of whack, the only thing I track right now is calories and I try to limit my carb consumption in the afternoon. Calculators I've used online say I should be eating between 2500-3000 calories a day to lose 1-3 lbs a week. Since I don't even consume that now, I just try to keep it around 2000-2300 a day. If I drop calories too fast, my body produces too much Cortisol, which I have an overabundance of due to a large amount of abdominal fat. I need to keep just the right amount of calories coming in. When I lose about 50 lbs or so and I'm down to around 250, I will start keeping a more regimented diet, as it will require a closer eye to see what and when I eat.

    The basics are: I eat about 3 times a day; morning is complex carbs (oatmeal, nuts) and a protein shake with calorie countdown milk (approx. 700-800 cal). afternoon is whatever my coworkers and I eat out at (I go for salads, or lean proteins when possible, sometimes a burger or a sub) (approx. 1000 cal), and evening it is a protein shake post-workout, and usually a prepared meal with a meat, a veggie, maybe a turkey & cheese sandwich made with sandwich thins and mustard (approx 500-700 cal).

    I work out for about 1-1.5 hrs, 5-6 days a week. My sleep is terrible at between 4-7 hrs.

  6. #6
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    Based on how you're eating, I wouldn't use any supplements. Your diet is poor, regardless of the goal and whatever excuses you're using. Look around at how myself and these other guys are eating. I'm not bashing you but you didn't get to 300 lbs. with good philosophies on dieting. You're not even tracking your protein intake but you're looking for supplements to help increase strength and mass? Do yourself a favor and get your diet sorted before you lose that 50 lbs. because you'll lose it faster, better, and more of it will be body fat.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    Based on how you're eating, I wouldn't use any supplements. Your diet is poor, regardless of the goal and whatever excuses you're using. Look around at how myself and these other guys are eating. I'm not bashing you but you didn't get to 300 lbs. with good philosophies on dieting. You're not even tracking your protein intake but you're looking for supplements to help increase strength and mass? Do yourself a favor and get your diet sorted before you lose that 50 lbs. because you'll lose it faster, better, and more of it will be body fat.
    I do have a record of my protein, fat (sat, unsat), fiber, carbohydrates, sodium, sugar, cholesterol. I was only speaking to my caloric intake in the previous post, which has been my main focus because I can't exceed a certain amount.

    Everything I eat is logged in iFitness Food Tracker. I just do not personally track each macro-nutrient daily. Once I get my supplements squared away, I will be tracking them, not just logging them. Just because I eat a "sub" doesn't mean I didn't go to that restaurants website and get the nutritional info off it for my logs.

    No excuses required.

    Please give me an example of how you are eating. Although I need more calories than you do right now, I can take a look at what/when you are eating as a good point of reference. Thanks so much for the help so far!

  8. #8
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    I've been trying to research the proper quantity and ratio of macro-nutrients I should be consuming and I am having a hard time getting a handle on it. Any help would be appreciated!

  9. #9
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    1-1.5g protein per lb of LEAN body weight. Carbs as needed for energy (ideally just 2-3 complex carb meals early in the day based on your goal) and then small fat portions in the other protein based meals post-workout, later into the day. Something like 300/100/75 would be a nice composition for 2200 cals.

  10. #10
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    Charleston, SC
    You are the man. I will read up on this and compare it to my logs. Thanks again Damien.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post

    1-1.5g protein per lb of LEAN body weight. Carbs as needed for energy (ideally just 2-3 complex carb meals early in the day based on your goal) and then small fat portions in the other protein based meals post-workout, later into the day. Something like 300/100/75 would be a nice composition for 2200 cals.
    I can't thank you enough for your help; I understand way more than I used to about calories, macro-nutrient intake, etc.

    I am now working on the proper calorie intake, and quantity of each macro-nutrient, along with when I should be consuming them. I don't know a lot about this so I am trying to figure it out and its a daunting task >.<

    You have opened my eyes to all these things, and I sincerely appreciate it all. I didn't understand that macro-nutrient intake is equally as important as the calorie monitoring.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    You're in good hands brotha, and have a great attitude. You will go far!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    You're in good hands brotha, and have a great attitude. You will go far!
    Thanks I appreciate it. Is there any general rules of thumb regarding macro-nutrient consumption, in terms of carb and fat intake, as well as times of day for consumption? I know the general rule of 1-1.5g/lb for protein, and to have a recovery shake before bed.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post

    1-1.5g protein per lb of LEAN body weight. Carbs as needed for energy (ideally just 2-3 complex carb meals early in the day based on your goal) and then small fat portions in the other protein based meals post-workout, later into the day. Something like 300/100/75 would be a nice composition for 2200 cals.
    Ok so 3 bodybuilding nutrition books later and I have a fairly good grip on proper nutrition. It seems the only looming question is what the best composition (percentage) of each macronutrient should be present. I've seen 55%prot/30%carb/15%fat as an example, and your suggestion above is roughly 55%prot/15%carb/30%fat. I've come to realize that my calorie count will always be a struggle to maintain unless efficient ways to uptake protein is found. 250-300g of protein just utilizing whey mixes in water will put me around 1200 calories! I've got the carb consumption thing down: I track all my meals and eat only complex carbs for morning and afternoon meals, with almost no carbs (other than veggies & incidental) after 11:00am. I try to keep my protein intake high all day, getting in several protein shakes throughout the day. I drink lots of water.

    I did your TDEE calcs and came up with 3502 calories a day, based on 1.6 activity rate. Keep in mind I'm trying to lose almost 100 lbs of fat while gaining approx. 35-40 lbs of muscle at the same time. I don't know what my proper calorie level should be to lose a good amount of fat. I seem to not be hungry and have plenty of energy for the gym at around 2000-2200 calories a day. I work out 6 days a week, 1-2 hours a day, with moderate intensity cardio and weight lifting. This puts my theoretical caloric deficit pretty large (3502-2200) = 1302 before adding calories burned from gym. This puts my caloric deficit around 2000 per day when all is said and done. My weekly fat reduction should be around 4 lbs per week.

    Since I am building muscle, it is very difficult to track this, so I am getting hydrostatic testing done bi-weekly to track my progress. I started at 301 lbs, 38% body fat, and 14 days later I am at 285 lbs, 35% body fat. This is based on 2000 calories a day, and workin' my a$$ off. My strength training starts this week, which cuts out a lot of cardio, so I hope this doesn't mess me up too bad.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post

    Post your diet and we'll critique it. Nothing is better for natty test production, fat loss, and muscle growth than a perfect diet.

    This is my diet for the last 4 days. I am still sorting it out so any helpful criticism is greatly appreciated!

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